
To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?

11 (78.6%)
3 (21.4%)

Total Members Voted: 14

To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?

  • 158 Replies
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2014, 02:14:09 PM »
"Eric Dollard explains transverse waves, or sinusoidal waves travel over space and time, but the longitudinal wave travels per time, and that there is a 105,000mi/sec difference between the speed of light and the speed of a longitudinal wave (Dollard). Eric reveals things like the waves emitted by the moon are Longitudinal in type, and as a result are not visible until they reflect off mass , like the moon, or the earth's atmosphere, creating transverse light at light speed, what Einstein called a constant. Eric Dollard, as pointed out by the member of the audience, and Nikola Tesla's work diverges from what is considered working science."
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">



  • 3860
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Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2014, 02:51:38 PM »
"Eric Dollard explains transverse waves, or sinusoidal waves travel over space and time, but the longitudinal wave travels per time, and that there is a 105,000mi/sec difference between the speed of light and the speed of a longitudinal wave (Dollard). Eric reveals things like the waves emitted by the moon are Longitudinal in type, and as a result are not visible until they reflect off mass , like the moon, or the earth's atmosphere, creating transverse light at light speed, what Einstein called a constant. Eric Dollard, as pointed out by the member of the audience, and Nikola Tesla's work diverges from what is considered working science."
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
He is describing what I teach. Electromagnetic energy or radio waves have two fields. An electric field and a magnetic field. They transverse each other at 90 degrees. They travel at the speed of light. Thank you for your vote.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 05:44:54 PM by Starman »

Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2014, 03:04:14 PM »
Here is the video that it does." class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
The radio wave is propagating OUTSIDE the vacuum.  The true test would have to been done completely INSIDE the vacuum.  Rig the phone with something that pushes the dial button, like a ball that falls after the air is evacuated.  (I've seen it done on a NASA video).

Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2014, 03:54:30 PM »
"Eric Dollard explains transverse waves, or sinusoidal waves travel over space and time, but the longitudinal wave travels per time, and that there is a 105,000mi/sec difference between the speed of light and the speed of a longitudinal wave (Dollard). Eric reveals things like the waves emitted by the moon are Longitudinal in type, and as a result are not visible until they reflect off mass , like the moon, or the earth's atmosphere, creating transverse light at light speed, what Einstein called a constant. Eric Dollard, as pointed out by the member of the audience, and Nikola Tesla's work diverges from what is considered working science."
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
He is describing what I teach. Electromagnetic energy or radio waves have two fields. An electric field and a magnetic field. They transverse each other at 90 degrees. They travel at the speed of light. Thank you for your vote.
So longitudinal waves (like all EM waves) are invisible until they hit mass.  They then become what we know of as visible light.  Do you agree?


Scintific Method

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Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2014, 04:06:29 PM »
I voted yes because the world is demonstrably flat and people send radio waves through vacuums all the time.

I haven't seen this demonstrated yet. I have seen the effects of earth's curvature demonstrated on a daily basis though.
Quote from: jtelroy
...the FE'ers still found a way to deny it. Not with counter arguments. Not with proof of any kind. By simply denying it.

"Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt."



  • 3860
  • Never miss a day to learn something
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2014, 05:21:05 PM »
Here is the video that it does." class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
The radio wave is propagating OUTSIDE the vacuum.  The true test would have to been done completely INSIDE the vacuum.  Rig the phone with something that pushes the dial button, like a ball that falls after the air is evacuated.  (I've seen it done on a NASA video).
The phone rang inside because the tower near by made the connection not the phone in the hand. If the radio signal could not travel in the vacuum the phone would not get the signal and the phone would not light up. Do you get it? It does not matter who makes the call the connection is made. Both phones are transmitting and receiving at the same time but it is going through the cell tower.



  • 3860
  • Never miss a day to learn something
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2014, 05:25:17 PM »
"Eric Dollard explains transverse waves, or sinusoidal waves travel over space and time, but the longitudinal wave travels per time, and that there is a 105,000mi/sec difference between the speed of light and the speed of a longitudinal wave (Dollard). Eric reveals things like the waves emitted by the moon are Longitudinal in type, and as a result are not visible until they reflect off mass , like the moon, or the earth's atmosphere, creating transverse light at light speed, what Einstein called a constant. Eric Dollard, as pointed out by the member of the audience, and Nikola Tesla's work diverges from what is considered working science."
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
He is describing what I teach. Electromagnetic energy or radio waves have two fields. An electric field and a magnetic field. They transverse each other at 90 degrees. They travel at the speed of light. Thank you for your vote.
So longitudinal waves (like all EM waves) are invisible until they hit mass.  They then become what we know of as visible light.  Do you agree?
Radio waves are made up of two waves. One is electric and the other is magnetic. That is why it is call electromagnetic. It has nothing to do with mass. As the frequency gets higher in the spectrum of visible light and hits a surface it will reflect back to our eye. Then we can see it.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 05:45:59 PM by Starman »

Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2014, 07:33:37 PM »
       I have access to a lab at a local university that has a vacuum and anything else your experiment needs.

