Advanced Flat Earth Theory

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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2010, 12:48:22 AM »

It is important for some computational astronomical problems to know the behaviour of D'' -- the second derivative of the Moon's elongation - as a function of the time, on a rather long segment of the time line [1]. This problem, particularly, was talked about during the discussion organized in 1972 by the London Royal Society and British Academy of Sciences [1]. The scheme of the calculation of D'' is as follows: we are to fix the totality of ancient observations of eclipses, then calculate. on the basis of the modern theory, when these observations were made, and then compare the results of the calculations with the observed parameters to evaluate the Moon's acceleration ([4], [6]).

While calculating the date of an observation, the parameter D'' may be ignored. The dependence of D'' on t has been obtained by Newton ([4], [6]), who received 12 values (evaluations) for D'', based on 370 observations of ancient and medieval eclipses preserved in ancient documents ([4], p. 113). These eclipses were supplied with the dates contained in [2], [3] [gorm].


[1] 'The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World', A discussion organized jointly for the Royal Society
and the British Academy. 1972, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London. Ser. A, Math. and Phys. Sci. 276(1976), 1-276.
[2]. Ginzel, F. K.: 1899, Specieller Canon der Sonner und Mondfinsternisse, Berlin, Mayer-Muller.
[3] Oppolzer, Th.: 1887, Canon der Sonner und Mondfinsternisse, Denkschriften, Wien, 52.
[4] Newton, R. R. : 1974, 'Two Uses of Ancient Astronomy', Phil. Trans. Roy. Sic. London, Ser. A. Math. and Phys. Sci. 276,99-115.
[5] Newton. R. R. : 'Astronomical Evidence Concerning Non-gravitational Forces in the Earth-Moon
System', Astrophys. Space Sci. 16, 179-200.
[6] Newton, R. R.: 1970, 'Ancient Astronomical Observations and the Accelerations of the Earth and Moon', Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins Press.

Newton: "The most striking feature of Figure 1 is the rapid decline in D'' from about 700 to about 1300 ... . This decline means (Newton, 1972b) that there was a 'square wave' in the osculating value of D''... . Such changes in D'', and such values, unexplainable by present geophysical theories ... , show that D'' has had surprisingly large values and that it has undergone large and sudden changes within the past 2000 yrs" ([4], p.114-115).

R.R. Newton:

I shall not treat the famous question of how Ptolemy obtained his star table. Instead, I shall mention briefly his solar data, which, it seems to me, are unquestionably a hoax. Ptolemy (ca. 152, chap. m.2) gives, to the hour, the times of two autumnal equinoxes, one vernal equinox, and one summer solstice. He says that these times were measured with great care. However, the errors in them are more than a day, whereas Hipparchus three centuries before him had made such measurements with errors of only 2 or 3 h. On the other hand, the data agree exactly, to every numerical digit written down, with what we would calculate from Hipparchus's data and the value for the mean motion of the Sun. It is almost impossible that such errors and such agreement could happen by chance.

The most striking feature of figure 1 is the rapid decline in D" from about 700 to about 1300. When we remember that the values plotted in figure 1 represent the average between any epoch and 1900, this decline means that there was a 'square wave' in the osculating value of D", and that the osculating D" during the period 700-1300 had a value around 40"/century2 or more. Such changes in D", and such values, are incapable of explanation by present geophysical theories.

The small value of D" during the period of classical antiquity (before about 500) should also be noted. From -700 ro +500, the mean D" was probably smaller in magnitude than it has been at any time during the past 1000 years.

Ancient and medieval astronomical data allow us to form 25 independent estimates of the important acceleration parameter D", at various epochs from about -700 to +1300. These estimates, combined with modern data, show that D" has had surprisingly large values and that it has undergone large and sudden changes within the past 2000 years.

In two recent studies (Newton, 1970 and 1972), I have analyzed about 600 observations, with dates ranging from June 15, 763 BCE to April 2, 1288 CE, for the purpose of studying the accelerations of the Earth and Moon. This is many times the number of observations that had been used before for this purpose. Further, except for one oversight, I believe that I have analyzed every ancient astronomical record that has been used by any earlier worker for the purpose of studying the accelerations.

Newton, R. R.: 1970, Ancient Astronomical Observations and the Accelerations of the Earth and Moon, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore.
Newton, R.R.: 1972, Medieval Chronicles and the Rotation of the Earth, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, in press.

I have found about 375 records that seem to be independent and reliable, which we can date accurately, and for which we know the place of observation with useful accuracy (Newton. 1972).

I divided the medieval records chronologically into twelve sets and formed an estimate of D" for each set. The results are shown in Figure 3, which is reproduced from the reference. The straight lines in the figure are those from Figure 2, without the refinement of the curved section. The twelve points and error bars are the estimates of D" formed from the twelve sets of data. The figure provides almost overwhelming confirmation of the hypothesis that D" is far from constant and that its behavior changed suddenly near the year 700, if the analysis has been done correctly.

The parameter D", which is a linear combination of the accelerations of the Earth and Moon, can be followed as a function of time with high confidence from about 700 BCE to the present. From its behavior, we are apparently forced to conclude that there was something like a 'square wave' in the non-gravitational forces that began about 700 CE and that lasted until about 1300 CE. During the time of this square wave, the accelerations apparently changed by factors of around 5.


google translate

Translation from German to English:

In the window of the museum you can see many products made of glass, including bottles, bottles for perfumes, a lot of colored glass with different shades. Particularly noteworthy are absolutely transparent thin-walled glass vases. The same glass vases are also presented on Pompeian frescoes.

Therefore, it should be noted that the first transparent glass from the mid-15th Century in Venice and is produced on the island of glassblowers of Murano, Angelo Barovir. His secret has been kept strictly secret for a long time thereafter before the competitors.

In Herculaneum, the window glasses were allegedly even a standard size of 45x44 cm and found 80х80 сm (Fig. 15.16). About the way the production of flat glass is not known. In Europe, the first window glass of murky, were called "crown glass" for the stained glass windows around 1330 in the north-west of France, produced in the spinning process. Louis Lucas de Memorial Center, lodge manager at Saint-Gobain has developed from 1688 a new process for the manufacture of flat glass. In this so-called Tischwalzverfahren the molten glass is poured onto flat Gietischen, then smoothly rolled with heavy rollers, and finally polished with sand. Previously, flat glass has been obtained mostly by heating, cutting and flat rolling of cylindrical glass.

The window glass from Herculaneum fact is cloudy. The turbidity is probably caused by the effect of the high temperature of the pyroclastic tower. The thickness of the window glass is absolutely evenly! As if it had come from the table, rolls of Saint-Gobain.





  • Flat Earth Sultan
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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #31 on: April 06, 2010, 03:57:04 AM »
It is easier to show and to prove that the official chronology of world history has been drastically altered, this being the work of the same conspirators who invented the round earth scenario.

As we have seen here, the actual eruption which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum took place at least after 1700 AD, and NOT in the year 79 AD.

Here is the Mystery of the Egyptian Zodiacs:

Let us summarize the dates obtained for the Egyptian

1. Round Denderah Zodiac (DR): the morning of March
20, 1185 A.D.
2. Long Denderah Zodiac (DL): April 22-26, 1168 A.D.
3. Big Esna Zodiac (EB): March 31-April 3, 1394 A.D.
4. Small Esna Zodiac (EM): May 6-8, 1404 A.D.
5. Athribis Zodiacs of Flinders Petrie:
 Upper Athribis Zodiac (AV): May 15-16, 1230
 Lower Athribis Zodiac (AN): February 9-10, 1268
6. Brugsch's Zodiac (BR) containing three main horoscopes,
each of them showing different date:
 Demotic Horoscope: November 18, 1861 A.D.
 Horoscope withoutWalking Sticks: October 6-7,
1841 A.D.
 Horoscope in Boats: February 15, 1853 A.D.
7. Thebes zodiac of Ramses VII (OU): September 5-8,
1182 A.D.
8. Petosiris Zodiacs (P1) and (P2):
 First Solution:
Outer Petosiris Zodiac (P1): August 5, 1227 A.D.
Inner Petosiris Zodiac (P2): March 24-25, 1240
 Second Solution (conditional for (P2)):
Outer Petosiris Zodiac (P1): August 10, 1430 A.D.
Inner Petosiris Zodiac (P2): April 17, 1477 A.D.
 Third Solution:
Outer Petosiris Zodiac (P1): August 2, 1667 A.D.
Inner Petosiris Zodiac (P2): April 2, 1714 A.D.
9. Ramses VI Zodiac (RS):
 First Solution: February 4-5, 1289 A.D.
 Second Solution: February 20-21, 1586 A.D.
Notice that, although there are three final solutions possible
dates for the Petosiris zodiacs, all of them are late medieval

It is estimated by Egyptologists that the burial tradition
in the Valleys of the Kings lasted for about 400-500 years.

Based on our astronomical dating of the zodiacs from the
tombs, this period should be shorten to about 250-300 years.

On the other hand, the epoch these burials should be shifted
in time much closer to the present times.

Conclusion: We can claim with high probability that the
events of the pharaohs epoch described in ancient history of
Egypt took place not many thousand years before the Christian
era, but during the epoch from the 11th to 15th centuries

That means 400-1000 years ago. However, in the
case of the great Egyptian temples, the dates encoded in the
zodiacs indicate the epoch from the end of the 12th century
till beginning of the 15th century A.D.

There was no ancient Greece, Rome or Egypt (see also the Book of Civilization, posted earlier).





Here, these conspirators have committed a grave error, and forgot to change the actual wording used. See also the Pauline Epistles classic, by E. Johnson posted earlier here...





This is how our official world history (this chronology was largely manufactured by Joseph Justus Scaliger in Opus Novum de emendatione temporum (1583) and Thesaurum temporum (1606), and represents a vast array of dates produced without any justification whatsoever, containing the repeating sequences of dates with shifts equal to multiples of the major cabbalistic numbers 333 and 360) has been changed so that we would believe in an ancient world which never existed; this conspiracy goes even beyond that of the shape of the earth, and it is easier to show how it happened.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 05:28:27 AM by sandokhan »



  • Flat Earth Sultan
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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2010, 02:47:07 AM »
In every direct debate, so far, none of the detractors have been able to prove anything pertaining to the existence of the round earth hypothesis; the flat earth debate is pretty much over, as we have shown here very easily that there is no curvature at the surface of the earth, and that gravity is not attractive (on the contrary).

Here is the Black Sun in all its splendour, the heavenly body which ACTUALLY DOES cause the solar eclipse:

More facts on the new chronology of history: (the Three Graces by Raphael completely identical to the fresco unearthed at Pompeii)

History: Fiction or Science?, vol. 1 and 2:

More artifacts from Pompeii:

Edwin Johnson, who proved that the pauline epistles were written at least after 1533 BC:

We have shown here that both Scaliger and Petavius lived at least at the beginning of the 18th century; before 1720 there were no cathedrals, no new/old testaments, everything was made up after this date, and the events of the crucifixion of Christ (who was thracian and NOT hebrew) were moved back in time and the place itself was changed to Jerusalem.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 03:35:19 AM by sandokhan »



  • Flat Earth Sultan
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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2010, 02:30:16 AM »

Heliocentrism (or the more commonly referred to Acentrism) has never been proven, despite having been taught as fact for the last four-hundred years. Even supposed proofs like Foucault's Pendulum do not prove the rotation of the world either, because firstly on a very basic level this phenomenon could be explained in a geocentric model via the gravitational pull caused by the rotation of the entire universe rotating diurnally about a fixed Earth.

The true answer is that all of the serous three story high pendulums that are located in museums around the world (like the one in Paris for example), have there own problems which are not usually talked about.

For instance, not many know that at the very top of the pendulum next to the cable mounting there is a small motorized pin that always stays horizontally opposed to the cable. This pin rotates very slowly, once daily, so as to always ensure the pendulums reliability when hitting the radial teeth once every hour as it swings to and fro. Finally, the pendulum is always cranked up every morning by the caretaker.

From Galileo was wrong:

One can imagine why many who were looking for proof of a rotating Earth would appeal to the Foucault pendulum. It seems logical to posit that the reason the plane of the pendulum appears to be moving in a circle is that the Earth beneath it is rotating. In other words, the heliocentrist insists that the pendulum's circular motion is an illusion. The pendulum is actually moving back-and-forth in the same plane and the Earth is turning beneath it. Since the Earth is too big for us to sense its rotation, we instead observe the plane of the pendulum rotate. All one need do to prove the Earth is rotating, he insists, is to reverse the roles, that is, imagine the plane of the pendulum is stationary and the Earth beneath it is moving. This particular logic, however, doesn't prove that the Earth is rotating. One can begin the critique by asking this simple question: if the pendulum is constantly swinging in the same plane (while the Earth is rotating beneath it), what force is holding the pendulum in that stationary position? In other words, if the plane of the pendulum is stationary, with respect to what is it stationary? This is understood as an 'unresolved' force in physics. The only possible answer is: it is stationary with respect to the rest of the universe, since it is certainly not stationary with respect to the Earth. With a little insight one can see that this brings us right back to the problem that Einstein and the rest of modern physics faced with the advent of Relativity theory: is it the Earth that is rotating under fixed stars, or do the stars revolve around a fixed Earth? As Einstein said: 'The two sentences: the sun is at rest and the Earth moves, or the sun moves and the Earth is at rest, would simply mean two different conventions concerning two different coordinate systems.'

