But you have no proof. No pictures (which I would accept, even if the forums don't.) or anything.
First hand accounts from multiple sources is just as good as any picture. In fact, the multiple accounts in the Flat Earth Literature is better than photographic evidence because the accounts are coming from multiple independent researchers. A photograph from one person may very well be fake. But when multiple people detail reports of observing an effect, the reality of this effect is pretty conclusive.
let me see if i understand your bizarre logic:
1a) people lie.
1b) lying is as quick and easy as telling the truth, and doesn't have to bother people's conscience if they lie to themselves first.
1c) lying requires no expertise, humans are born to do it.
1d) eyewitness testimony and anecdotal evidence have repeatedly proven themselves to be of exceptionally low value to science.
2a) digital photos can be faked
2b) it's difficult and very time-consuming to photoshop a high-res fake that withstands close inspection (e.g.
2c) convincing photoshopping requires a high level of expertise.
therefore, in your world, the "word" of people are somehow better than their photos.
i suppose then it's no wonder you are the single most well-documented liar on this forum.