Advanced Flat Earth Theory

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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #210 on: June 23, 2014, 06:22:11 AM »

The caduceus coil illustrated in Fig.1, basically consists of ordinary insulated copper wire wound in a double-helix around a ferrite core. THIS COIL HAS REPEATEDLY BEEN FOUND TO VIOLATE ESTABLISHED LAWS OF ELECTROMAGNETICS AND HERTZIAN WAVE THEORY WHEN A HIGH FREQUENCY CURRENT IS INJECTED INTO IT.

A few investigators have also reported unexpected bizarre inertial effects in conjunction with these coils. One researcher activated his caduceus coil with pulsed bursts of microwave frequency whereupon it appeared to lift itself up by its own bootstraps executing a periodic series of little hops off the ground. Why the coil would jump like this or exhibit the other weird effects noted above, has no explanation under standard electromagnetic theory, and must be attributed to the field effect produced by the unique coil winding.


Expérience basique pour produire des « solitons » électromagnétiques à partir d’une bobine d’induction en Caducée par Jean-Michel Cour:

Scalar waves were originally detected by a Scottish mathematical genius called James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) He linked electricity and magnetism and laid the foundation for modern physics, but unfortunately the very fine scalar waves (which he included in his research) were deliberately left out of his work by the 3 men, including Heinrich Hertz, who laid down the laws taught for physics as a discipline at colleges. They dismissed Maxwell's scalar waves or potentials as "mystical" because they were physically unmanifest and only existed in the "ethers" and so were determined to be too ineffectual for further study. These enigmatic (but more powerful than even microwaves when harnessed and concentrated into a beam) scalar waves may have been forgotten except that Nicola Tesla accidentally rediscovered them. He'd originally worked with Thomas Edison who discovered direct current, but Tesla discovered alternating current. The two men disagreed and
 eventually parted ways and Tesla later experimented using the research of the German Heinrich Hertz, who was proving the existence of electromagnetic waves. Tesla found, while experimenting with violently abrupt direct current electrical charges, that a new form of energy (scalar) came through.

By 1904, Tesla had developed transmitters to harness scalar energy from one transmitter to another, undetectably bypassing time and space. He could just materialize it from one place to another through hyperspace, without the use of wires, it was just sucked right out of the space-time/vacuum and into a transmitter and into a beam which could be targeted to another transmitter. Unfortunately he got no financial support for replacing electricity, which used wires and therefore earned money, and to this day, this is the reason why scalar energy is still not acknowledged in mainstream physics. Tesla, even though he discovered more for mankind in science than many others, is still not credited in science books for his discovery of scalar waves, a source of "free-energy" obtainable as a limitless source of power that costs nothing.




"If water or air is rotated into a twisting form of oscillation known as ‘colloidal’, a build up of energy results, which, with immense power, can cause levitation. This form of movement is able to carry with it its own means of power generation. This principle leads logically to its application in the design of the ideal airplane or submarine... requiring almost no motive power."  V. Schauberger

WHO WAS VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER? (best work on double torsion/implosion)

« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 10:25:12 PM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #211 on: July 08, 2014, 01:29:23 AM »

Evidence against the impact-extinction hypothesis, superb documentation:

‘The non-excavating impact: … It’s probably true to say that … most Earth scientists have come to accept that an asteroid impact directly or indirectly did for the dinosaurs and other species 65 million years ago, if only because they’ve been beaten into submission by the endless barrage of propaganda in its favour. And the word that’s been in their ears constantly for the past few years is “Chicxulub” … But wait—hear the other side first …’

Why the Chicxulub-impact was an explosive supervolcano

Egyptian Pteranodon

Stone Age Hoax/Dinosaurs at Pompeii



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #212 on: July 15, 2014, 07:14:44 AM »

"During the total eclipses of the sun on June 30, 1954, and October 22, 1959, quite analogous deviations of the plane of oscillation of the paraconical pendulum were observed..." - Maurice Allais, 1988 Nobel autobiographical lecture.

In a marathon experiment, Maurice Allais released a Foucault pendulum every 14 minutes - for 30 days and nights -without missing a data point. He recorded the direction of rotation (in degrees) at his Paris laboratory. This energetic show of human endurance happened to overlap with the 1954 solar eclipse. During the eclipse, the pendulum took an unexpected turn, changing its angle of rotation by 13.5 degrees.

Allais' pendulum experiments earned him the 1959 Galabert Prize of the French Astronautical Society, and in 1959 he was made a laureate of the United States Gravity Research Foundation.

Dr. Maurice Allais:  Should the laws of gravitation be reconsidered?