As such, it would be just as logical, not to mention scientifically consistent, to posit that the combined forces of the universe which rotate around the Earth are causing the plane of the pendulum to rotate around an immobile Earth. In other words, in the geocentric model the movement of the pendulum is not an illusion' it really moves. According to Einstein, there is no difference between the two models. Ernst Mach, from whom Einstein developed many of his insights, stated much the same. He writes: 'Obviously, it doesn't matter if we think of the Earth as turning round on its axis, or at rest while the fixed stars revolve round it. Geometrically these are exactly the same case of a relative rotation of the Earth and the fixed stars with respect to one another. But if we think of the Earth at rest and the fixed stars revolving round it, there is no flattening of the Earth, no Foucault's experiment, and so on..'.

Barbour and Bertotti proved that a large hollow sphere (representing the distant star fields) rotating around a small solid sphere inside (modeling the Earth) produced exactly the same pattern of Coriolis and centrifugal forces that are claimed as proof of Earth's spinning in space. If the hollow shell of matter accelerates or rotates, any object inside the shell will tend to be carried along with the acceleration or rotation to some extent. But they note this all-important fact: An object at the center of the hollow sphere will not be affected by the inertial forces. The space around the Earth will exhibit the inertial effects of the distant sphere, but not the Earth itself, if it is centrally located.

From Mach's principle we can conclude that inertia is a universal property, like gravity. But in Mach's principle the conventional interpretation of distant masses as causing inertial effects around the Earth is too restrictive. The cause of inertia could also logically be the properties of the space around each object, modified by the presence of the mass in or around that space. In other words the ether/firmament may be the source of inertia, which causes the gravity and inertial effects on bodies embedded in the ether. The ether's properties are changed by the masses (via feedback), but it is the ether that is the primary or first cause. Linear inertia is the resistance to motion of objects moving linearly caused by the ether drag.

Einstein was intrigued by, but ambiguous about, Mach's principle. This is strange, because Mach's principle states a principle of relativity for rotation, similar to Special Relativity's assertion concerning relative linear motion. An inconsistency with relativity would arise if rotational effects were not reciprocal. Distant masses would be discounted as a potent source of inertia.

No measurement of absolute or preferred rotation has been made to test whether the Earth is rotating or its surroundings. Until such a test is performed, Mach's principle is a valid statement; it has not been disproven experimentally. It is only a hurdle in the minds of those who wish it were not so.

By maintaining the relativity of all motion, especially rotational motion, Mach denied the existence of absolute motion and of absolute space. Accordingly, he maintained the equivalence of the Ptolemaic and the Copernican systems and the equivalence of rotating-system/fixed-universe and universe-rotating/fixed-system situations.

The Foucault Pendulum

By 1851, despite Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler no proof existed of the rotation of the earth.

At that time Leon Foucault 'invented' a contrivance that supposedly PROVED the rotation of the earth. 

Foucault was a failure until Napoleon III became his patron!!

Foucault was a failure at everything he did until Louis Napoleon became his patron. Louis was the nephew of the emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and became president of France in 1848. In 1851, he abolished civil liberties and declared himself dictator of France.

Foucault's pendulum in the church of the Pantheon in Paris. The pendulum had a specially rigged device on top to make it sway a certain way. Of course it was not visible from the floor. Notice also that the pendulum was not swinging in a VACUUM where air currents could not influence its sway.

In front of this display was a big sign which read: COME SEE THE PROOF THAT THE EARTH IS TURNING!!

The French scientific community were not amused by Foucault's folly and refused to make him a member of the French Academy.

Pressure from the emperor finally caused them to relent and 2 years before his death, Foucault was finally made a member of that august body.

Ernst Mach proposed that it is the weight of the stars circling the Earth that drags Foucault pendulums around, creates Coriolis forces in the air that give the cyclones to our weather etc. Barbour and Bertotti (Il Nuovo Cimento 32B(1):1-27, 11 March 1977) proved that a hollow sphere (the universe) rotating around a solid sphere inside (the Earth) produced exactly the same results of Coriolis forces, dragging of Foucault pendulums etc. that are put forward as 'proofs' of heliocentricity!

Richard Elmendorf has done a tremendous amount of research on the Foucault Pendulum and has published it in an illustrated 84-page monograph entitled Heliocentric Humbug! A critical investigation of the Foucault Pendulum.

It may be ordered for $5 from the Pittsburgh Creation Society, P.O. Box 267, Bairdford, PA 15006, U.S.A. Please add appropriate postage (about $2.50 should cover postage, and shipping envelope, I think). 

One personal note about Elmendorf's work. He writes that most Foucault pendulums are not free-swinging, that they are damped and are constrained to swing in a plane. Without such damping the bob tends to start tracing out an ellipse which makes it hard to see the precession.

There are eloquent FE theory proponents here, which however must rely upon a FAQ which is immediately taken advantage of by the round earth proponents; as you can see on the main boards, the debate centers always around the supporting theory (size/diameter of the sun, origin of satellites), which the RE believers have shown to be wrong.

Since we are told that J. Kepler was a best friend of J. Scaliger, we can see that Kepler actually lived in the 18th century (mid-18th century); both R. Newton and A. Fomenko have shown that Kepler was the author of the Almagest and wrote all the books ascribed to Ptolemy, Hipparchus and other "greek" astronomers; there were no Koppernigk, Galilei or Brahe; the conspirators cleverly invented a controversy which never existed, in order to justify the introduction of the disastrous round earth theory.

More details re: the jump of the second derivative of the moon elongation, in History: Science or Fiction, vol.1, pg. 93-94 and here:

All ancient astronomical records, between 700 BC - 1300 AD, have been completely falsified, this having been done in the 18th century.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 10:06:57 PM by sandokhan »


Lord Wilmore

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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #34 on: April 09, 2010, 04:51:35 AM »
I think you've made the link between The Conspiracy and your ideas on the falsification of history much clearer in your last couple of posts. Also, do you think there's any chance we could make a new thread containing the actual content posted on the .net site, instead of just links? I'd be happy to help out in putting it together.
"I want truth for truth's sake, not for the applaud or approval of men. I would not reject truth because it is unpopular, nor accept error because it is popular. I should rather be right and stand alone than run with the multitude and be wrong." - C.S. DeFord


Lord Wilmore

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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2010, 05:18:20 PM »
What spurred me to ask is that when .net went down, the vast majority of his content (linked earlier in this thread) was no longer accessible. It would be a real shame to lose any of it, so I'd like to see it here as well.
"I want truth for truth's sake, not for the applaud or approval of men. I would not reject truth because it is unpopular, nor accept error because it is popular. I should rather be right and stand alone than run with the multitude and be wrong." - C.S. DeFord


Ichimaru Gin :]

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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2010, 05:21:47 PM »
Dante was actually part of the Knight's Templar affair?
I saw a slight haze in the hotel bathroom this morning after I took a shower, have I discovered a new planet?



  • Flat Earth Sultan
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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #37 on: April 10, 2010, 02:20:29 AM »
There were no Knights Templar before 1700 AD; as for Dante...

"WE ARE GLUTTONS FOR FALSE FACTS; OUR CRAVING FOR FRAUD REJECTS ALL TRUTH BUT THE LOOK OF IT. We bring to the most improbable past an 'immense assumption of veracities and sanctities, of the general soundness of the legend', notes Henry James; we accept the 'extraneous, preposterous stuffing' of its empty reliquary ["repository or receptacle for relics"] shell. GLORYING IN FRAUD HELPS TO EXORCISE THE ANCIENT TERROR THAT A PAST NOT PERFECTLY TRANSMITTED WILL REVENGE ITSELF ON US. WE NEED FAKES TO SHIELD US FROM TOO SHARP A KNOWLEDGE. THE FALSE PAST COEXISTS ALONGSIDE THE TRUTH THAT EXPOSES IT, TO CUSHION THE EROSION OF SUSTAINING MYTH."

Also read the book by Edwin Johnson, The Pauline Epistles...and the Book of Civilization (with an introduction by Garry Kasparov).

Baalbek stones, 1200 tons

The descendants of Misraim (Osiris) and Kush (Seth) used levitation to move the huge blocks of stone seen at Stonehenge, the temples of Egypt (as we have seen, the zodiacs were created in the last few hundred years; H. Carter KNEW EXACTLY where to dig to find Tutankhamon's burial chamber, as the tomb was prepared for such a discovery in the 19th century).

Levitation can be accomplished by applying a very high electrical tension or by sound:

How I Control Gravity de Dr. Townsend Brown:

In 1910, professor Francis Nipher showed that the weight of an object can be modified by applying electricity:

Nipher's conclusion was that sheilded electrostatic fields directly influence the action of gravitation. He further concluded that gravitation and electrical fields are absolutely linked.

The biography of F. Nipher: (Coral Temple; levitation)

Tibetan Stone levitation: (exceptionally documented)

« Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 02:55:54 AM by levee »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2010, 05:06:03 AM »
What spurred me to ask is that when .net went down, the vast majority of his content (linked earlier in this thread) was no longer accessible. It would be a real shame to lose any of it, so I'd like to see it here as well.
I keep daily local backup sof all .net data.  It will never be gone for good.
So long and thanks for all the fish


Lord Wilmore

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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #39 on: April 10, 2010, 07:34:02 AM »
What spurred me to ask is that when .net went down, the vast majority of his content (linked earlier in this thread) was no longer accessible. It would be a real shame to lose any of it, so I'd like to see it here as well.
I keep daily local backup sof all .net data.  It will never be gone for good.

Oh, well that's good. Still, it would make things easier to navigate if it was all here. I'll talk to levee about this and other organisational issues via PM. I'd like to see his material presented in the best possible manner.
"I want truth for truth's sake, not for the applaud or approval of men. I would not reject truth because it is unpopular, nor accept error because it is popular. I should rather be right and stand alone than run with the multitude and be wrong." - C.S. DeFord


Ichimaru Gin :]

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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #40 on: April 10, 2010, 03:16:09 PM »
So do you think levitation is something commonly preformed [currently]?
I saw a slight haze in the hotel bathroom this morning after I took a shower, have I discovered a new planet?



  • Flat Earth Sultan
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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #41 on: April 11, 2010, 09:13:11 AM »
Yes, it is performed by using the Biefeld-Brown effect, which unifies "gravity" and electricity; levitation can be achieved by sound also, as you have the account re: tibetan stone levitation.

Sound is the highest quality of the fourth state of matter (ether or akasha). The first state of ether arises due to high vibrations of sound. It says that matter has a sound aspect, and when a vibration is caused it generates an acoustical wave which travels through the air working with it concurrently and resulting in oscillations of paticles in the air and this causes the intermolecular space of the air to rise in vibrations and causes the atoms to eventually work into the first state of the ether.

The german UFO used a different strategy, as they needed much more power to achieve their flight performances; they used mercury gyros. To power up the torsion field generator, they used a modification of the Hans Coler tachyon device:

This is what a tachyon looks like (subquark/omegan/preon). The bubbles of light which make up the strings are the Higgs bosons (akasha in vedic physics terminology); magnetism is a flow of astral atoms (strings of bubbles of light) which come out of the tachyon.

Implosion of the atom means that the mercury dissolves into positive and negative subquarks, which then are used to create a powerful aetheric shield around the UFO.

For every claim re: the flat earth theory and the radical new chronology I make in my messages, I bring copious proofs, as you all know well by now; what I am saying is that the official FAQ needs to be changed given the fact that the transit videos show clearly that the diameter of the sun cannot be 1,4 million km or 32 miles (50 km), and the earth-sun distance could not possibly measure 149 million km or 3000 miles (4800 km); the matter of the Dome must be taken into account also, I have shown that gravity is not attractive, therefore we are left with just two choices: a rotational type of gravity, and gravity caused by pressure. It is obvious that the force which is currently thought to be attractive gravity, is actually of a pressure type; but the force which keeps the planets/stars on their orbit is rotational, therefore there must a screen/dome between the earth and the planets (a large scale version of the Tesla Shield).

None of the users who say that there are mistakes or ridiculous passages in my messages, have been able to prove this once I got into a direct debate with them, on the contrary.

Here is the most detailed FAQ possible, taking all aspects into account, each and every one of them accompanied by PROOFS and sound arguments:

I believe that my work can and should be used by the FES, as it provides the proofs needed to combat any and all round earth claims/arguments.

Now, to get back to the new radical chronology matter.

The same people who thought up the round earth fairy tale ARE THE SAME conspirators who invented a fictional history, prior to 1720 AD. For those who think that this is ridiculous, here are the facts re: the eruption which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum, again.

The Three Graces, Pompeii fresco, official chronology 79 AD:

The Three Graces, Raphael painting, official chronology 1504 AD:

As the official excavations began after 1750 AD, and Raphael did not have a time machine to take him back 14 centuries, it is obvious that the Pompeii fresco IS A COPY MADE AFTER THE ORIGINAL BY RAPHAEL.

Here are the Three Graces by F. del Cossa, 1474 AD (official chronology):

"The use of Renaissance artists of identical details, same colors decisions, motives, general composition plans, the presence in the Pompeian frescoes of the things that emerged in the 15 to 17 century, the presence in Pompeian paintings of genre painting, which is found only in the epoch of the Renaissance, and the presence of some Christian motifs on some frescoes and mosaics suggest that Pompeian frescoes and the works of artists of the Renaissance come from the same people who have lived in the epoch. "Vitas Narvidas," Pompeian Frescoes and the Renaissance: a comparison, "Electronic Almanac" Art & Fact 1 (5), 2007.

The Renaissance occurred during the period 1720-1750 AD, and not two to three centuries earlier.

Here are the artifacts from Pompeii:

Surgical instruments which, according to the official chronology were used only after 1666 (the treatise of Fabritius Hildanus).

Translation from german to english:

In the window of the museum you can see many products made of glass, including bottles, bottles for perfumes, a lot of colored glass with different shades. Particularly noteworthy are absolutely transparent thin-walled glass vases. The same glass vases are also presented on Pompeian frescoes.