I'll gladly try your experiment and provide video of it.
At which point Scepti will happily point out that it wasn't a total 100% vacuum, because the air molecules expand to take up any empty space around them as the air is being pumped out of the chamber........... this of course would lead to increasingly larger, and fewer, atoms and molecules until the remaining handfull are the size of regular dishsoap bubbles, and will still be pulled out of the chamber until the last remaining molecule fills the entire chamber and is either sucked out, thus creating a total vacuum, or remains inside.....and what would it look like I wonder.

So longitudinal waves (like all EM waves) are invisible until they hit mass.  They then become what we know of as visible light.  Do you agree?
Whether it's coming from the source or reflecting off something, light is invisible unless it's traveling into your eyes.

Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #38 on: April 26, 2014, 01:06:57 AM »
"Eric Dollard explains transverse waves, or sinusoidal waves travel over space and time, but the longitudinal wave travels per time, and that there is a 105,000mi/sec difference between the speed of light and the speed of a longitudinal wave (Dollard). Eric reveals things like the waves emitted by the moon are Longitudinal in type, and as a result are not visible until they reflect off mass , like the moon, or the earth's atmosphere, creating transverse light at light speed, what Einstein called a constant. Eric Dollard, as pointed out by the member of the audience, and Nikola Tesla's work diverges from what is considered working science."
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
He is describing what I teach. Electromagnetic energy or radio waves have two fields. An electric field and a magnetic field. They transverse each other at 90 degrees. They travel at the speed of light. Thank you for your vote.
So longitudinal waves (like all EM waves) are invisible until they hit mass.  They then become what we know of as visible light.  Do you agree?

EM waves are mostly transverse.



  • Flat Earth Sultan
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Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #39 on: April 26, 2014, 01:48:47 AM »
It all comes back to the set of Maxwell's original equations:



Einstein’s entire basis for postulating the constancy of the speed of light lay with the misinformed view that Maxwell’s equations do not contain a convective term. It is in this respect in particular th at Maxwell’s contribution to
electromagnetism has been totally distorted. Maxwell and Einstein were not remotely working along the same lines, while Maxwell was quite clear about the fact that the speed of light is measured relative to an elastic solid (comprised
of fluid vortices), and that it is most certainly not frame independent as is believed by relativists.

Any wave (radio, sound, uv, light, x-ray, infrared) travels through a string of subquarks (ether), in a medium called aether.

Official science:

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum. This is because in a vacuum, there are no molecules as well as particles to propagate the vibrations of sound waves.

But the energy of the sound wave can still travel in vacuum through the subquarks strings - so far no experiments have been done to research this topic.

"Tesla referred to the Hertz theory of radio as a scientific aberration, and it still apparently is. He discovered a new wave which oscillated longitudinally, as does a sound wave, not transversely as with the Hertz electromagnetic wave. It was variable in velocity and he measured it at significantly greater velocities than that of light---invalidating relativity before it was 'established', and not adding to his popularity. Today, such a wave is known as a scalar wave, it is an oscillating potential as opposed to the electromagnetic wave with its oscillating alternating electric and magnetic vectors. Further, Tesla was also aware of the fantastic applications of this scalar wave---very much hushed up today---from depositing any amount of energy to any point on Earth for destruction, or free energy for home, industry, and transportation uses, ranging to such fantastic possibilities of placing an impenetrable domed shield of scalar-electromagnetic energy around, say, a city to protect it from any attack. He worked out the details and endeavoured to obtain government funding."

« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 02:08:39 AM by sandokhan »

Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #40 on: April 26, 2014, 02:13:53 AM »



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #41 on: April 26, 2014, 02:27:13 AM »
I don't even know why you are all arguing this. It should be quite plain that any wave cannot travel in a vacuum.
The operative word is WAVE no matter what you decide to call it. A vacuum does not provide a medium for a wave to propagate.
This reliance of bull crap science (it rhymes) has battered so many people's heads, it's actually understandable why they take a ferocious stance on keeping it alive.