In the present status of the discussion, the abnormalities observed can be accounted for only by considering the existence of a new field. (page 12)

Dr. Maurice Allais report to Nasa:

Orders of magnitude incompatible with current theory

In both cases, with the experiments with the anisotropic support and with those with the isotropic support, it is found
that the amplitudes of the periodic effects are considerably greater than those calculated according to the law of gravitation, whether or not completed by the theory of relativity.
In the case of the anisotropic support, the amplitude of the luni-solar component of 24h 50m is about twenty million
times greater than the amplitude calculated by the theory of universal gravitation (pp. 118-129 and Table VII, p. 129).

In the case of the paraconical pendulum with isotropic support, this relation is about a hundred million (pp. 285-328).
The discrepancies discovered are enormous, and, as far as I know, unmatched in the literature.

In fact, the results of the experiments of July 1958 confirmed in an electrifying manner my previous reasoning, leading to the conclusion that, in the movement of the paraconical pendulum with anisotropic support, there are anomalies of a periodic character which are totally inexplicable in the framework of currently accepted theories.

A similar gravity anomaly was measured using a two-pendula system during the line-up of Earth-Sun-Jupiter-Saturn in May 2001. During the total solar eclipse in 1997, a Chinese team performed measurements with a high-precision gravimeter. However, in contrast to the Allais effect, they detected a decrease in the earth’s gravity. Moreover, the effect occurred immediately before and after the eclipse but not at its height. In the course of observations conducted since 1987, Shu-wen Zhou and his collaborators have confirmed the occurrence of an anomalous force of horizontal oscillation when the sun, moon, and earth are aligned, and have shown that it affects the pattern of grain sequence in crystals, the spectral wavelengths of atoms and molecules, and the rate of atomic clocks.

    Various conventional explanations have been put forward to account for gravity anomalies during eclipses, such as instrument errors, gravity effects of denser air due to cooling of the upper atmosphere, seismic disturbances caused by sightseers moving into and out of a place where an eclipse is visible, and tilting of the ground due to cooling. Physicist Chris Duif has argued that none of them are convincing. He believes that gravitational shielding, too, cannot explain the results, as it would be far too weak (if it exists at all).

The Allais pendulum effect confirmed in an experiment performed in 1961:

Dr. Allais' thoughts on terrestrial gravity and aether:

No Action at a Distance

     No action at a distance is conceivable without the existence
    of intermediary medium.

    All known actions, gravitational, optical, electromagnetic,
    propagate through a medium, the aether.

      The attraction according to Newton's law of the inverse
    square of the distance or Ampere's formulas are not actions at
    a distance.  They result from local actions which propagate
    progressively across space through the aether.

      Contrary to what was assumed in XIXth century and early XXth
    century, the aether is subject to movements and local deformations,
    in other words, the aether is an anisotropic medium.  This anisotropy
    varies over time and space.

     The properties of the "vacuum" are nothing else than aether properties.

         The movements and deformations of the aether influence the
     different phenomena observed and all these phenomena are influenced
     in the same way.

        Atoms, particles, photons ... are but (local) singularities of
     the aether which remian to be explained by differential equations.

The Black Sun emits the laevorotatory subquarks; during a solar eclipse its influence upon the telluric currents, and thus upon terrestrial gravity, can be detected as was done by Dr. Maurice Allais and the other researchers.

The Allais effect confirms the geocentric Coriolis force hypothesis:

Trying to use Foucault's pendulum as proof for heliocentricity really backfired when Maurice Allais repeatedly observed pendulums slowing their motion during eclipses! This implies that either the "rotating Earth" decelerates during eclipses or the firmament does.

Moreover, since at times the Moon can be seen in the afternoon or evening sky, at the same time as the orbiting Sun ( ), without the Allais effect manifesting itself, it means we have another proof or clear indication that the heavenly body which does cause the solar eclipse is not the Moon, but the Black Sun.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 05:04:12 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #213 on: July 24, 2014, 08:44:03 AM »

Near Bolsena, or Volsinium, is a lake of the same name. This lake fills a basin nine miles long, seven miles wide, and 285 feet deep. For a long time this basin was regarded as the water-filled  crater of a volcano. However, its area of 117 square kilometers exceeds by far that of the largest  known craters on the earth—those in the Andes in South America and those in the Hawaiian (Sandwich) Islands in the Pacific. Hence, the idea that the lake is the crater of an extinct volcano has recently been questioned. Moreover, although the bottom of the lake is of lava, and the  ground around the lake abounds with ashes and lava and columns of basalt, the talus of a volcano is lacking.