Therefore, it should be noted that the first transparent glass from the mid-15th Century in Venice and is produced on the island of glassblowers of Murano, Angelo Barovir. His secret has been kept strictly secret for a long time thereafter before the competitors.

In Herculaneum, the window glasses were allegedly even a standard size of 45x44 cm and found 80х80 сm (Fig. 15.16). About the way the production of flat glass is not known. In Europe, the first window glass of murky, were called "crown glass" for the stained glass windows around 1330 in the north-west of France, produced in the spinning process. Louis Lucas de Memorial Center, lodge manager at Saint-Gobain has developed from 1688 a new process for the manufacture of flat glass. In this so-called Tischwalzverfahren the molten glass is poured onto flat Gie?tischen, then smoothly rolled with heavy rollers, and finally polished with sand. Previously, flat glass has been obtained mostly by heating, cutting and flat rolling of cylindrical glass.

The window glass from Herculaneum fact is cloudy. The turbidity is probably caused by the effect of the high temperature of the pyroclastic tower. The thickness of the window glass is absolutely even! As if it had come off from the table rolls of Saint-Gobain.

The window glass from Herculaneum:

This window glass, according to official chronology, could have been manufactured ONLY AFTER 1688 AD:

I have just proven to you that the eruption which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum took place at least AFTER 1700 AD: there were no Plinius the Elder, Dio Cassius, Vespasian.

The Colosseum was built around 1725-1730 (see the smaller version unearthed at Pompeii), as was the Pantheon.

The Romans could not have built ANYTHING, not even a single brick, because of the number system they used, according to official chronology:

But let us return to mathematics and to ancient Rome. The Roman numeral system discouraged serious calculations. How could the ancient Romans build elaborate structures such as temples, bridges, and aqueducts without precise and elaborate calculations? The most important deficiency of Roman numerals is that they are completely unsuitable even for performing a simple operation like addition, not to mention multiplication, which presents substantial difficulties (see Figure 2). In early European universities, algorithms for multiplication and division using Roman numerals were doctoral research topics. It is absolutely impossible to use clumsy Roman numbers in multi-stage calculations. The Roman system had no numeral "zero." Even the simplest decimal operations with numbers cannot be expressed in Roman numerals.

Just try to add Roman numerals:


or multiply :


Try to write a multiplication table in Roman numerals. What about fractions and operations with fractions?

Christoph Pfister, one of the best researchers of the new radical chronology, discovered that there were NO HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PRIOR TO 1700 AD IN SWITZERLAND, and that all major gothic buildings (including the Bern cathedral) were built after 1730, and that all "medieval" documents kept at the Abbey Library were in fact forgeries belonging to the 18th century (see his site, I posted the address earlier).

I always use the very best proofs, here is the Jump of the Second Derivative of the Moon Elongation (proving clearly that all astronomical records between 700 BC - 1300 AD are later forgeries):

Are you going to call R. Newton's work as "ridiculous"? R. Newton is one of the most prestigious astrophysicists of the 20th century, here is the impecable analysis of the ancient astronomical records:



  • Flat Earth Sultan
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 7267
Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2010, 10:00:21 AM »

And there is more...

Dear Tom Roberts,

If I could summarize again:

1) You analyzed an apparently unpublished set of data from one of
Miller's tests in Cleveland, when the most serious data which requires
attention is from his Mt. Wilson experiments. I'm sure one could find
unpublished data from Michelson as well, or from Einstein's work -- it
may have historical significance, but is not the point of discussion if
you wish to refute what provides a foundation for much of new interest
in ether and ether-drift. I have no idea why Glen Deen gave you this
data set, instead of something from the Mt. Wilson experiments. Maybe
he can clarify this.

2) The tests in Cleveland would very likely have produced a signal far
below that of the Mt. Wilson experiments, given the effect of altitude
-- higher altitudes produce higher ether-drift velocities, as
documented by Galaev. Therefore, whatever your critique of the
Cleveland 1927 experiments were, they would not apply, or apply only
less-so to the Mt. Wilson experiments of 1925-26. You cannot presume
to assert the "signal to noise" levels were the same for both sets of
experiments. That's an unproven assumption.

3) Even if we assume, the variance within the measurements for any one
of the four seasonal epochs at Mt. Wilson was large, to rest upon that
observation and go no farther is to miss the forest for the trees.
Larger patterns in data sets often are not apparent or ammenable to
analysis via statistical methodology, but rather require dynamical
methods of analysis, or sometimes graphical or
geographical-astrocartographical methods. For example:

4) I did not mean to imply that low-altitude ether-drift experiments
would yield "no signal" at all. They do, but apparently of a reduced
intensity. Consequently, we might ask if the August 1927 data which
you analyzed yielded a variation over sidereal-clock coordinates? And
if so, is this variation along the same sidereal hour axis as what
Miller noted for the Mt. Wilson experiments, even if the velocity
determination would be at a lower level? If so, that would be in
keeping with his overall theory and findings. Miller's pre-Mt.Wilson
tests in Cleveland DID occasionally show similar vectors, as did the
Morley-Miller and even the Michelson-Morley experiment. Yes, he did a
lot of testing and control experiments, as Einstein was at the time
proclaiming (without evidence) that Miller's work was the consequence
of "thermal artifacts". So he did a lot of work to show, exactly, how
the interferometer would react to both small and large external heating
effects, and precautions were undertaken, such as shielding the
interferometer arms with insulation, and so on. NONE of those
experiments -- Michelson-Morley, Morley-Miller, or Miller in Cleveland
ever produced a fully "null" or "zero" result, which by itself is
significant. But the data was best at Mt. Wilson, and likewise
Michelson-Pease-Pearson also got their best result at Mt. Wilson.
Miller addressed this consideration in the 1933 paper, and
Michelson-Morley were also aware of their own slight positive result,
stating in the 1887 paper the need to perform the experiment over other
seasonal periods -- which they never did. Only Miller did so. The
fact that all four seasonal epochs of the Mt. Wilson experiments
yielded similar sidereal-hour vectors for the axis of drift, and that
this also was the same (though reduced) axis which could be extracted
from the original Michelson-Morley experiment, is THE significant
consideration, even if the velocity determinations were slightly
variable. This is what we call a highly-structured pattern in the
data. The fact that Galaev later found a similar axis of drift in his
work, and the seasonal variations in "dark matter wind" also show a
similar pattern, is "icing on the cake" so to speak.

5) High "signal to noise" ratios plague other data sets from natural
phenomena, such as climate patterns. Daily precipitation is a function
of solar heating and shifting of wind and pressure patterns. But if we
look for variations in precipitation as an indicator of solar heating,
it requires a lot of years of data before we get a climatic curve which
approximates the smooth latitudinal shifting of the sun's location, and
hence, solar heating of the lower atmosphere. Over shorter periods,
rainfall quantities may be extremely variable with large quantities one
day or week, nothing the next day or week, and so on over the years,
with some years very wet, others in drought. If we presume ignorance
of how solar heating works to stimulate rains, we would be hard pressed
to find this pattern in all the "noise" of daily precipitation
variation. We would in fact only find the pattern by recording
precipitation over the year, and then averaging the data by week or
month. Only then, you get a pattern which is valuable, and allows some
degree of confidence and prediction of when a "rainy season" or "dry
season" will occur. Likewise also, I would imagine, with the
determinations of anisotropy in 3-deg.K. in open space -- a lot of
variation, no way to make "statistical analysis" but when it is plotted
on a map -- or along a simple graphical ordination representing
sidereal hour -- it makes a pattern which is important to consider.

Unfortunately, I have no computer-readable data files for Miller. My
role was mostly historical, basically finished after the data sets were
finally obtained, and others set out on that task. I cannot speak to
what Glen Deen and others are doing with the data. My larger interest
today is in the work of Galaev, who developed an elegant and very
simple interferometer using parallel light beams, and seems
potentially easier to use, less afflicted by vibrations, and possibly
could be rendered far more sensitive given current technology. My push
has been, for more experiments to be undertaken, rather than merely to
analyze Miller over and over. I must disagree that your DSP method
will ever critically undermine Miller's findings, if only because my
points above cannot be overcome by purely statistical arguments. If
Miller's four different seasonal epochs had yielded four different
points in the heavens, four different axes of ether-drift, then surely
a rejection of his work would be fully in order and legitimate. But I
encourage you to look again at Figure 2 in my Miller paper.
This shows Miller's data organized firstly by sidereal hour, and
secondly by civil clock time. By sidereal hour, there is a distinct
pattern in the data, one which appears to be robust enough even to
survive your argument about the need for error-bars. However, when the
same data is organized by civil clock time, the pattern vanishes. This
is the issue which you need to address, and it will not be defeated
with DSP methods.

As noted, I do have copies of all of Miller's data sheets, being the
guy who stimilated their re-discovery from dusty storage rooms. You
mention only the one data sheet of Figure 8 from his 1933 paper, which
showed the results of 19 turns of the interferometer over about a
15-minute period. This is like, extracting rainfall records for one
month of one year, exclaiming there is "no solar-related pattern" and
ignoring all the rainfall data from many other months and years. Sure,
look at only one data sheet, and clear determinations may be
insufficient. But really, your DSP analysis was not of that data
sheet, nor of the hundreds of other data sheets from Mt. Wilson.

I have no interests to second-guess Miller's methods, and your claims
really don't suggest any serious reason why one should be concerned.
Nobody including Michelson had any problem with Miller's methods or
findings at the time when he was doing his work, other than Einstein,
who was no expert in the ether-drift methods. In fact Miller was the
student of Morley, and learned the methods as handed down from
Michelson and Michelson-Morley. You presume to have us believe you
know more about it than they did, even though you haven't undertaken an
analysis of the very same published data from which Miller's
conclusions were derived. And all the other validating experiments,
you simply ignore. Sorry to say, this is simply insufficient.


James DeMeo

"But we must pause at this juncture to critique Miller’s thinking process, for
he, being a Copernican, is basing his interpretation of data on his belief that
the Earth is moving at least 30 km/sec through space. Interestingly enough, it
is precisely because of this presupposition that Miller runs into some
unexplained difficulty, since his observations begin to conflict with his
mathematical calculations. The one anomaly in all past interferometer
experiments that Miller discovered was the experimenters assumed they knew the
precise velocity of the Earth through the ether in combination with the solar
system’s supposed motion toward the constellation of Hercules, but did they
really know? The geocentrist, of course, would answer that they did not know.
In any case, Miller’s 1925 experiment took into account this “anomaly” and he
made his calculations accordingly. Since he assumed the Earth was moving 30
km/sec, he combined this with the four positions (February, April, August,
September) that he examined of the Earth’s orbit around the sun and then used
Pythagorean geometry to determine the speed of the Earth toward the
constellation Draco, which came to 208 km/sec.[2] In other words, 208 km/sec is
what Miller believed to be the Earth’s absolute speed through the ether. Of
course, being a heliocentrist, Miller is assuming that the ether is motionless
and that the Earth is moving through it. In any case, Miller’s 1933 paper
reveals that his Pythagorean calculations do not match what he observed in the
fringe shifts. As we will recall, his experimental fringe shifts showed a
maximum of 10 km/sec, but this figure is less than his computed value by a
factor of twenty! Miller did not have an answer for this problem, and it is
left as an open-ended question in his 1933 paper. The answer, of course, is
that Miller’s Pythagorean calculations were based on a faulty premise (i.e.,
that the Earth was moving). If that factor were eliminated, his calculations
would be in accord with his observations. The same can be said of recent
experiments performed by Stefan Marinov, in the late 1970s, using
coupled-mirror interferometry.

Miller configured the four interferometer readings in the form of a
parallelogram (February, April, August, September), which assumes the Earth is
in orbit around the sun. The diagonal of each of the four parallelogram points
represents the apex of that period, while the long side represents the motion,
which is coincident with the center of orbit; the short side of the
parallelogram represents Earth velocity of 30 km/sec. Hence, knowing the
direction of the three sides of the triangle, and the magnitude of one side,
allows one to calculate the magnitude of the other sides, which for Miller was
208 km/sec toward Dorado."

« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 09:54:34 AM by sandokhan »



  • Flat Earth Sultan
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  • 7267
Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #43 on: April 21, 2010, 04:05:53 AM »
Mach's Principle/Geocentric Coriolis Effect

"The effect of the Coriolis force is an apparent deflection of the path of an object that moves within a rotating coordinate system. The object does not actually deviate from its path, but it appears to do so because of the motion of the coordinate system. On the Earth an object that moves along a north-south path, or longitudinal line, will undergo apparent deflection to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere."

By maintaining the relativity of all motion, especially rotational motion, E. Mach denied the existence of absolute motion and of absolute space. Accordingly, Mach maintained the equivalence of the Ptolemaic and the Copernican systems and the equivalence of rotating-system/fixed-universe and universe-rotating/fixed-system situations.

Mach's Principle: A body experiences no inertial forces when it is at rest or in uniform motion with respect to the center of mass of the entire universe. When its motion is nonuniform (accelerated) with respect to the total mass of the universe, it experiences forces such as centrifugal force and the Coriolis effect. Hence, the "local" behavior of matter is influenced by the "global" properties of the universe, i.e., those properties that describe the universe as a whole, which are studied in cosmology.

More details, concerning the application of Mach's Principle to Foucault's Pendulum can be found here:

The Lense-Thirring effect as a consequence of Mach's Principle:

H. Thirring observed that the complete equivalence between the reference frames, explaining such phenomena as the Foucault pendulum equally well in a geocentric reference frame, is secured by definition by Einstein's 1915 work: "the required equivalence appears to be guaranteed by the general co-variance of the field equations." That is, Einstein's field equations are structured to supply the necessary upward force on the geosynchronous satellite in a geocentric as well as a heliocentric framework. Thus, H. Thirring notes that: " an Einsteinian gravitational field, caused by distant rotating masses, forces appear which are analogous to the centrifugal and Coriolis forces."