All waves are electromagnetic, it's just a case of the energy and frequency and vibration of those waves that determines what you see, hear or feel.
One thing is for absolute certain...and even top scientists know this, I'm sure of that....is... nothing will work in a vacuum. A vacuum renders all communication, light, sight, weight....none existent.

Of course. I'm just a nutter who knows nothing, so why should anyone even bother to look at anything I say. That's fair enough, you can have it your way...you all have your ways of doing things and it's your life to think what you want.

As an exercise, how about just searching your minds and really looking into this stuff and look at it all from another angle, instead of just accepting the word of scientists who change theories like the wind.

I'd like to believe that there's some people looking into this forum that can see past the nonsense of the scence they saturate us with. There are a few on here...but when I say a few...I mean a few.

It's sad that so many people hang onto ridiculous things like radio waves and stuff working in a vacuum, without actually realising what a vacuum actually is. Some people are conned by little experiments that evacuate a little air out of a chamber and operate something to prove that it works.

It shocks me that very few people are interested in finding the truth and just want to go on in life happily accepting the drivel that is told to them.

Let me tell you all something. Your entire history is a lie, right up to this very day. The only thing you all know for real, is what is happening in your own vicinity.

Your news is fabrication of truth. Your space boffins are people who are paid for absolutely nothing...other than telling you fantasy stories.
You believe all this stuff because you believe they know better and are experts. They are only experts in bull crap.

If they told you how everything worked, they know immediately that it renders space and all that we believed it was...USELESS...a fantasy.

We are that frigging naive and gullible that we will believe anything they say, which is proved by telling us we are stood on top and under, a big spinning ball that somehow stays in space, heated by a big sun that is sat in space and spewing out light and heat from 93 million miles away.

To keep all that up, plus the rest of it, they make up crap and attribute it all to thousands of years old people and later centuries old people who sorted it all out with nothing more than basic tools...supposedly.

All that supposed time of knowing this that and the other and yet, today, with all our technology, we still don't have a clue whether light is a particle or a wave...allegedly.
There is a very good reason for this. It's because by keeping it like this and many other things as a mere theory, it gives them scope to add in any old nonsense when someone comes along and scuppers all their bull crap.

It's one of the reasons why nobody actually knows what a lot of stuff is, like gravity, etc, because it's impossible to argue against to get to any truth. They can make anything up for it to fit and very few seem to use their common sense to realise it's all made up nonsense.
Your Earth is sat in a soft springy mattress in space. called warped space time or some crap. People sit back and say, " ahhh, so that's what's happening." It's like saying that superman turned back time by spinning the Earth the opposite way.  ::)

Crap grainy video of moon men. Virtual vacuum landing mars rovers PARACHUTING down, using close to vacuum thin air??
Post mission conferences with umming and erring supposed geniuses all sat on stage exhibiting nervousness and ad lib nonsense when put on the spot. Clear to see for anyone with kids sense that it's all lies...yet very few see this. People don't see this stuff, because they live in a world of actors...good and bad in films and sit coms, etc and simply accept the awe of whatever is put out in the same fashion of supposed real life missions, etc.

There's a reason why communication gets called AIR waves. There's a reason for the word WAVES.
Good luck making a wave in a matterless environment.

Once you get your head around this, you will then go on a spiral of seeing things in reality, or the reality that much of your life , especially to do with space and magical fissioning, etc, has been one massive dupe and a clever one, at that.

Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2014, 02:33:18 AM »
So what you're saying is that you don't actually have any experiment, and you're just spouting bullshit?

Noted :)

Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #43 on: April 26, 2014, 02:40:15 AM »
Yes I reckon so otherwise how does Mission Control at Houston recieve radio signals from astronauts and how do aliens recieve our transmissions and at places like NORAD we recieve theirs?



  • Flat Earth Sultan
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 7267
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #44 on: April 26, 2014, 02:49:18 AM »
lol okay, here are a few experiments that support Einstein's postulates:


There is no such thing as Einstein's postulates from a scientific point of view.

The speed of light is NOT constant (the very basic assumption made by ALL the experiments mentioned).

Dayton Miller ether drift results


"The effect [of ether-drift] has persisted throughout. After considering all the possible sources of error, there always remained a positive effect." Dayton Miller (1928, p.399)

"My opinion about Miller's experiments is the following. ... Should the positive result be confirmed, then the special theory of relativity and with it the general theory of relativity, in its current form, would be invalid. Experimentum summus judex. Only the equivalence of inertia and gravitation would remain, however, they would have to lead to a significantly different theory."