Taking what local legends say of an interplanetary discharge together with what has actually been found at Volsinium, one may wonder whether the cinders and the lava and the columns of basalt could possibly be the remains of the contact mentioned in these legends: a thunderbolt from Mars destroyed the region.

(from Worlds in Collision)

Iron Age Of Mars

(it shows that the meteor/comet crater theory is wrong in the An Asteroid Impact? section of Chapter Fourteen, The Extermination of Volsinium; also includes a superb documentation on the whole subject)

« Last Edit: July 26, 2014, 12:36:27 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #214 on: July 26, 2014, 02:11:47 AM »

The best proofs that the Gizeh Pyramid complex was built WELL BEFORE the beginning of the first dynasty of the Egyptian Pharaohs, in fact, BEFORE the civilization of Sumer (official chronology). Dr. Gunnar Heinsohn has already demonstrated in his best known work that the entire historical period of 2100 BC - 600 BC was invented:

"Heinsohn has made a very important contribution to the revisionist debate by focussing attention on the evidence of stratigraphy outside Egypt. Dayton had uncovered many examples in museums around the world where near identical ancient artefacts of very similar styles and manufacturing techniques were given dates which varied sometimes by as much as 1000-1500 years. Heinsohn, from an extensive study of archaeological reports from most of the better known sites across Asia Minor, showed how these anachronisms had arisen. At site after site, archaeologists had artificially increased the age of the lower strata by inserting, without supporting evidence, 'occupation gaps' of many centuries. They did this in order to meet the expectations of excessive antiquity among historians, who had used Biblically derived dates for Abraham (c. 2100), initially seen as broadly contemporary with the great Assyrian king Hammurabi. Using this elongated time frame, great empires of the past such as the Sumerians, Akkadians and Old Babylonians were invented by late 19th C and early 20th C scholars to fill the historical voids. The ancient Greek and Roman historians, not surprisingly, knew nothing of these ancient peoples. Sumerian, said Heinsohn, 'is the language of the well known Kassite/Chaldeans, whose literacy deserves its fame'.

He showed that the Bronze Age started in China and Mesoamerica some 1500 years later than in the Near East and proposed this gap be largely closed by lowering the ages of the Mediterranean civilisations. He cited the Indus Valley where the early period civilisations, dated from Mesopotamian seals to c. 2400BC, sit right underneath the Buddhist strata of 7-6C. Seals from Mesopotamia are found in the Indus valley and in Mesopotamia there are seals from the Indus Valley. So the excavators have to say they have an occupation gap of some 1700 years. Thus some sites only about 30km apart have chronologies some 1500 years apart. But in the same strata, supposedly 1500 years apart, they frequently find the same pottery.

C&CR had insufficient space to provide a full forum for Heinsohn's work, but a volume entitled Ghost Empires of the Past was published in C&CR format in 1988, thanks to help from SIS stalwarts Birgit Liesching and Derek Shelley-Pearce. In this, Heinsohn set out many chronological 'problems' and 'riddles', and argued persuasively for equating, among others, the Mittani with the Medes and the Empire Hittites with the Late Chaldeans.
His excellent paper on the archaeology of Hazor (C&CR 1996:1) revealed some important anachronisms. For example, two cuneiform tablets written in Old-Babylonian Akkadian and two more written in the Akaddian of the Amarna era were found in the upper layers of the site. Heinsohn asks 'How did tablets from the early second millennium end up in a stratum reaching its peak in the period of the Persian Empire (550-330 BC)?'. The tablets were, of course, immediately labelled 'heirlooms' by their finders. But, as Heinsohn pointed out, it seems strange that the later Hazoreans kept tablets for over 1000yr as heirlooms from the MBA or LBA, yet were apparently incapable of producing any texts of their own. Also, a clay jar inscribed in 23C Old-Akkadian was found in the Hyksos layer c17C. Yes, you've guessed - this was explained as yet another boring old 'heirloom'. Heinsohn makes a plea to archaeologists to 'set textbooks aside and allow oneself the liberty of following reason and hard stratigraphical evidence'. The textbook schemes 'separate by enormous time spans what is found in parallel stratigraphical locations, exhibiting very similar material cultures.' Unfortunately for archaeologists, the writers of the textbooks are often the 'Guardians of the Dogma' who control the funding for archaeological research. As a result, an archaeologist brave enough to confront conventional thinking may quickly find himself both professionally discredited and out of a job.
Heinsohn has presented many well-researched papers exposing stratigraphical problems, and suggesting much lower chronologies for Near Eastern civilisations. His stratigraphy and stylistic-based chronologies and, more recently his explanation for the 'lost' Persian layer throughout the Persian Empire have generated much debate and some unanswered controversy among revisionists."