Max Born in his famous book,"Einstein's Theory of Relativity", Dover Publications,1962, pgs. 344 & 345 says:

"...Thus we may return to Ptolemy's point of view of a 'motionless earth'...One has to show that the transformed metric can be regarded as produced according to Einstein's field equations, by distant rotating masses. This has been done by Thirring. He calculated a field due to a rotating, hollow, thick-walled sphere and proved that inside the cavity it behaved as though there were centrifugal and other inertial forces usually attributed to absolute space.

Thus from Einstein's point of view, Ptolemy and Corpenicus are equally right."

Einstein himself also says:

"The struggle, so violent in the early days of science, between the views of Ptolemy and Copernicus would then be quite meaningless. Either CS could be used with equal justification. The two sentences, 'the sun is at rest and the earth moves,' or 'the sun moves and the earth is at rest,' would simply mean two different conventions concerning two different CS. -- Einstein and Infeld, The Evolution of Physics, p.212 (p.248 in original 1938 ed.)"

Therefore, distant rotary masses can cause local inertial forces, like the Coriolis and centrifugal forces, which perfectly mimic the inertial effects of a spinning Earth . This implies that there are two possible explanations for the inertial forces whenever objects are in relative rotational motion.

Mach's principle has been confirmed in theory by Hans Thirring and no experimental test has ever disproved this principle of relative motion.

The experiment performed by J. Barbour and B. Bertotti proved that a large hollow sphere (representing the distant star fields) rotating around a small solid sphere inside (modeling the Earth) produced exactly the same pattern of Coriolis and centrifugal forces that are claimed as proof of Earth's spinning in space. If the hollow shell of matter accelerates or rotates, any object inside the shell will tend to be carried along with the acceleration or rotation to some extent. There have arisen some questions re: the Lagrangian used by Barbour and Bertotti and also about the coordinate transformations discussed in their article, but the main experiment showed, quite clearly that Mach's Principle is correct.

Ernst Mach proposed that it is the weight of the stars circling the Earth that drags Foucault pendulums around, creates Coriolis forces in the air that give the cyclones to our weather etc. Barbour and Bertotti (Il Nuovo Cimento 32B(1):1-27, 11 March 1977) proved that a hollow sphere (the universe) rotating around a solid sphere inside (the Earth) produced exactly the same results of Coriolis forces, dragging of Foucault pendulums etc. that are put forward as 'proofs' of heliocentricity!

Round earth supporters, therefore, cannot use the Coriolis effect as a "proof" that the Earth is rotating around its own axis, on the contrary.

For us, for the flat earth theory, Mach's Principle is a great scientific tool to be used whenever an argument arises which might include the concept of the Coriolis force/effect; in flat earth theory variable winds are caused by thermal and pressure gradients caused by the gates/openings in the first dome (that is why, to present flat earth theory without the concept of the dome, complicates things very much).

Heavenly Dome:

Since there is no attractive gravity, there must be a shield or screen between the orbits of the planets/sun/moon (whose motions can only be explained by a rotational kind of gravity caused by aether) and the pressure type of gravity which is caused by the cosmic rays (aether, tachyons) as they act upon the receptive vortices of the subquarks which make up the atoms.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 10:09:00 PM by sandokhan »



  • Flat Earth Sultan
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  • 7267
Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #44 on: April 24, 2010, 02:22:59 AM »
In order to avoid situations like this ( ) the FAQ must be modified to include the latest and best proofs provided in the alternative FAQ, re: flat earth maps, orbit/size of the sun, movements of the satellites, and much more.

As I have mentioned before, S. Rowbotham made several mistakes when discussing the secondary (supporting) flat earth theory (earth-sun distance, solar eclipse, circumpolar constellations), that is why it is very important to present the facts from an awesome and powerful position, one which will silence immediately any and all round earth arguments.

Here is the correct map for the flat earth, which should replace immediately the map used in the official FAQ (based on Rowbotham's northern circumpolar constellations; the center of the Earth is located next to the sea of Marmara, and there are three kinds of stellar orbits: southern/northern circumpolar and regular, more details below):

Now, the Piri Reis map is not the most complete map possible: I believe that the real shapes of North/South America (especially USA, Canada, and Brazil) and that of Africa and Australia are somewhat different from what we have been led to believe, but it answers immediately and completely any and all questions re: airplance flights (Santiago - Sydney, Santiago - Juneau, London - Sydney, Tokyo - Los Angeles, London - Tokyo, Shanghai - Los Angeles) and much more.

Why argue endlessly using the wrong map, when I have given you a much better map, which silences immediately any round earth proponents' concerns.

There are three kinds of stellar orbits, here is the photograph to prove it:

See the following links for complete explanations:

The size (diameter) of the Sun, and the Earth - Sun distance in the FAQ must be modified to read: diameter of the Sun - 600 meters (to be elegant, we use 1000/PHI ~618 meters), Earth - Sun distance 10 - 12 km. HERE ARE THE PROOFS, real time videos of the ISS/Mercury Sun transits, also the ISS Moon transit.

These links include the photographs of the Black Sun which, as you can see, has the same diameter as that of the visible Sun.

For the best information re: the Sun, see the alternative FAQ: (page 1) (page 2)

The debate flat earth vs. round earth reduces, really, to one issue: is there any curvature at the surface of the Earth?

The Barbarians, here are the details, where we can see very clearly that there is no ascending slope, no midpoint curvature:

The Barbarians, hosted by Terry Jones

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

Between 38:28 - 38:35, we can see clearly ABSOLUTELY NO CURVATURE ALL THE WAY TO MOROCCO...the surface of the strait is completely flat...

Multiple photographs taken from Port Credit, Etobicoke, Grimsby, Hamilton over the lake Ontario, no curvature whatsoever:

We do not even need to debate in terms of photographs or videos; all we really need is to show that there is no attractive gravity:

Complete and immediate proofs of the fact that there is no attractive gravity; without this concept, the round earth theory falls flat on its nose.

Cosmis aether wave background:

The movement of the heliocentric solar system towards the star Vega is incompatible with the first law of Kepler:

« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 03:02:00 AM by sandokhan »



  • Flat Earth Sultan
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 7267
Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #45 on: April 25, 2010, 07:48:44 AM »

In fact, seismic waves turn out to be one of the most ingenious proofs that the surface of the Earth is actually flat.

The discontinuities of the seismic waves assumed by modern science to occur at the crust mantle boundary are actually a network of huge caverns and large underground bodies of water and that they would match perfectly the seismic data.

Great masses of water are interpreted as molten rock.

Seismic waves travel faster north-south than east-west for a full four seconds.

"The S-wave shadow zone is larger than the P-wave shadow zones; direct S waves are not recorded in the entire region more than 103° away from the epicentre. It therefore seems that S waves do not travel through the core at all, and this is interpreted to mean that it is liquid, or at least acts like a liquid. The way P waves are refracted in the core is believed to indicate that there is a solid inner core. Although most of the earth's iron is supposed to be concentrated in the core, it is interesting to note that in the outer zones of the earth, iron levels decrease with depth.

Seismologists sometimes draw contradictory conclusions from the same seismic data. For instance, two groups of geophysicists produced completely different pictures of the core-mantle boundary, where there are believed to be 'mountains' and 'valleys' as high or deep as 10 km. The two groups used virtually the same data but used different equations to process them. Seismologists also disagree on the rate of rotation of the inner core: some say it is rotating faster than the rest of the planet, others that it is rotating more slowly, and yet others that it rotates at the same speed!

    It is becoming increasingly evident that the earth model presented by the reigning theory of plate tectonics is seriously flawed. The rigid lithosphere, comprising the crust and uppermost mantle, is said to be fractured into several 'plates' of varying sizes, which move over a relatively plastic layer of partly molten rock known as the asthenosphere (or low-velocity zone). The lithosphere is said to average about 70 km thick beneath oceans and to be 100 to 250 km thick beneath continents. A powerful challenge to this model is posed by seismic tomography, which shows that the oldest parts of the continents have deep roots extending to depths of 400 to 600 km, and that the asthenosphere is essentially absent beneath them. Seismic research shows that even under the oceans there is no continuous asthenosphere, only disconnected asthenospheric lenses.

    The more we learn about the crust and uppermost mantle, the more the models presented in geological textbooks are exposed as simplistic and unrealistic. The outermost layers of the earth have a highly complex, irregular, inhomogeneous structure; they are divided by faults into a mosaic of separate, jostling blocks of different shapes and sizes, generally a few hundred kilometres across, and of varying internal structure and strength. This fact, in conjunction with the existence of deep continental roots and the absence of a global asthenosphere, means that the notion of huge rigid plates moving thousands of kilometres across the earth is simply untenable. Continents are about as mobile as a brick in a wall!

    The plate-tectonic hypothesis that the present oceans have formed by seafloor spreading since the early Mesozoic (within the last 200 million years) is also becoming increasingly implausible. Numerous far older continental rocks have been discovered in the oceans, along with 'anomalous' crustal types intermediate between standard 'continental' and 'oceanic' crust (e.g. plateaus, ridges, and rises), and the evidence for large (now submerged) continental landmasses in the present oceans continues to mount.

At the Kola hole, scientists expected to find 4.7 km of metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rock, then a granitic layer to a depth of 7 km (the 'Conrad discontinuity'), with a basaltic layer below it. The granite, however, appeared at 6.8 km and extends to more than 12 km; no basaltic layer was ever found! Seismic-reflection surveys, in which sound waves sent into the crust bounce back off contrasting rock types, have detected the Conrad discontinuity beneath all the continents, but the standard interpretation that it represents a change from granitic to basaltic rocks is clearly wrong. Metamorphic changes brought about by heat and pressure are now thought to be the most likely explanation.

The superdeep borehole at Oberpfälz, Germany, was expected to pass through a 3-to-5-km-thick nappe complex into a suture zone formed by a supposed continental collision. The borehole reached a final depth of 9101 m in 1994, but no evidence supporting the nappe concept was found. What the scientists did find was a series of nearly vertical folds that had failed to show up on seismic-reflection profiles.

 Rock density is generally expected to increase with depth, as pressures rise. Results from the Kola hole indicated that densities did increase with depth initially, but at 4.5 km the drill encountered a sudden decrease in density, presumably due to increased porosity. The results also showed that increases in seismic velocity do not have to be caused by an increase in rock basicity. The Soviet Minister of Geology reported that 'with increasing depth in the Kola hole, the expected increase in rock densities was therefore not recorded. Neither was any increase in the speed of seismic waves nor any other changes in the physical properties of the rocks detected. Thus the traditional idea that geological data obtained from the surface can be directly correlated with geological materials in the deep crust must be reexamined.'

    The results of superdeep drilling show that seismic surveys of continental crust are being systematically misinterpreted. Much of the modelling of the earth's interior depends on the interpretation of seismic records. If these interpretations are wrong at depths of only a few kilometres, how much reliance can be placed on interpretations of the earth's structure at depths of hundreds or thousands of kilometres beneath the surface?!

    Contrary to expectations, signs of rock alteration and mineralization were found as deep as 7 km in the Kola well. The hole intercepted a copper-nickel ore body almost 2 km below the level at which ore bodies were thought to disappear. In addition, hydrogen, helium, methane, and other gases, together with strongly mineralized waters were found circulating throughout the Kola hole. The presence of fractures open to fluid circulation at pressures of more than 3000 bars was entirely unexpected. The drillers at Oberpfälz discovered hot fluids in open fractures at 3.4 km. The brine was rich in potassium and twice as salty as ocean water, and its origin is a mystery.

Another surprise at the Kola hole was that lifeforms and fossils were discovered several kilometres down. Microscopic fossils were found at depths of 6.7 km. 24 species were identified among these microfossils, representing the envelopes or coverings of single-cell marine plants known as plankton. Unlike conventional shells of limestone or silica, these coverings were found to consist of carbon and nitrogen and had remained remarkably unaltered despite the high pressures and temperatures to which they had been subjected.

The oceanic crust is commonly divided into three main layers: layer 1 consists of ocean-floor sediments and averages 0.5 km in thickness; layer 2 consists largely of basalt and is 1.0 to 2.5 km thick; and layer 3 is assumed to consist of gabbro and is about 5 km thick. A drillhole in the eastern Pacific Ocean has been reoccupied four times in a 12-year span, and has now reached a total depth of 2000 m below the seafloor. Seismic evidence suggested that the boundary between layers 2 and 3 would be found at a depth of about 1700 m, but the drill went well past that depth without finding the contact between the dikes of layer 2 and the expected gabbro of layer 3. Either the seismic interpretation or the model of layer 3's composition must be wrong.

If the earth's interior were homogeneous, consisting of materials with the same properties throughout, seismic waves would travel in a straight line at a constant velocity. In reality, waves reach distant seismometers sooner than they would if the earth were homogeneous, and the greater the distance, the greater the acceleration. This implies that the waves arriving at the more distant stations have been travelling faster. Since seismic waves travel not only along the surface but also through the body of the earth, the earth's curvature will clearly result in stations more distant from an earthquake focus receiving waves that have passed through greater depths in the earth. From this it is inferred that the velocity of seismic waves increases with depth, due to changes in the properties of the earth's matter.