Albert Einstein, in a letter to Edwin E. Slosson, 8 July 1925 (from copy in Hebrew University Archive, Jerusalem.) See citations below for Silberstein 1925 and Einstein 1926.

"I believe that I have really found the relationship between gravitation and electricity, assuming that the Miller experiments are based on a fundamental error. Otherwise, the whole relativity theory collapses like a house of cards."

Albert Einstein, in a letter to Robert Millikan, June 1921 (in Clark 1971, p.328)

http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php/topic,3152.msg1398930.html#msg1398930 (more details)

And now, the most extraordinary proofs on HOW EINSTEIN FAKED HIS 1919/1922 DATA FOR THE SO CALLED EINSTEIN SHIFT:


http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/dishones.htm (scroll down to the section: With regard to the politics that led to Einstein's fame Dr. S. Chandrasekhar's article [46] states...)



http://www.gravitywarpdrive.com/Rethinking_Relativity.htm (scroll down to The advance of the perihelion of Mercury’s orbit, another famous confirmation of General Relativity, is worth a closer look...)

Dr. F. Schmeidler of the Munich University Observatory has published a paper  titled "The Einstein Shift An Unsettled Problem," and a plot of shifts for 92 stars for the 1922 eclipse shows shifts going in all directions, many of them going the wrong way by as large a deflection as those shifted in the predicted direction! Further examination of the 1919 and 1922 data originally interpreted as confirming relativity, tended to favor a larger shift, the results depended very strongly on the manner for reducing the measurements and the effect of omitting individual stars.

But Pound and Rebka ASSUMED that the speed of light is constant and not a variable.

If the speed of the light pulses in the gravitational field is VARIABLE, then the frequency shift measured by Pound and Rebka is a direct consequence of this variability and there is no gravitational time dilation.

See the discussion here: http://blog.hasslberger.com/2006/04/recovering_the_lorentz_ether_c.html

What will it take for everybody to understand the difference between e/m waves and Tesla waves?

An ether wave is a transverse wave.

These waves are made up of subquark strings.

These subquark strings consists of bosons which propagate LONGITUDINALLY inside the ether waves themselves.

Tesla never used e/m waves, that is, ripples of the ether waves. Instead he sent the signal/energy directly through the bosons longitudinally.

"... It is too noted that the phenomenon here involved in the transmission of electrical energy is one of TRUE CONDUCTION AND IS NOT TO BE CONFOUNDED WITH THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICAL RADIATION which have heretofore been observed and which from the very nature and mode of propagation would render practically IMPOSSIBLE THE TRANSMISSION OF ANY APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF ENERGY TO SUCH DISTANCES as are of practical importance. ..."

Obviously, Nikola Tesla accentuates that his "energy-transfer-waves" ARE NOT HERTZIAN !!!.
   "... It is necessary to employ oscillations in which the rate of radiation of energy into space IN THE FORM OF HERTZIAN OR ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IS VERY SMALL. "

In a conductor electrical current is transmitted through the subquark strings of the atoms which align themselves to allow the bosons to move through its medium.

Ether waves which fill each nanometer of aether consist of these subquark strings.

Therefore, Tesla realized that he can transmit electrical current, WIRELESSLY, through the ether waves to power up light bulbs, electrical motors, and much more.

You will get NORMAL SIGNALS as long as the density of the aether medium and ether waves does not interfere with the temporary electromagnetic hertzian ripple.

Tesla had arranged for the automatic activation of aether-rebroadcast circuits in the station. The down pouring aether was automatically shunted to side circuits through capacitors. In these side branches, aether pulsed through dielectrics and expanded over the surfaces of his smaller coils.
Thus stimulated to more rapid pulsation rates, they were ready for "rebroadcast". Being rebroadcast away from the station through large vacuum globes, poised on elevated platforms, these were the aetheric pulsations, which would be utilized in home and industry. Simple and compact receivers would be established in every home and factory, set to receive aetheric current through the ground. Tests were thrilling.
The distant appliances, lamps and motors responded to the powerful pulsations, as if they were physically connected to the station by wire. A small house-like structure was established some 26 miles away from the station.
In it, an aetheric power receiver was tuned to one of the rebroadcast rates. The 200 lamps housed within this structure, each of 50 watts rating, all remained brilliantly illuminated throughout the test runs. This apparently stimulated enough excitement and concern for word of this development to get back east.