We have seen already that the constructors of the pyramid had at their disposal all the details needed from advanced calculus: radian measure, Taylor series expansion, natural logarithm, gamma function, Stirling series (complete with realistic error bounds), and much more:

The Gizeh pyramid is actually a large scale model of the smallest particle of quantum physics (the interior structure of a boson/antiboson):

« Last Edit: August 04, 2018, 11:04:13 PM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #215 on: July 31, 2014, 01:35:05 AM »


(it also shows that the effect was confirmed during the August 1999 solar eclipse)



Given the above, the authors consider that it is an inescapable conclusion from our experiments that after the end of the visible eclipse, as the Moon departed the angular vicinity of the Sun, some influence exerted itself upon the Eastern European region containing our three sets of equipment, extending over a field at least hundreds of kilometers in width.
The nature of this common influence is unknown, but plainly it cannot be considered as gravitational in the usually
accepted sense of Newtonian or Einsteinian gravitation.

We therefore are compelled to the opinion that some currently unknown physical influence was at work.

The Allais pendulum effect confirmed in an experiment performed in 1961:

Observations of Correlated Behavior of Two Light Torsion Balances and a Paraconical Pendulum in Separate Locations during the Solar Eclipse of January 26th, 2009:


More information on Professor D. Olenici's experiments here:

Precise Underground Observations of the Partial Solar Eclipse of 1 June 2011 Using a Foucault Pendulum and a Very Light Torsion Balance

Simultaneous observations of the solar eclipse on 06/01/2011 were carried out using a Foucault pendulum and a torsion balance. The instruments were installed in a salt mine, where the interference was minimal. Both instruments clearly reacted to the eclipse. We conclude that these reactions should not be considered as being gravitational effects.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 09:09:21 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #216 on: August 11, 2014, 02:09:21 AM »

Book of Enoch, chapter 71

In which gates also the moon rises and sets; and I beheld the conductors of the stars, among those who precede them; six gates were at the rising, and six at the setting of the sun.

All these respectively, one after another, are on a level; and numerous windows are on the right and on the left sides of those gates.

And in the fourth gate, through which the sun with the moon proceeds, in the first part of it,  there are twelve open windows; from which issues out a flame, when they are opened in their proper periods.

This is the very reason why the Allais effect can be observed only before, during and after a solar eclipse: the Black Sun's radiation which activates the laevorotatory subquarks can affect the telluric waves/strings for only a very short period of time (that is, it can pass through those openings in the Aether shield/barrier for a brief interval of time).

That many such bodies exist in the firmament is almost a matter of certainty; and that one such as that which
eclipses the moon exists at no great distance above the earth's surface, is a matter admitted by many of the leading astronomers of the day. In the report of the council of the Royal Astronomical Society, for June 1850, it is said:--

"We may well doubt whether that body which we call the moon is the only satellite of the earth."

In the report of the Academy of Sciences for October 12th, 1846, and again for August, 1847, the director of one of the French observatories gives a number of observations and calculations which have led him to conclude that,--

"There is at least one non-luminous body of considerable magnitude which is attached as a satellite to this earth."

Sir John Herschel admits that:--

"Invisible moons exist in the firmament."

Sir John Lubbock is of the same opinion, and gives rules and formulæ for calculating their distances, periods.

Lambert in his cosmological letters admits the existence of "dark cosmical bodies of great size."

There is an extraordinary way to prove why the solar eclipse does happen during the new moon phase: the 1662, March 20, total solar eclipse. (official astronomical information)

Believe it or not, there are no astronomical/historical records for this total solar eclipse, by far what should have been the most important astronomical event of the millenium, a chance to settle once and for all the Gregorian calendar reform controversy.

The Jesuits in India/China, F. Verbiest, J. Schall von Bell, G. Domenico Cassini (Jean Dominique Cassini), even the young N. Flamsteed fail to notice/record this most important of all the total solar eclipses.

We are told that G.D. Cassini published new tables of the sun, based on his observations at San Petronio in 1662: these observations are published in the Catalogue général des livres imprimés de la Bibliothèque Nationale, XXIV (Paris, 1905), cols. 678–682, or in the Table générale des maturès continuesdans l’Histoire et dans les Mémoires de l’Académic Royaledes Sciences, I–III (Paris, 1729–1734).