    Seismic velocity in different media depends not just on the substance's density but also on its elastic properties (i.e. rigidity and incompressibility). In the case of solids and liquids, for instance, there is no correlation between sound-wave velocity and density. Here are some examples involving metals:

Substance      Density (g/cm³)         Velocity of longitudinal waves (km/s)
       aluminium         2.7      6.42
       zinc      7.1      4.21
       iron      7.9      5.95
       copper      8.9      4.76
       nickel      8.9      6.04
       gold      19.7      3.24
There is a correlation between density and seismic velocity in the case of gases: velocity decreases with increasing density due to the increased number of collisions.

    According to the relevant equations, the velocity of seismic waves will become slower, the denser the rocks through which they pass, if the rocks' elastic properties change in the same proportion as density. Since seismic waves accelerate with depth, this would imply that density decreases. However, scientists are convinced that the density of the rocks composing the earth's interior increases with depth. To get round this problem, they simply assume that the elastic properties change at a rate that more than compensates for the increase in density. As one textbook puts it:

Since the density of the Earth increases with depth you would expect the waves to slow down with increasing depth. Why, then, do both P- and S-waves speed up as they go deeper? This can only happen because the incompressibility and rigidity of the Earth increase faster with depth than density increases.

Thus geophysicists simply adjust the values for rigidity and incompressibility to fit in with their preconceptions regarding density and velocity distribution within the earth! In other words, their arguments are circular.

Drilling results at the Kola borehole revealed significant heterogeneity in rock composition and density, seismic velocities, and other properties. Overall, rock porosity and pressure increased with depth, while density decreased, and seismic velocities showed no distinct trend. In the Oberpfälz pilot hole, too, density and seismic velocity showed no distinct trend with increasing depth. Many scientists believe that at greater depths, the presumed increase in pressures and temperatures will lead to greater homogeneity and that reality will approximate more closely to current models. But this is no more than a declaration of faith.

    Scientists' conviction that density increases with depth is based on their belief that, due to the accumulating weight of the overlying rock, pressure must increase all the way to the earth's centre where it is believed to reach 3.5 million atmospheres (on the earth's surface the pressure is one atmosphere). They also believe that they know by how much rock density increases towards the earth's centre. This is because they think they have accurately determined the earth's mass (5.98 x 1024 kg) and therefore its average density (5.52 g/cm³). Since the outermost crustal rocks -- the only ones that can be sampled directly -- have a density of only 2.75 g/cm³, it follows that deeper layers of rock must be much denser. At the centre of the earth, density allegedly reaches 13.5 g/cm³.

Pari Spolter casts doubt on this model:

About 71% of the earth's surface is covered by oceans at an average depth of 3795 m and mean density of 1.02 g cm-3. The average thickness of the crust is 19 km and the mean crustal density is 2.75 g cm-3. From studies of seismic wave travel time, geophysicists have outlined a layered structure in the interior of the earth. There is no accurate way currently known of estimating the density distribution from seismic data alone. To come up with a mean density of 5.5, earth models assuming progressively higher density values for the inner zones of the earth have been devised. . . .
    Except for the ocean and the crust, direct measurements of the density of the inner layers of the earth are not available. This currently accepted Earth Model is inconsistent with the law of sedimentation in a centrifuge. The earth has been rotating for some 4.5 billion years. When it was first formed, the earth was in a molten state and was rotating faster than today. The highest density of matter should have migrated to the outer layers. Except for the inner core, . . . the density of the other layers of the earth should be less than 3 g cm-3.
    Also, heavy elements are rare in the universe. How could so much of materials with such low stellar abundances have concentrated in the earth's interior?

The seismic radiation of deep earthquakes is similar to that of shallow earthquakes. It used to be said that deep-focus earthquakes were followed by fewer aftershocks than shallow ones, but there are indications that many of the aftershocks are simply difficult to detect, and that there is much more activity at such depths than is currently believed. The fact that deep earthquakes share many characteristics with shallow earthquakes suggests that they may be caused by similar mechanisms. However, most earth scientists are incapable of entertaining the notion that the earth could be rigid at such depths. One exception is E.A. Skobelin, who draws the logical conclusion that since deep-focus earthquakes cannot originate in plastic material but must be linked to some kind of stress in solid rock, the solid, rigid lithosphere must extend to depths of up to 700 km.

On 8 June 1994, one of the largest deep earthquakes of the 20th century, with a magnitude of 8.3 on the Richter scale, exploded 640 km beneath Bolivia. It caused the whole earth to ring like a bell for months on end; every 20 minutes or so, the entire planet expanded and contracted by a minute amount. A significant feature of the Bolivian earthquake was that it extended horizontally across a 30- by 50-km plane within the 'subducting slab'. This undermines the hypothesis that such quakes are caused by olivine within the 'cold' centre of a slab suddenly being transformed into spinel in a runaway reaction when the temperature rises above 600°C. It also undermines the theory that gravity increases with depth; if this were true, the motion of earthquakes at such depths should be nearly vertical. There appears to be something very wrong with scientific theories about what exists and what is happening deep within the earth.

    The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s² at the earth's surface and the prevailing view is that it rises to a maximum of 10.4 m/s² at the core-mantle boundary (2900 km), before falling to zero at the earth's centre. But not all earth scientists agree. Skobelin argues that the normal, downwardly-directed gravitational force may be replaced by a reversed, upwardly-directed force at depths of 2700 to 4980 km, and that the widely-accepted figure of 3500 kilobars for the pressure at the earth's centre, may be an order of magnitude too high."

David Pratt

see also:

As we have seen, none of the assumptions made by geologists are true about the composition of inner earth, therefore no one at the present time has any idea how actually seismic waves propagate at very large depths.

In order to make claims about the shape of the Earth based on seismic waves, you must know exactly the composition of inner earth: I have given you plenty of examples which do show that this composition is very different than what was assumed to be true.

Please read:

The oceanic crust is commonly divided into three main layers: layer 1 consists of ocean-floor sediments and averages 0.5 km in thickness; layer 2 consists largely of basalt and is 1.0 to 2.5 km thick; and layer 3 is assumed to consist of gabbro and is about 5 km thick. A drillhole in the eastern Pacific Ocean has been reoccupied four times in a 12-year span, and has now reached a total depth of 2000 m below the seafloor. Seismic evidence suggested that the boundary between layers 2 and 3 would be found at a depth of about 1700 m, but the drill went well past that depth without finding the contact between the dikes of layer 2 and the expected gabbro of layer 3. Either the seismic interpretation or the model of layer 3's composition must be wrong.

If the earth's interior were homogeneous, consisting of materials with the same properties throughout, seismic waves would travel in a straight line at a constant velocity. In reality, waves reach distant seismometers sooner than they would if the earth were homogeneous, and the greater the distance, the greater the acceleration. This implies that the waves arriving at the more distant stations have been travelling faster. Since seismic waves travel not only along the surface but also through the body of the earth, the earth's curvature will clearly result in stations more distant from an earthquake focus receiving waves that have passed through greater depths in the earth. From this it is inferred that the velocity of seismic waves increases with depth, due to changes in the properties of the earth's matter.

There is a correlation between density and seismic velocity in the case of gases: velocity decreases with increasing density due to the increased number of collisions.




Since the interior structure is completely different, the assumed calculations made taking curvature into consideration are wrong.

Once we exclude the curvature, we can simply explain the velocity of the seismic wave strictly based on the newly discovered properties of earth's matter, on A FLAT SURFACE OF THE EARTH.

There was a question re: stellar parallax/stellar aberration. Here is the very best information on the geocentric theory of these subjects:

Airy's experiment (1871) in the previous link on the inexistence of attractive gravity...

« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 10:57:01 PM by sandokhan »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #46 on: April 27, 2010, 02:41:13 AM »
All heavenly bodies are flat disks, here is the best proof for all of you:

Here is Nibiru/Black Sun (the planet, formerly a star - Sirius C, which actually does cause the solar eclipse), photographs taken in Antarctica by the world renowned photographer, Fred Bruenjes:

Here is the altitude of the Schirmacher Hills, the place in Antarctica mentioned by the author of the photographs:

Just 228 meters.

distance: 4000 km (look this up on any map, and I am being v. conservative with the 4000 km, I could use about 5000 km)

So, the visual obstacle will be:

1451,33 KILOMETERS, over 1450 kilometers of a visual obstacle., which, as we can see in these photographs, does not exist at all.

The Sun/ISS/Mercury transit videos show clearly the real dimensions of the Sun: not 1.4 million km in diameter (or for that matter, 50 km/32 mi), but just 1000/PHI ~= 618 meters:

The Moon/ISS transits show the same diameter as that of the Sun:

There is no need to debate or argue about the shape of the Moon, it is clearly a flat disk, and furthermore, the Moon does not cause the solar eclipse.


A spherically shaped star/planet would have been impossible to attain from the start.

Now, a gaseous nebula approaching the form of a disk involves several things. Because of the rotating motion of the whole nebula, a centrifugal force was in action, and we are told that parts of matter more on the periphery broke up into rings. Matter must have been concentrated in just a tiny sector of those rings, given the distance (the diameter) of the rings themselves (in our case, about 150 million kilometers).

Given the fact that there is no such thing as an attractive kind of gravitation, to get from a disk to a sphere, a tangential force of compression which would produce circumferential shortening/radial shrinkage (on the equatorial plane) would have been needed. To get from a disk (transversal cross section in the shape of an ellipse, with the eccentricity very close to unity, about 0.9995) to a sphere (eccentricity of about 0.314), given the centrifugal force of rotation, would have been impossible.

A rotating nebula could not produce satellites revolving in two directions (moons of Uranus, three of the satellites of Jupiter, 1 of Saturn, and one of Neptune). Venus rotates retrogradely, completely unexplained by modern science.

Being smaller than the Earth, the moon completed earlier the process of cooling and shrinkage and a has a lighter specific weight than the Earth. The moon was produced, it is assumed, from the superificial layers of the earth's body; this assumption means that the origin of the moon was not simultaneous with that of the earth; that is, the earth had to undergo a process of leveling (cooling) before the moon parted from the earth. Therefore, we are told that a stupendous collision took place between a heavenly body and the earth, but this collision MUST HAVE TAKEN PLACE AFTER THE EARTH COOLED DOWN, that is 3.9 billion years ago (4.6 billion years - gaseous nebula, 4.5 billion years - incandescent conglomerate of matter and elements). Such a collision would have melted completely the surface of the earth; this in sharp contrast with the facts we are told: 3.85 billion years ago, DNA appeared out of nowhere. Also, in the official storyline, this collision would have been responsible for the 23.5 degree tilt, but such a collision would have disrupted completely any axial rotation, not to mention the orbital motion.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 10:10:41 PM by sandokhan »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #47 on: May 03, 2010, 03:10:40 AM »
Book of Jubilees, chapter 8:

"And for Ham came out as the second portion, beyond the Gejon (Nile), toward the south, to the right of the garden, and it proceeds to all the fire mountains, and goes toward the west to the sea of Atil and goes west until it reaches the sea of Mauk  the one of which everything descends that is destroyed. And it proceeds to the north to the shore of Gadil and goes to the west of the water of the sea until it approaches the river Gejon, and the river Gejon goes until it approaches to the right of the Garden of Eden, and this land is the land which came forth for Ham as the portion he shall retain for himself and the children of his generations forever."

"And there came out of the lot for Shem the middle of the earth, which he and his children should have as an inheritance for the generations unto eternity, from the middle of the Mountain Rafu from the exit of the water of the river Tina, and his portion goes toward the west through the midst of this river, and they go until they approach to the abyss of the waters out of which comes this river, and this river empties and pours its waters into the sea Miot, and this river goes into the great sea: all that is toward the north of this is Japhet's, and all that is to the direction of the south is Shem's."

"And his (Ham/Khem's) portion reaches unto the great sea, and reaches straight until it approaches the west of the tongue which looks toward the south; for the sea is called the tongue of the Egyptian Sea (Red Sea). And it turns from there toward the south, toward the mouth of the great sea in the shore of the waters and proceeds toward Arabia and Ophra, and it proceeds until it reaches to the water of the River Gejon (Nile), along the shore of this same river. And it proceeds toward the north until it approaches the Garden of Eden, and toward the south thereof to the south, and from the east of the whole land of Eden, and toward the whole east , and it turns to the east, and proceeds until it approaches toward the east of the hills whose name is Rafa, and it descends toward the border of the outlet of the water of the river Tina."

Notice that the Garden of Eden is described as being located to the WEST of the Nile river and NORTH of Egypt, and the land of Ham as being located to the right of the Garden, thus contradicting clearly the version served by the conspirators in the Genesis chapters.

If we can find out the exact location of the Riphath/Rafu mountains, the river Tina, the sea of Miot, and especially the sea of Atil, we immediately have at our disposal the exact place of the Garden of Eden (which IS NOT located anywhere near the Middle East).

Mountain Riphath/Rafu is easily seen to be the mountain range in the northern portion of Anatolia (ancient Paphlagonia/Mysia/Bithynia), namely the Temnus and the Olympus ranges/mountains (Riphath was given the portion of Anatolia, NORTH of river Tina and EAST of the land given to the first son of Noah).

Location of the sea of Atil:

His head [Ro-AT-SH] was at Roxolania/Rus, south of Belarus. Its name changed to the Ukraine (Gk kranion = cranium, not Slavic ukraina to/at the border). His throat [GaRGeret] is Georgia. His left shoulder [KaSaF] is the Caspian sea. His right shoulder [-AT-aTZiL] was Euxinus, now the Black Sea. His right arm/hand is being washed [NaTiLat] at Anatolia.

Therefore, the sea of Atil IS actually the Black Sea, or Pontus Euxinus. And the sea of Miot is the Sea of Marmara, which goes into the Great Sea (Mediterranean Sea).