Therefore, Tesla used the ether waves LONGITUDINALLY - Hertz produced only temporary ripples in these ether waves, and called his ripples electromagnetic waves.

Tesla discovered a fundamental flaw in Hertz’s experiment: Hertz had failed to take into account he presence of air in his experiments. Hertz had mistakenly identified electrostatic inductions or electrified shockwaves as true electromagnetic waves. Tesla was saddened to bring this news to the distinguished academician, but felt scientific honesty was paramount if progress was to be achieved. Tesla visited Hertz in Germany and personally demonstrated the experimental error to him. Hertz agreed with Tesla and had planned to withdraw his claim, but reputations, political agendas, national pride, and above all, powerful financial interests, intervened in that decision and set the stage for a major rift in the ‘accepted’ theories that soon became transformed into the fundamental “laws” of the electric sciences that have held sway in industry and the halls of academia to the present day.

Tesla demonstrated the use of ether waves and advanced the electromagnetism theory into new dimensions, further than Hertz and other scientists of his time could conceive. He described his "wireless" waves being far superior to Hertzian waves, which diminish with distance.





With the discrediting of the Second Postulate, in the words of MIT-trained geophysicist
Enders Robinson, PhD “we must kiss relativity theory goodbye.

“Einstein‟s theory of relativity” is substantially science fiction, fantasy or philosophy,
and represents the worst of science: how science can become political, how political factors can affect funding, how funding can affect scientists‟ jobs and careers, how experimental data can be manipulated to serve as propaganda, and how theory can be presented as fact.

http://web.archive.org/web/20120205135201/http://www.kevin.harkess.btinternet.co.uk/reasons_einstein_wrong/reasons_einstein_wrong.html (all the sections especially: Tests that have been carried out that show Einstein was wrong)

The Michelson-Morley experiment is the greatest experimental CATASTROPHE of the 19th century.




  • 3860
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Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2014, 04:07:25 AM »
I don't even know why you are all arguing this. It should be quite plain that any wave cannot travel in a vacuum.
The operative word is WAVE no matter what you decide to call it. A vacuum does not provide a medium for a wave to propagate.
This reliance of bull crap science (it rhymes) has battered so many people's heads, it's actually understandable why they take a ferocious stance on keeping it alive.

All waves are electromagnetic, it's just a case of the energy and frequency and vibration of those waves that determines what you see, hear or feel.
One thing is for absolute certain...and even top scientists know this, I'm sure of that....is... nothing will work in a vacuum. A vacuum renders all communication, light, sight, weight....none existent.

Of course. I'm just a nutter who knows nothing, so why should anyone even bother to look at anything I say. That's fair enough, you can have it your way...you all have your ways of doing things and it's your life to think what you want.

As an exercise, how about just searching your minds and really looking into this stuff and look at it all from another angle, instead of just accepting the word of scientists who change theories like the wind.

I'd like to believe that there's some people looking into this forum that can see past the nonsense of the scence they saturate us with. There are a few on here...but when I say a few...I mean a few.

It's sad that so many people hang onto ridiculous things like radio waves and stuff working in a vacuum, without actually realising what a vacuum actually is. Some people are conned by little experiments that evacuate a little air out of a chamber and operate something to prove that it works.

It shocks me that very few people are interested in finding the truth and just want to go on in life happily accepting the drivel that is told to them.

Let me tell you all something. Your entire history is a lie, right up to this very day. The only thing you all know for real, is what is happening in your own vicinity.

Your news is fabrication of truth. Your space boffins are people who are paid for absolutely nothing...other than telling you fantasy stories.
You believe all this stuff because you believe they know better and are experts. They are only experts in bull crap.

If they told you how everything worked, they know immediately that it renders space and all that we believed it was...USELESS...a fantasy.

We are that frigging naive and gullible that we will believe anything they say, which is proved by telling us we are stood on top and under, a big spinning ball that somehow stays in space, heated by a big sun that is sat in space and spewing out light and heat from 93 million miles away.

To keep all that up, plus the rest of it, they make up crap and attribute it all to thousands of years old people and later centuries old people who sorted it all out with nothing more than basic tools...supposedly.

All that supposed time of knowing this that and the other and yet, today, with all our technology, we still don't have a clue whether light is a particle or a wave...allegedly.
There is a very good reason for this. It's because by keeping it like this and many other things as a mere theory, it gives them scope to add in any old nonsense when someone comes along and scuppers all their bull crap.

It's one of the reasons why nobody actually knows what a lot of stuff is, like gravity, etc, because it's impossible to argue against to get to any truth. They can make anything up for it to fit and very few seem to use their common sense to realise it's all made up nonsense.
Your Earth is sat in a soft springy mattress in space. called warped space time or some crap. People sit back and say, " ahhh, so that's what's happening." It's like saying that superman turned back time by spinning the Earth the opposite way.  ::)

Crap grainy video of moon men. Virtual vacuum landing mars rovers PARACHUTING down, using close to vacuum thin air??
Post mission conferences with umming and erring supposed geniuses all sat on stage exhibiting nervousness and ad lib nonsense when put on the spot. Clear to see for anyone with kids sense that it's all lies...yet very few see this. People don't see this stuff, because they live in a world of actors...good and bad in films and sit coms, etc and simply accept the awe of whatever is put out in the same fashion of supposed real life missions, etc.

There's a reason why communication gets called AIR waves. There's a reason for the word WAVES.
Good luck making a wave in a matterless environment.

Once you get your head around this, you will then go on a spiral of seeing things in reality, or the reality that much of your life , especially to do with space and magical fissioning, etc, has been one massive dupe and a clever one, at that.
We surely are not going to read your lecture about blah.. blah... blah.. If you have question about radio waves then ask. Your babbling is just that.



  • 3860
  • Never miss a day to learn something
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2014, 04:15:47 AM »
lol okay, here are a few experiments that support Einstein's postulates:


There is no such thing as Einstein's postulates from a scientific point of view.

The speed of light is NOT constant (the very basic assumption made by ALL the experiments mentioned).

Dayton Miller ether drift results


"The effect [of ether-drift] has persisted throughout. After considering all the possible sources of error, there always remained a positive effect." Dayton Miller (1928, p.399)

"My opinion about Miller's experiments is the following. ... Should the positive result be confirmed, then the special theory of relativity and with it the general theory of relativity, in its current form, would be invalid. Experimentum summus judex. Only the equivalence of inertia and gravitation would remain, however, they would have to lead to a significantly different theory."

Albert Einstein, in a letter to Edwin E. Slosson, 8 July 1925 (from copy in Hebrew University Archive, Jerusalem.) See citations below for Silberstein 1925 and Einstein 1926.

"I believe that I have really found the relationship between gravitation and electricity, assuming that the Miller experiments are based on a fundamental error. Otherwise, the whole relativity theory collapses like a house of cards."

Albert Einstein, in a letter to Robert Millikan, June 1921 (in Clark 1971, p.328)

http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php/topic,3152.msg1398930.html#msg1398930 (more details)

And now, the most extraordinary proofs on HOW EINSTEIN FAKED HIS 1919/1922 DATA FOR THE SO CALLED EINSTEIN SHIFT:


http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/dishones.htm (scroll down to the section: With regard to the politics that led to Einstein's fame Dr. S. Chandrasekhar's article [46] states...)



http://www.gravitywarpdrive.com/Rethinking_Relativity.htm (scroll down to The advance of the perihelion of Mercury’s orbit, another famous confirmation of General Relativity, is worth a closer look...)

Dr. F. Schmeidler of the Munich University Observatory has published a paper  titled "The Einstein Shift An Unsettled Problem," and a plot of shifts for 92 stars for the 1922 eclipse shows shifts going in all directions, many of them going the wrong way by as large a deflection as those shifted in the predicted direction! Further examination of the 1919 and 1922 data originally interpreted as confirming relativity, tended to favor a larger shift, the results depended very strongly on the manner for reducing the measurements and the effect of omitting individual stars.

But Pound and Rebka ASSUMED that the speed of light is constant and not a variable.

If the speed of the light pulses in the gravitational field is VARIABLE, then the frequency shift measured by Pound and Rebka is a direct consequence of this variability and there is no gravitational time dilation.

See the discussion here: http://blog.hasslberger.com/2006/04/recovering_the_lorentz_ether_c.html

What will it take for everybody to understand the difference between e/m waves and Tesla waves?

An ether wave is a transverse wave.

These waves are made up of subquark strings.

These subquark strings consists of bosons which propagate LONGITUDINALLY inside the ether waves themselves.

Tesla never used e/m waves, that is, ripples of the ether waves. Instead he sent the signal/energy directly through the bosons longitudinally.