River Tina is related to lake Arthynia (which discharges its waters into the Macestus River, which separates Asia from Bithynia), located next to the Sea of Marmara.

THE GARDEN OF EDEN IS LOCATED RIGHT NEXT TO THE SEA OF MARMARA (sea of Propontis) (SEA OF MIOT), IN THE WESTERN PORTION OF ANATOLIA; there must a region with about 40 km in diameter which cannot be accessed by land or sea (we have the same situation at the North/South Poles, which have never been actually discovered or located precisely, see The Hollow Earth by R. Bernard, ).

Now, let us make the connection between the BOOK OF ENOCH, BOOK OF JUBILEES and the BOOK OF NOAH:

Book of Enoch:
And they took  me to the living waters, and to the fire (Volcano) of the west, which receives every setting of the sun. And I came to a river of fire (river of lava) in which the fire flows like water and discharges itself into the great sea towards the west .

Book of Jubilees: the right of the garden, and it proceeds to all the fire mountains, and goes toward the west to the sea of Atil.

Book of Noah:
And they will shut up those Angels, who showed iniquity, in that burning valley, (Eden Valley) which my great-grandfather Enoch had shown to me previously, in the west, near the mountains of gold and silver and iron and soft metal and tin.

From there I passed on above the summits of those mountains to some distance eastwards, and went over the Erythraean sea. And when I was advanced far beyond it, I passed along above the angel Zateel, and arrived at the garden of righteousness. In this garden I beheld, among other trees, some which were numerous and large, and which flourished there.

The original term used by Enoch was THE SEA OF ATIL, and NOT the Erythraean Sea (added later by translators who had no idea of the true location of the sea of Atil, the Black Sea).

The conspirators changed the true name of the first son of Noah, PELASG/PELASGOS, to Shem (a name derived from sun worship).

All legends of the Arcadians, Greeks, Thracians point out that the first son of Noah was called Pelasg; and Pelasg never set foot in Mesopotamia (a portion of land given to the descendants of the sons of Khem/Ham; namely, the northern part was given to Misraim and some of his sons, and the southern portion was taken over by Nimrod and his sons).

Iesous Christos, a direct descendant of Pelasg, lived right next to the Sea of Marmara (and not the sea of Galilee); the events described in the Gospels (forged later, in the period 1720-1725, see also the link given above to The Pauline Epistles by E. Johnson) took place in the western portion of Anatolia, Jerusalem was actually Troy/Constantinopole, and the Temple of Solomon (which never existed) was the Hagia Sophia (built by Nimrod). (more details here)

« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 03:18:09 AM by levee »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #48 on: May 13, 2010, 02:29:31 AM »
All major discoveries of the 20th Century in quantum mechanics (quark/antimatter/superstring theory), were copied from the most formidable book ever published on this subject:

On the fundamental discoveries from Occult Chemistry: (one of the best analyses of the Occult Chemistry classic)

P. Tompkins, Secret Life of Nature: (download in pdf format)

Pages 12, 50, 54, 55; Ch. 7 * pg. 81 ? 94  (92, omegons; 93, expl. for quarks); Ch. 8 *  pg. 95 - 101 (96, koilon bubbles; 100-101, string model); Ch. 9 * pg. 102 ? 111 (106-111, electrons bubbles, lines of force), 126-127 four ethers (ch. 1, Historical Evidence) - the very best account of the work done in Occult Chemistry, a must read

ESP of quarks and superstrings, S. Phillips

« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 02:41:10 AM by levee »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #49 on: May 14, 2010, 03:06:56 AM »
"The intelligent layman has long suspected circular reasoning in the use of rocks to date fossils and fossils to date rocks. The geologist has never bothered to think of a good reply, feeling the explanations are not worth the trouble as long as the work brings results" (American Journal of Science, 1976, 276:51). (must read) (must read) (must read) (must read) (must read) (must read)

Here is the dean of the faculty of mathematics/mechanics at the Moscow University, A. Fomenko, explaining to you how the radiodating CANNOT be used at all, EVEN FOR ARTIFACTS THOUGHT TO BE JUST 1000 (OR UNDER 1000 YEARS) YEARS OLD:


Thermochronology/geochemical analysis errors: (exceptionally documented) (the artifacts found at Pompeii/Herculaneum prove IMMEDIATELY that the eruption of Vesuvius which destroyed these cities, took place AT LEAST AFTER 1700 AD, AND NOT IN THE YEAR 79 AD, while the Jump of the Second Derivative of the Moon Elongation prove that the astronomical records of the period 700 BC - 1200 AD were made up much later in time) (more proofs for those who accept the official chronology) (the classics HISTORY: SCIENCE OR FICTION VOL. 1 AND 2, and the BOOK OF CIVILIZATION) (Christoph Pfister discovered that there was NO HUMAN SETTLEMENT IN SWITZERLAND before 1700 AD) (more proofs) (more precise proofs) (the PAULINE EPISTLES by EDWIN JOHNSON, the extraordinary work which proves that the New Testament was forged at least after 1533 AD + C. Pfister's own site translated in English) (jump of the second derivative/moon elongation by R. Newton) (mysteries of the egyptian zodiacs/Christ crucified at Constantinopole/Troy) (stone levitation)

« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 03:41:18 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #50 on: May 16, 2010, 05:52:39 AM »
Isotopic dating: science or fiction? (must read)

Ice core dating: science or fiction? (must read)

More extraordinary proofs that the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius that destroyed Pompeii/Herculaneum took place in the 17th century AD (new chronology of A. Fomenko; in our radical new chronology, we move this event to approximately 1740-1750, given the analysis of the artifacts studied in my previous messages here):

Therefore, the proofs are very clear indeed that the official chronology is completely wrong, and that the radical new chronology is correct.

The Fictitious Middle Ages/Did the Early Middle Ages Exist? The work of H. Illig (the least controversial of all new chronologists, he does prove however that the "historical" period 600 - 900 AD was completely made up and invented much later in time):


A chronological revolution made by historical analytics:


The article Features of the Domenico Fontana's Water Conduit (the Canal of Count Sarno) and the Date of Pompeii Destruction which proves that the water conduit built by D. Fontana (according to the official chronology during the period 1594-1600 AD) was constructed WHILE POMPEII EXISTED AS A "LIVING" CITY: (limited view of the article by A. Tschurilow)
« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 04:09:18 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #51 on: May 18, 2010, 07:17:21 AM »


E1 = VAYU / memory/imagination
E2 = TEJAS/PRANA / senses
E3 = APAS / reproduction
E4 = PRAKRITI / metabolism

The positive component of Prakriti is called Assimilation, the process whereby the different nutritive elements of food are incorporated into the body of plant, animal and man.

N. Tesla used Prakriti to send his electrical currents above the flat earth, and also to cause artificial earthquakes.

The human body functions on three levels called octaves: THE OCTAVE OF IMPRESSIONS/THE DIVINE OCTAVE (we receive ojas/ABL+- , prana and generative force through the pineal gland, which IS NOT the third eye of the occultists; the third eye is actually the thalamus gland), THE OCTAVE OF BREATH, and THE OCTAVE OF FOOD.

When a person is drowning, or falling from a height, or freezing, the vital body (the four ethers) leaves the dense body, the atoms of which become temporarily inert in consequence, but at resuscitation it re-enters the dense body and the "points" are again inserted in the dense atoms. The inertia of the atoms causes them to resist the resumption of vibration and that is the cause of the intense prickly pain and the tingling sensation noted at such times, but not ordinarily, for the same reason that we become conscious of the starting or stopping of a clock, but are oblivious to its tick when it is running.

There are certain cases where the vital body partly leaves the dense body, such as when a hand "goes to sleep." Then the etheric hand of the vital body may be seen hanging below the dense arm like a glove and the points cause the peculiar pricking sensation felt when the etheric hand re-enters the dense hand. Sometimes in hypnosis the head of the vital body divides and hangs outside the dense head, one half over each shoulder, or lies around the neck like the collar of a sweater.

W. Reich, in addition to discovering the biggest secret of the nuclear industry (namely, that there is no nuclear industry to begin with, the nuclear reactors are nothing more than aether accumulators), found that the negative component of Prakriti, inertia, also causes the storms in the atmosphere and causes corrosion/decay.

All major discoveries of the 20th Century in quantum mechanics (quark/antimatter/superstring theory), were copied from the most formidable book ever published on this subject:

On the fundamental discoveries from Occult Chemistry:

This is how the human aura actually looks like:


More on telluric currents:

More on cosmic rays:

The complete demonstration of the fact there is no such thing as a gravitational pull/attractive gravity:

« Last Edit: October 31, 2011, 03:15:43 AM by levee »


Ichimaru Gin :]

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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #52 on: May 18, 2010, 07:36:01 AM »
Does the human aura change at all depending on whether the person in question is a female opposed to a male?

Edit: Thank you very much Levee  :D
« Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 10:20:26 AM by Ichimaru Gin :] »
I saw a slight haze in the hotel bathroom this morning after I took a shower, have I discovered a new planet?



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #53 on: May 25, 2010, 05:02:37 AM »
The thread opened concerning A. Hitler in another part of this forum does not address the most important issues...not by a long shot...

Rudolf Hess was NOT in the plane headed for Great Britain:

In his book The Murder of Rudolf Hess, Hugh Thomas casts doubt on the man who was locked up in Berlin's Spandau Prison for so long and offers fairly persuasive evidence that the figure held prisoner there was not the real Hess, but an imposter. Yet if that were the case and the evidence is quite startling why was he not executed at Nuremberg, as so many of his contemporaries were, or simply released as a harmless stooge, before his death there in 1981? Other characters served long prison sentences, such as Albert Speer, a civilian figure who might arguably have had a more heinous war record than Deputy Fuhrer Hess, who, after all absconded to Britain in 1941 before the war had taken a more serious turn for the worse. So why such a long sentence? It has been suggested that Hess was in some way connected to BASE 211 did the real Hess abscond in 1941 to Base 211 itself, simultaneously using a loyal double, with instructions to fly to Scotland and thereafter take the brunt of ridicule and long incarceration? If so, Hess would have effectively disappeared to oversee the development of a fourth Reich in the southern hemisphere.

A. Hitler did not die at all in May 1945, in Germany...on the contrary...

The escape to Antarctica was well prepared ahead of time...

The most unbelievable plan used by the Thule/Vril secret societies was, by far, THE KRONOS PROJEKT. You will not read anything on this subject in any book which addresses the occult part of the Nazi ideology (UFOs).

The Kronos Projekt = modification of the eighth chakra of the human body, in order to absorb DIRECTLY the positive tachyons (Anu+) into the human aura, to replace at a much faster rate the tachyons which are used up in the vital body in the normal course of everyday life.

Here is the system of nine chakras of the human vital body:

The Great Pyramid of Gizeh was used, before the Great Flood of 1600 AD (1580-1600) to modify in the same way the rate at which positive tachyons are absorbed by the human body, here is how the thalamus gland was modified:

The thalamus gland WAS NOT part of the original human brain architecture: we only had the pineal gland in the center, without the thalamus/hypothalamus/amygdala glands, which were implanted after Adam and Eve ate from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge (Desire/Imagination). The thalamus gland is the reptilian third eye of the occultists, here is the extraordinary proof:

The positive tachyons are related to the mental body (imagination);  the modification of the eighth chakra can take place, but at the EXPENSE of the emotional part of the body, which is not needed anymore (the emotional part is related to the negative tachyons, with receptive vortices); the aura is modified without taking into account morality and other such issues, just for the sake of the physical body, that is why Projekt Kronos became the most dangerous undertaking studied by those secret societies during WWII and after.

Only when the physical body is transmuted (much higher vibration) to the vital body, only then can we talk about immortality (fruit of the Tree of Life).

Brotherhood of the Bell (some details of the Kronos Projekt, but which do not address the issues raised above, the modification of the eighth chakra):
« Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 07:40:13 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #54 on: May 29, 2010, 02:16:14 AM »
From Holland Michigan, across the Lake Michigan, lights of three different communities were seen (one of them Milwaukee), across a distance of 128 km. (on the archive webpage, May 28, 2003, Oh Say Can You See article)

'As twilight deepened, there were more and more lights.'

Bringing out a pair of binoculars, Kanis said he was able to make out the shape of some buildings.

'With the binoculars we could make out three different communities,' Kanis said.

According to one Coast Guard crewman, it is possible to see city lights across the lake at very specific times.

Currently a Coast Guard crewman stationed in Holland, Todd Reed has worked on the east side of Lake Michigan for 30 years and said he's been able to see lights across the lake at least a dozen times.



h = 3 meters BD = 1163 METERS

h = 5 meters BD = 1129 METERS

h = 10 meters BD = 1068 METERS

h = 20 meters BD = 984 METERS

h = 50 meters BD = 827.6 METERS

h = 100 meters BD = 667.6 METERS

The highest building in Milwaukee has a height of 183 meters, the difference from h = 5 meters in altitude being 946 meters, and those residents saw the buildings from THREE DIFFERENT COMMUNITIES, two of which have buildings whose heights measure way under 183 meters.

Therefore, the only way those buildings could be seen, given the 128 km distance, would be if the surface of Lake Michigan is completely flat (you can also use the above formula on atmospheric refraction to see how impossible it is to see shapes of buildings over a 128 km distance).

More details here:

In the alternative flat earth theory, both the Sun and the Moon DO RISE and SET:

History: Science or Fiction? video documentary:

New chronology of English history:

V. Suvorov - Icebreaker

Suvorov challenges the widely-accepted view that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime attacked an unsuspecting USSR on June 22, 1941 with a much superior and better prepared force. Instead, Suvorov argues that the Soviet Union was poised to invade Nazi-controlled territories in July 1941.