"... It is too noted that the phenomenon here involved in the transmission of electrical energy is one of TRUE CONDUCTION AND IS NOT TO BE CONFOUNDED WITH THE PHENOMENA OF ELECTRICAL RADIATION which have heretofore been observed and which from the very nature and mode of propagation would render practically IMPOSSIBLE THE TRANSMISSION OF ANY APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF ENERGY TO SUCH DISTANCES as are of practical importance. ..."

Obviously, Nikola Tesla accentuates that his "energy-transfer-waves" ARE NOT HERTZIAN !!!.
   "... It is necessary to employ oscillations in which the rate of radiation of energy into space IN THE FORM OF HERTZIAN OR ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IS VERY SMALL. "

In a conductor electrical current is transmitted through the subquark strings of the atoms which align themselves to allow the bosons to move through its medium.

Ether waves which fill each nanometer of aether consist of these subquark strings.

Therefore, Tesla realized that he can transmit electrical current, WIRELESSLY, through the ether waves to power up light bulbs, electrical motors, and much more.

You will get NORMAL SIGNALS as long as the density of the aether medium and ether waves does not interfere with the temporary electromagnetic hertzian ripple.

Tesla had arranged for the automatic activation of aether-rebroadcast circuits in the station. The down pouring aether was automatically shunted to side circuits through capacitors. In these side branches, aether pulsed through dielectrics and expanded over the surfaces of his smaller coils.
Thus stimulated to more rapid pulsation rates, they were ready for "rebroadcast". Being rebroadcast away from the station through large vacuum globes, poised on elevated platforms, these were the aetheric pulsations, which would be utilized in home and industry. Simple and compact receivers would be established in every home and factory, set to receive aetheric current through the ground. Tests were thrilling.
The distant appliances, lamps and motors responded to the powerful pulsations, as if they were physically connected to the station by wire. A small house-like structure was established some 26 miles away from the station.
In it, an aetheric power receiver was tuned to one of the rebroadcast rates. The 200 lamps housed within this structure, each of 50 watts rating, all remained brilliantly illuminated throughout the test runs. This apparently stimulated enough excitement and concern for word of this development to get back east.


Therefore, Tesla used the ether waves LONGITUDINALLY - Hertz produced only temporary ripples in these ether waves, and called his ripples electromagnetic waves.

Tesla discovered a fundamental flaw in Hertz’s experiment: Hertz had failed to take into account he presence of air in his experiments. Hertz had mistakenly identified electrostatic inductions or electrified shockwaves as true electromagnetic waves. Tesla was saddened to bring this news to the distinguished academician, but felt scientific honesty was paramount if progress was to be achieved. Tesla visited Hertz in Germany and personally demonstrated the experimental error to him. Hertz agreed with Tesla and had planned to withdraw his claim, but reputations, political agendas, national pride, and above all, powerful financial interests, intervened in that decision and set the stage for a major rift in the ‘accepted’ theories that soon became transformed into the fundamental “laws” of the electric sciences that have held sway in industry and the halls of academia to the present day.

Tesla demonstrated the use of ether waves and advanced the electromagnetism theory into new dimensions, further than Hertz and other scientists of his time could conceive. He described his "wireless" waves being far superior to Hertzian waves, which diminish with distance.





With the discrediting of the Second Postulate, in the words of MIT-trained geophysicist
Enders Robinson, PhD “we must kiss relativity theory goodbye.

“Einstein‟s theory of relativity” is substantially science fiction, fantasy or philosophy,
and represents the worst of science: how science can become political, how political factors can affect funding, how funding can affect scientists‟ jobs and careers, how experimental data can be manipulated to serve as propaganda, and how theory can be presented as fact.

http://web.archive.org/web/20120205135201/http://www.kevin.harkess.btinternet.co.uk/reasons_einstein_wrong/reasons_einstein_wrong.html (all the sections especially: Tests that have been carried out that show Einstein was wrong)

The Michelson-Morley experiment is the greatest experimental CATASTROPHE of the 19th century.

With all that theory does the test(video) you just saw mean that radio waves does not travel in a vacuum. Explain the test.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2014, 04:55:40 AM »

We surely are not going to read your lecture about blah.. blah... blah.. If you have question about radio waves then ask. Your babbling is just that.
Stop speaking for everyone. It gets read, by you and many others. I don't need to see your lies about waves in a vacuum, so you're fine, there.

My babbling is about the truth. Your babbling is naivety at best and lies at worst.

Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #48 on: April 26, 2014, 05:00:10 AM »

We surely are not going to read your lecture about blah.. blah... blah.. If you have question about radio waves then ask. Your babbling is just that.
Stop speaking for everyone. It gets read, by you and many others. I don't need to see your lies about waves in a vacuum, so you're fine, there.

My babbling is about the truth. Your babbling is naivety at best and lies at worst.

Space is a vacuum, correct? Then how do energy WAVES from the sun, get to us?



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #49 on: April 26, 2014, 05:07:20 AM »

We surely are not going to read your lecture about blah.. blah... blah.. If you have question about radio waves then ask. Your babbling is just that.
Stop speaking for everyone. It gets read, by you and many others. I don't need to see your lies about waves in a vacuum, so you're fine, there.

My babbling is about the truth. Your babbling is naivety at best and lies at worst.

Space is a vacuum, correct? Then how do energy WAVES from the sun, get to us?
The simple answer is...they don't. You're just duped into thinking they do.

Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #50 on: April 26, 2014, 05:19:18 AM »

We surely are not going to read your lecture about blah.. blah... blah.. If you have question about radio waves then ask. Your babbling is just that.
Stop speaking for everyone. It gets read, by you and many others. I don't need to see your lies about waves in a vacuum, so you're fine, there.

My babbling is about the truth. Your babbling is naivety at best and lies at worst.
Ok, now according to sceptic, our sun does not light or heat the earth.
Space is a vacuum, correct? Then how do energy WAVES from the sun, get to us?
The simple answer is...they don't. You're just duped into thinking they do.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #51 on: April 26, 2014, 05:21:43 AM »
Through the atmosphere by super agitation of molecules by reflection.

Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #52 on: April 26, 2014, 05:23:26 AM »
So the sun isn't outside of our atmosphere?



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #53 on: April 26, 2014, 05:24:14 AM »
So the sun isn't outside of our atmosphere?
Correct, nothing you see, is.

Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #54 on: April 26, 2014, 05:39:50 AM »
Oh scepti, thank you for making me chuckle this morning. You remind me of my 4 yr old nieces in your blissful ignorance.

Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #55 on: April 26, 2014, 05:40:49 AM »
Was very disappointed after "A critical introduction to “Einstein‟s theory of relativity”, written by a non-scientist for
other non-scientists
who have some intellectual curiosity about this famous theory, with
pictures in it and 140 references and citations to authority. 30 pages."

Then I was even more disappointed about the lack of peer reviewed citations, the quote mining and obvious anti-science bias :(

So the sun isn't outside of our atmosphere?
Correct, nothing you see, is.

The sun is obviously outside our atmosphere, since our atmosphere (and our earth for that matter) didn't caught fire and melt down yet...



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #56 on: April 26, 2014, 05:48:53 AM »
Oh scepti, thank you for making me chuckle this morning. You remind me of my 4 yr old nieces in your blissful ignorance.
I used to be in blissful ignorance until I started to use logic and common sense after waking up to see the nonsense of what we were fed with.

You and others refuse to wake up and instead, you prefer to live in the dream that's been made for you. It's sad to be honest that people can't at least partially wake up.

Stars come out at night and your sun makes it's appearance to make day, because it's oh so close...only 93 million miles away. ;D

You need to ask yourself why you see the moon at times blissfully showing itself in daylight but you would rather go with silly explanations when the real explanation should be extremely simple.
It's in the atmosphere by reflection, not somehow reflecting it's light to show its face from 240,000 miles away in the backness of your space.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 05:50:47 AM by sceptimatic »



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #57 on: April 26, 2014, 05:50:13 AM »

The sun is obviously outside our atmosphere, since our atmosphere (and our earth for that matter) didn't caught fire and melt down yet...
Why should it catch fire?



  • 3860
  • Never miss a day to learn something
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #58 on: April 26, 2014, 08:28:04 AM »
Through the atmosphere by super agitation of molecules by reflection.
Are you saying there is atmosphere right up to the sun 3000 miles away?



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: To the FE'ers. Can radio waves travel in space or a vacuum?
« Reply #59 on: April 26, 2014, 08:40:44 AM »
Through the atmosphere by super agitation of molecules by reflection.
Are you saying there is atmosphere right up to the sun 3000 miles away?
Did I ever say the sun was 3000 miles away? No I didn't, did I ?

Here's a clue. The sun is a REFLECTION off the dome and back to us. The Earth is a shooting gallery of reflections off the dome.