Stalin planned to attack Nazi Germany from the rear in July 1941, only a few weeks after the date on which the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union took place. According to Suvorov, the Red Army had been already redeployed from a defensive to an offensive position. As described in Suvorov's books, Stalin had made no major defensive preparations. On the contrary, the Stalin line fortifications through Belarus-Ukraine were dismantled, and the new Molotov line was all but finished by the time of Nazi invasion.

American Civil War hidden history:

Occult Finances:

From the famous Red Symphony document (January 1938):

Historiographers and the masses, blinded by the shouts and the pomp of the French revolution, the people, intoxicated by the fact that it had succeeded in taking all power from the King and the privileged classes, did not notice how a small group of mysterious, careful and insignificant people had taken possession of the real Royal power, the magical power, almost divine, which it obtained almost without knowing it.

Titles, figures, cheques, promissory notes, endorsements, discount, quotations, figures without end flooded States like a waterfall. What are in comparison with these the metallic and paper moneys? ... Something devoid of influence, some kind of minimum in the face of the growing flood of the all-flooding financial money. They, being the most subtle psychologists, were able to gain even more without trouble, thanks to a lack of understanding. In addition to the immensely varied different forms of financial moneys, they created credit-money with a view to making its volume close to infinite. And to give it the speed of sound ... it is an abstraction, a being of thought, a figure, number, credit, faith ...

Banks, the stock exchanges and the whole world financial system - is a gigantic machine for the purpose of bringing about unnatural scandals, according to Aristotle's expression; to force money to produce money - that is something that if it is a crime in economics, then in relations to finances it is a crime against the criminal code, since it is usury. I do not know by what arguments all this is justified: by the proposition that they receive legal interest ... Even accepting that, and even that admission is more than is necessary, we see that usury still exists, since even if the interest received is legal, then it invents and falsifies the non-existent capital. Banks have always by way of deposits or moneys in productive movement a certain quantity of money which is five or perhaps even a hundred times greater than there are physically coined moneys of metal or paper. I shall say nothing of those cases when the credit-moneys, i.e. false, fabricated ones, are greater than the quantity of moneys paid out as capital. Bearing in mind that lawful interest is fixed not on real capital but on non-existing capital, the interest is illegal by so many times as the fictional capital is greater than the real one.

Bear in mind that this system, which I am describing in detail, is one of the most innocent among those used for the fabrication of false money. Imagine to yourself, if you can, a small number of people, having unlimited power through the possession of real wealth, and you will see that they are the absolute dictators of the stock-exchange; and as a result of this also the dictators of production and distribution and also of work and consumption. If you have enough imagination then multiply this, by the global factor and you will see its anarchical, moral and social influence, i.e. a revolutionary one ... Do you now understand?

Hitler has restored thanks to his natural intuition and even against the technical opinion of Schacht, an economic system of a very dangerous kind. Being illiterate in all economic theories and being guided only by necessity he removed, as we had done it in the USSR, the private and international capital. That means that he took over for himself the privilege of manufacturing money, and not only physical moneys, but also financial ones; he took over the untouched machinery of falsification and put it to work for the benefit of the State. He exceeded us, as we, having abolished it in Russia, replaced it merely by this crude apparatus called State Capitalism; this was a very expensive triumph in view of the necessities of pre-revolutionary demagogy ... Here I give you two real facts for comparison. I shall even say that Hitler had been lucky; he had almost no gold and for that reason he was not tempted to create a gold reserve. Insofar as he only possessed a full monetary guarantee of technical equipment and colossal working capacity of the Germans, his "old reserve" was technical capacity and work ..., something so completely counter-revolutionary that, as you already see, he has by means of magic, as it were, radically eliminated unemployment among more than seven million technicians and workers.
Are you capable of imagining what would have come of this system if it had infected a number of other States and brought about the creation of a period of autarky ... For example the Commonwealth. If you can, then imagine its counter-revolutionary functions ... The danger is not yet inevitable, as we have had luck in that Hitler restored his system not according to some previous theory, but empirically, and he did not make any formulation of a scientific kind. This means that insofar as he did not think in the light of a deductive process based on intelligence, he has no scientific terms or a formulated doctrine; yet there is a hidden danger as at any moment there can appear, as the consequence of deduction, a formula. This is very serious. Much more so that all the external and cruel factors in National-Socialism. We do not attack it in our propaganda as it could happen that through theoretical polemics we would ourselves provoke a formulation and systematization of this so decisive economic doctrine. There is only one solution - war.

Why everyone should read this book on new chronology

This 100-page book from 1894 shows that:

The Paul figure was a literary invention from the 1500's

The purportedly early Church Father writings were literary inventions of the 1500's

 Eusebius' Church History was written in the 1500's.

The Gospels were written in the 1500's.

 No Cathedrals are ancient; they are from the early part of the modern period, such as 1400.

According to our radical new chronology, the Torah/New Testament were written down in the period 1715 - 1725, as we have discussed earlier here...with ample and extraordinary proofs...

« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 06:03:30 AM by levee »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #55 on: June 06, 2010, 11:25:49 AM »

 No Cathedrals are ancient; they are from the early part of the modern period, such as 1400.

I don't know if this is where you would like it discussed, but during my trips to Cathedrals I was surprised by the stone.  Several Cathedrals had no stone wear.  If you go to even recent museums you would notice that the stones are worn on the stairs.  However, other Cathedrals or Libraries did have this wear.  I imagine this could be due to the type of stone used and the amount of traffic the area has gotten or due to repairs, but it is still something that is worth investigating.

I don't personally think that the history of the world is as incorrect as you state (though it is interesting), but this may be an avenue for you to research.
So long and thanks for all the fish



  • Flat Earth Sultan
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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #56 on: June 08, 2010, 02:58:28 AM »
The books by A. Fomenko, and G. Kasparov, not to mention the website of C. Pfister offer copious proofs that all the cathedrals were constructed in the 18th century, and not earlier.

If you will read carefully the material I provided here, you will discover eventually that the official chronology has been drastically altered; in my opinion the entire world history has lasted for only 500 years (radical new chronology, different than the 1000-year old new chronology of A. Fomenko).

The best proofs possible that the eruption which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum occurred actually at least after 1700 AD:

Who wrote the Bible/Koran?

Independent but nearly simultaneous proposals by H. B. Witter, Jean Astruc, and Johann Gottfried Eichhorn separated the Pentateuch into two original documentary components, both dating from after the time of Moses. Others hypothesized the presence of two additional sources. The four documents were given working titles: J (Jahwist/Yahwist), E (Elohist), P (Priestly), and D (Deuteronomist). Each was discernible by its own characteristic language, and each, when read in isolation, presented a unified, coherent narrative.

The documentary hypothesis has more recently been refined by later scholars such as Martin Noth (who in 1943 provided evidence that Deuteronomy plus the following six books make a unified history from the hand of a single editor), Harold Bloom, Frank Moore Cross and Richard Elliot Friedman.

1 and 2 Samuel were written BEFORE the priestly version was invented (the priestly version was written according to the official chronology at least 600 - 800 years after the Exodus; this version which consists of, among other numerous passages, the whole book of Leviticus, Exodus chapters 25-32, 35-40, Numbers 3-10, 15-20, 27-30, 35-36, Deuteronomy 18, Joshua 22): (one of the very best)

In our radical new chronology, the Old/New Testaments were written in the period 1715 - 1720, after the crucifixion of Iesous Christos in 1715, at Troy/Constantinopole.

(1) that the tabernacle never existed except on paper; (2) that it was a pure creation of priestly imagination sketched after or during the exile; (3) that it was meant to be a miniature sanctuary on the model of Solomon's Temple; (4) that it was represented as having been built in the wilderness for the purpose of legitimizing the newly-published Priestly Code (P) or Levitical ritual still preserved in the middle books of the Pentateuch; and (5) that the description of the tabernacle furnished in the Priestly Code (P) (Ex 25 through 31; 36 through 40; Nu 2:2,17; 5:1-4; 14:44) conflicts with that given in the Elohist (E) (Ex 33:7-11), both as to its character and its location.

Also the book of Judges, chapters 13 and 21 contradict directly the laws/regulations written down in the book of Leviticus.

The author of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel and the book of Judges HAD NO KNOWLEDGE of the laws/regulations in the Leviticus/Numbers/Exodus, as these were created well after the (J) and (E) versions. (tremendous research, one of the very best) (exceptionally documented)

A third model developed, much more radical in its approach.  The archaeological evidence now was interpreted to demonstrate that the Israelites did not originate outside the land, but were in origin Canaanites who had shifted gears.  Israelite pottery was indistinguishable from Canaanite pottery; Israelite architecture was indistinguishable from Canaanite architecture; Israelite water systems were indistinguishable from Canaanite water systems; and so on. All of this meant that the Israelites were Canaanites.

No historical David/Solomon

Also, the quote from Jeremiah 7:22 contradicts directly the laws/regulations of the Leviticus. There have been attempts to explain this quote (Jeremiah 7:22 For in the day that I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, I did not speak to them or command them concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices...) within the context of figurative language, an argument which can be contradicted immediately:

Bible Unearthed (Finkelstein/Silberman)

The Bible Unearthed begins by considering what it terms the 'preamble' of the bible?the Book of Genesis?and its relationship to archaeological evidence for the context in which its narratives are set. Archaeological discoveries about society and culture in the ancient near east lead the authors to point out a number of anachronisms, suggestive that the narratives were actually set down in the 9th-7th centuries:

    * Aramaeans are frequently mentioned, but no ancient text mentions them until around 1100BCE, and they only begin to dominate Israel's northern borders after the 9th century BCE.
    * The text describes the early origin of the neighbouring kingdom of Edom, but Assyrian records show that Edom only came into existence after the conquest of the region by Assyria; before then it was without functioning kings, wasn't a distinct state, and archaeological evidence shows that the territory was only sparsely populated.
    * The Joseph story refers to camel-based traders carrying gum, balm, and myrrh, an unlikely event for the first millennium, but quite common in the 8th-7th centuries BCE, when Assyrian hegemony enabled this Arabian trade to flourish into a major industry.
    * The land of Goshen has a name that comes from an Arabic group who only dominated the Nile Delta in the 6th and 5th centuries.
    * The Egyptian Pharaoh is portrayed as fearing invasion from the east, even though Egypt's territory stretched to the northern parts of Canaan, with its main threat consequently being from the north, until the 7th century

The book comments that this corresponds with the documentary hypothesis, in which textual scholarship argues for the majority of the first five biblical books being written between the 8th and 6th centuries.

Finkelstein and Silberman argue that instead of the Israelites conquering Canaan after the Exodus (as suggested by the book of Joshua), most of them had in fact always been there; the Israelites were simply Canaanites who developed into a distinct culture.Recent surveys of long-term settlement patterns in the Israelite heartlands show no sign of violent invasion or even peaceful infiltration, but rather a sudden demographic transformation about 1200 BCE in which villages appear in the previously unpopulated highlands;these settlements have a similar appearance to modern Bedouin camps, suggesting that the inhabitants were once pastoral nomads, driven to take up farming by the Late Bronze Age collapse of the Canaanite city-culture.

First, the numbers in Genesis don't appear to be random. Each number in Genesis 5 (except Methuselah's 969 years) ends in either a 0, 5, 2, or 7, which can be thought of as a factor of 5 (0 or 5) and at times adding 7 (e.g. 5 + 7 = 12). The implication is that the chance of this happening without deliberate alteration is essentially impossible.

When Moses returned from his mountaintop experience, he carried with him tablets of stone. Once again there is a question of translation. Since all this occurred prior to the advent of the written Hebrew language, authors Knight and Lomas explained,

"These tablets could only have been written in Egyptian hieroglyphics as Moses would not have understood any other script [as Hebrew did not become a written language for another 1,000 years]. The idea of messages materializing out of marks on stone amazed ordinary people and the scribes who could make stone talk were considered to be holders of great magic. This is easily appreciated when one realizes that the Egyptians called hieroglyphics the Words of the God, a term that would often be repeated throughout the Bible."

In ancient Kemet, there were "42 Negative Confessions", " 42 Admonitions of Ma'at" or "42 Declarations of Innocence" under this spiritual system, a system that Moses knew as High priest. Moses just collapsed the "42 Negative Confessions" into the Ten Commandments as the bedrock of religious Christianity. What is more it makes the whole Exodus a very improbable event, since the Hebrews would not have accepted to go back to the same laws/regulations present in the Egyptian system of worship (and which were well known to them during the stay in Egypt).

What were the conspirators trying to hide? The events described in the original book of Enoch:

The absence in 1 Enoch of formal parallels to the specific laws and commandment found in the Mosaic Torah and of references to issues like Shabbat observance or the rite of circumcision. The Sinaitic covenant and Torah are not of central importance in the Book of Enoch.

Heavenly Palace/Garden of Eden description:

What really happened in the Garden of Eden:

John 13:1 contradicts directly the quotes from Mark 14:12, Luke 22:7 and Matthew 26:17.

It is very clear that the events described in John 13: 1-12 could not have taken place AT ALL given the laws and regulations in Leviticus:

Numbers 28:18

In the first day shall be an holy convocation; ye shall do no manner of servile work therein

Moreover, leavened bread was used in direct violation of the laws and regulations writeen in Numbers/Exodus:

While there are several uses of the word Azumos (unleavened Bread) in the NT none of them refer to the bread used in the Lord's Supper, but rather they are either references to the feast of unleavened bread (Matthew 26:17, Mark 14:1, Mark 14:12, Luke 22:1, Luke 22:7, Acts 12:3, Acts 20:6) or an analogy for a congregation purging out sin from their midst and walking in holiness (1 Corinthians 5:8 ).
In all other places that the word bread occurs in the NT, it is the Greek word Artos meaning a loaf of common leavened bread.

Nothing leavened may you eat; wherever you dwell you may eat only unleavened bread.
Exodus 12:20 (the BEST book EVER written on conspirative issues, tremendous research)

Why everyone should read this book

This 100-page book from 1894 shows that:

The Paul figure was a literary invention from the 1500's

The purportedly early Church Father writings were literary inventions of the 1500's

Eusebius' Church History was written in the 1500's.

The Gospels were written in the 1500's.

No Cathedrals are ancient; they are from the early part of the modern period, such as 1400. (occult apocalypse)

canaanite tribes of arabia/origin of koran

The Palestinians were known as the Phalestinoi/Phalestinos tribe which originated in Greece/Thrace; after the exile of most of the Canaanite tribe to the Caucasian mountains (after the attack by Nabu/Nebuchadnezzar, the son of Horus, and ruler of northern Mesopotamia), the inhabitants around mount Seir (also Canaanites) thought up the islam religion in order to trick the Phalestinoi tribe into believing in a false religion, especially after 1750 AD.

black buddha (from the kushite tribe of sakka/isaac/sakya, which travelled from the exile in the Caucasian mtns. to India after 1730 AD)

« Last Edit: December 25, 2010, 08:55:40 AM by levee »



  • Flat Earth Sultan
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 7267
Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #57 on: June 09, 2010, 02:35:44 AM »
Stability of the heliocentric solar system

It is only at the highest level of academic circles specialized in bifurcation theory (thus, well-hidden from public view) where we find the truth about the original H. Poincare quotes, which do show that a differential equation (initial value d.e.) approach to celestial mechanics IS IMPOSSIBLE.

As Poincare experimented, he was relieved to discover that in most of
the situations, the possible orbits varied only slightly from the initial
2-body orbit, and were still stable, but what occurred during further
experimentation was a shock. Poincare discovered that even in some of the
smallest approximations some orbits behaved in an erratic unstable manner. His
calculations showed that even a minute gravitational pull from a third body
might cause a planet to wobble and fly out of orbit all together.

Here is Poincare describing his findings:

While Poincare did not succeed in giving a complete solution, his work was so impressive that he was awarded the prize anyway. The distinguished Weierstrass, who was one of the judges, said, 'this work cannot indeed be considered as furnishing the complete solution of the question proposed, but that it is nevertheless of such importance that its publication will inaugurate a new era in the history of celestial mechanics.' A lively account of this event is given in Newton's Clock: Chaos in the Solar System. To show how visionary Poincare was, it is perhaps best if he described the Hallmark of Chaos - sensitive dependence on initial conditions - in his own words:

'If we knew exactly the laws of nature and the situation of the universe at the initial moment, we could predict exactly the situation of that same universe at a succeeding moment. but even if it were the case that the natural laws had no longer any secret for us, we could still only know the initial situation approximately. If that enabled us to predict the succeeding situation with the same approximation, that is all we require, and we should say that the phenomenon had been predicted, that it is governed by laws. But it is not always so; it may happen that small differences in the initial conditions produce very great ones in the final phenomena. A small error in the former will produce an enormous error in the latter. Prediction becomes impossible, and we have the fortuitous phenomenon.' - in a 1903 essay 'Science and Method'

That is why the conspirators had to invent a very complicated new theory, called chaos theory, with the help of G.D. Birkhoff and N. Levinson; their work was the inspiration for S. Smale's horseshoe map, a very clever way to describe Poincare's original findings as "workable" and "manageable". The formidable implications are, of course, that chaotical motion of the planets predicted by the differential equation approach of the London Royal Society is a thing that could happen ANYTIME, and not just some millions of years in the future, not to mention the sensitive dependence on initial conditions phenomenon.

Even measuring initial conditions of the system to an arbitrarily high, but finite accuracy, we will not be able to describe the system dynamics "at any time in the past or future". To predict the future of a chaotic system for arbitrarily long times, one would need to know the initial conditions with infinite accuracy, and this is by no means possible. (exceptional analysis of the differential equation approach and the implications thereof)

(superb analyses of the long term stability of the solar system)

Smale Horseshoe concept:

KAM theory:

Stability of the Solar System: (if it cannot be accessed directly, list the link on google search and use the quick view option)

Velikovsky stability theory:

Butterfly effect:

E. Lorenz did not realize that a system of three nonlinear differential equations could not approximate at all such a complicated natural phenomenon; there is no butterfly effect, the weather in Asia will not change due to the movement of a butterfly's wings in North America (sensitive dependece on initial conditions).

Homoclinic orbits:

Poincare chaos:

Dynamics and Bifurcations, J. Hale and H. Kocak (pages 248, 477, 486-490)
Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos, S. Wiggins (pages 286, 384, 420-443, 550, 612), both edited by Springer-Verlag; the information in these pages actually show the mathematical and physical implications of chaos theory.

The Duffing oscillator (prototype for nonlinear oscillations), the driven Morse oscillator, Poincare's three body problem equations, the librational motion of a satellite equations, the Ginzburg-Landau equation (nonlinear Schrodinger eq.) which reduces to the Duffing oscillator, all will have parameter values for which the stable/unstable manifolds of a saddle point will come into contact tangentially - homoclinic tangency.

Differential equations can be used on a very limited base (classical mechanics, quality-control, electronics/electrical engr., thermodynamics, and even here with certain assumptions/simplifications) and not at all in order to describe/predict biological processes and cosmological theories, where the aether theory comes into play to explain all the details.

Moreover, the system parameters will be varying functions of time, not to mention that the coefficients of the forcing/damping functions will not be "sufficiently small" in actual practice.

The assumptions actually made in describing various phenomena in several branches of physics are very well described in the classic Mathematics applied to deterministic problems in natural sciences by C.C. Lin and L. Segel (chapters 1, 4, 6, 8 ); page 43 exemplifies the extraordinary philosophical implications of the differential equation approach in modern physics:

An analysis of the calculus approach errors:

Now we know that Pythagoras never existed actually, as there were no ancient Greece/Rome/Egypt in our radical new chronology, and that the conspirators invented the irrational number concept in order to deceive the public regarding the Pythagorean comma (instead of a circle of fifths, we would have a spiral of fifths); they also invented, through J.S. Bach, the equal temperament scale in order to hide the real scale they used to produce levitation of large blocks of stone.

D. Hempel on Pythagoras' irrational numbers:


Scientists used to, before the chaos theory, believe in the
theory of reductionism, many still do. Reductionism imagines nature as equally
capable of being assembled and disassembled. Reductionists think that when
everything is broken down a universal theory will become evident that will
explain all things. Reductionism implied the rather simple view of chaos
evident in Laplace's dream of a universal formula: Chaos was merely complexity
so great that in practice scientists couldn't track it, but in principle they
might one day be able to. When that day came there would be no chaos,
everything in existence would be perfectly predictable, no surprises, the
world would be safely mutable. The universe would be completely controlled by
Newton's laws.

Chaos touches all things in existence, and all sciences,
mathematics, physics, biology, anthropology, entomology, astronomy, even the
Ivory Tower science of Newtonian physics. In the last years of the 19th
century French mathematician, physicist and philosopher Henri Poincare
stumbled headlong into chaos with a realization that the reductionism method
may be illusory in nature. He was studying his chosen field at the time; a
field he called the mathematics of closed systems, the epitome of Newtonian
physics. A Closed system is one made up of just a few interacting bodies
sealed off from outside contamination. According to classical physics, such
systems are perfectly orderly and predictable. A simple pendulum in a vacuum,
free of friction and air resistance will conserve its energy. The pendulum
will swing back and forth for all eternity. It will not be subject to the
dissipation of entropy, which eats its way into systems by causing them to
give up their energy to the surrounding environment. Classical scientists were
convinced that any randomness and chaos disturbing a system such as a pendulum
in a vacuum or the revolving planets could only come from outside chance
contingencies. Barring those, pendulum and planets must continue forever,
unvarying in their courses.

It was this comfortable picture of nature that
Poincare blew apart when he attempted to determine the stability of our solar
system. For a system containing only two bodies, such as the sun and earth or
earth and moon, Newton's equations can be solved exactly: The orbit of the
moon around the earth can be precisely determined. For any idealized two-body
system the orbits are stable. Thus if we neglect the dragging effects of the
tides on the moon's motion, we can assume that the moon will continue to wind
around the earth until the end of time. But we also have to ignore the effect
of the sun and other planets on this idealized two-body system. Poincare's
problem was that when an additional body was added to the situation, like the
influence of the sun, Newton's equations became unsolvable. What must be done
in this situation is use a series of approximations to close in on an answer.
In order to solve such an equation, physicists were forced to use a theory
called Perturbation. Which basically works in a third body by a series of
successive approximations. Each approximation is smaller than the one before
it, and by adding up a potentially infinite amount of these numbers,
theoretical physicists hoped to arrive a working equation. Poincare knew that
the approximation theory appeared to work well for the first couple of
approximations, but what about further down the line, what effect would the
infinity of smaller approximations have? The multi-bodied equation Poincare?
was attempting was essentially a Non-linear equation. As opposed to a
differential or linear equation. For science, a phenomenon is orderly if its
movements can be explained in the kind of cause-and-effect scheme represented
by a differential equation. Newton first introduced the differential idea
throughout his famous laws of motion, which related rates of change to various
forces. Quickly scientists came to rely on linear differential equations.
Phenomena as diverse as the flight of a cannonball, the growth of a plant, the
burning of coal, and the performance of a machine can be described by such
equations. In which small changes produce small effects and large effects are
obtained by summing up many small changes. A non-linear equation is quite
different. In a non-linear equation a small change in one variable can have a
disproportional, even catastrophic impact on other variables. Behaviors can
drastically change at any time. In linear equations the solution of one
equation allows the solver to generalize to other solutions; in non-linear
equations solutions tend to be consistently individual and unrelated to the
same equation with different variables. In Poincare's multi-bodied equation,
he added a term that added nonlinear complexity to the system (feedback) that
corresponded to the small effect produced by the movement of the third body in
the system. As he experimented, he was relieved to discover that in most of
the situations, the possible orbits varied only slightly from the initial
2-body orbit, and were still stable but what occurred during further
experimentation was a shock. Poincare discovered that even in some of the
smallest approximations some orbits behaved in an erratic unstable manner. His
calculations showed that even a minute gravitational pull from a third body
might cause a planet to wobble and fly out of orbit all together.

Poincare's discovery was not fully understood until 1953 by Russian physicist A. N. Kolmogorov. Initially
scientists believed that in theory they could break up a complicated system
into its components before experimentation because any changes in patterns
would be small and not effect an established construct such as an orbit.
Kolmogorov was not prepared to accept that the whole universe is a fraction of
a decimal point away from self-destruction. Unfortunately his research didn't
help. Kolmgorov concluded, from his own calculations, that the solar system
won't break up under its own motion provided that the influence of an
additional gravitational source was no bigger than a fly approximately 7000
miles away, and the cycles per planetary year did not occur in a simple
ratio like 1:2 1:3 or 2:3 and so on.

But, what happens when the planet's years form a simple ratio? Well, that would mean that with each orbit, the
disturbance is amplified due to a steady input of gravitational energy. It
creates a resonance feedback effect much like a normal microphone amplifier.
Say you lie an amplifiers input mic directly in front of its output speaker.
Any sound that enters the microphone will be played back through the speaker
louder, that playback will be picked up by the mic and amplified once again,
eventually the volume will reach its critical point and the speaker will blow
out. Well, if this were so, is there proof? Does this really happen in space?
Could this occur in our solar system? The answer is yes.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 12:07:30 AM by levee »



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  • 17990
Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #58 on: June 14, 2010, 11:19:22 PM »
Thanks for the follow up Levee, I'll definitely give those a closer look.  I may have some follow up questions on aether, but I want to give your work another good reading first.
So long and thanks for all the fish



  • Flat Earth Sultan
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 7267
Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #59 on: June 21, 2010, 03:26:12 AM »
Christoph Pfister archive

C. Pfister, one of the very best european historians, has discovered that there was no human settlement prior to 1700 AD in Switzerland, and that all gothic/medieval buildings and all ancients documents pertaining to the period 500 AD - 1600 AD were actually created in the 18th Century AD. He also found out that the printing press was invented around 1730 AD, and wrote the exceptional book Matrix of Ancient History:

albrecht kauw, actually lived in the 18th century AD

city of bern founded in the 18th century

bern cathedral constructed in the 18th century

radical new chronology

abbey library of st. gallen constructed in the 18th century (exceptional analysis)

vesuvius/troy: the origin of the names of places in Switzerland

celtic history hoax

Main Archive:

archeology of switzerland

fake marcus aurelius sculpture

city of aventicum: 18th century

gothic architecture of 18th century/new chronology (superb analysis)

wilhelm tell hoax

radical new chronology analysis

C. Pfister on A. Fomenko's History: Science or Fiction?

"The biggest fake in the history of mankind is the history of mankind"

ancient olympics hoax

gothic/medieval architecture, best analysis

amazing related events in the history of the reigns of Napoleon III/I

(translation from German to English on ggletransl: )

More amazing discoveries:

signature of cleopatra forgery

falsification of history: treasure of troy

fake pergamon altar

nebra disc forgery

"roman" settlement in switzerland

freiburg castle

frienisberg monastery

"ancient" zurich

federal charter of 1291 forgery

white book of sarnen forgery

pantheon, constructed in the 18th century

fake swiss history

alexander mosaic of pompeii

gold treasure of erstfeld forgery

albrecht von haller fake history

(translation from German to English on ggletransl: )

« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 06:20:42 AM by levee »