Let us remember the details concerning the D" parameter paradox:

PG. 93-94

R. Newton is one of the most prestigious astrophysicists of the 20th century, here is the impecable analysis of the ancient astronomical records:

The D" parameter dating does show that each and every astronomical record attributed to the period 300 BC - 1200 AD has been falsified later in time.

Since the falsification of Cassini's work did take place at the end of the 18th century/beginning of the 19th century, at that point in time it still was not possible to account for the D" parameter calculation during solar eclipses: any official records to be found in Paris, if they do indeed contain any information pertaining to the 1662 March 20 solar eclipse, will also reveal the controversy regarding the D" parameter (the second derivative of the Moon's elongation).

In the new radical chronology, we can explain why there are no astronomical/historical records for the 1662 March 20 total solar eclipse:

The Bundahishn (the most fantastic treatise in pre-Flood cosmology and astronomy) tells that at a certain time in the past, the Earth had 24 hour a day light, coming from two Suns (the visible Sun and our present Moon) and that there were no solar or lunar eclipses.

Then, the Black Sun and its companion (the heavenly body which does bring about now the lunar eclipse) caused the first solar and lunar eclipses, in a cosmic catastrophe which is still recalled in various legends around the world.

Aborigines of the New World: “the Sun and the moon had equal light in the past."

At the other end of the world the Japanese asserted the same: the Nihongi Chronicle says that in the past "the radiance of the moon was next to that of the sun in splendor."

Traditions of many peoples maintain that the Moon lost a large part of its light and became much dimmer than it had been in earlier ages.

The memory of a world without a moon lives in oral tradition among the Indians. The Indians of the Bogota highlands in the eastern Cordilleras of Colombia relate some of their tribal reminiscences to the time before there was a moon. "In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens," say the tribesmen of Chibchas.

Traditions of diverse peoples offer corroborative testimony to the effect that in a very early age, but still in the memory of mankind, no moon accompanied the Earth.

At 12:00 o'clock on March 20, 1662, the year 1 in the new radical chronology timeline, this is what happened (as recorded in the Bundahishn):

"The evil spirit [Ahriman] went toward the luminaries." "He stood upon one-third of the inside of the sky, and he sprang,
like a snake, out of the sky down to the earth." It was the day of the vernal equinox. "He rushed in at noon," and "the sky was shattered and frightened." "Like a fly, he rushed out upon the whole creation, and he injured the world and made it dark at midday as though it were in dark night. And noxious creatures were diffused by him over the earth, biting and venomous, such as the snake, scorpion, frog, and lizard, so that not so much as the point of a needle remained free from noxious creatures."


There is another work on the Bundahis which gives a different opinion as to the vernal equinox date:

A. Olrik, in the classic work Ragnarok, says that the account given by the Eskimos is as follows: a darkening of the sun and of the moon precedes the end of a world age.

This is what the people all over the flat earth could see at that time (the drawing, of course, is not to scale):

Those who have a problem with SIMULTANEOUS SOLAR/LUNAR ECLIPSES should read the following:

From America, Christopher Columbus also wrote to the king and the queen of Spain about the simultaneous eclipses:

This that I have said is what I have heard. What I know is that the year 94 I sailed in 24 degrees to the west in 9 hours, and it could not be mistake because there were eclipses: the sun was in Libra and the moon in Ariete.

Esto que yo he dicho es lo que he oído. Lo que yo sé es que el ańo de 94 navegué en 24° al Poniente en término de nueve horas, y no pudo haber yerro porque hubo eclipses: el sol estaba en Libra y la luna en Ariete.

Now, "Columbus" is NOT describing a selenelion (both the Sun and the eclipsed Moon can be observed at the same time in the RE theory): he used the words "hubo eclipses" (were eclipses), there were a solar and a lunar eclipse occurring at the same time.

Solid Sun Surface theory:

solid core + plasma cloud, based only on official photographs given by Nasa:

about the fact that O. Manuel's article includes the wrong hypotheses, (imploding supernova), on: (more info)
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 05:17:41 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #217 on: August 16, 2014, 12:54:30 AM »

"Allais used the phrase “a brutal displacement” … to describe the “sudden, extraordinary backwards movement” of the pendulum his laboratory chief had seen (and carefully recorded!), even while not knowing its “mysterious” cause ... until later that same afternoon.

Here (below) is what those “anomalous eclipse motions” in Allias’ pendulum looked like; this graphic, adapted from Scientific American, depicts the mechanical arrangement of Allais’ unique paraconical pendulum (below – left).

The three vertical panels to its right illustrate the pendulum’s “highly anomalous motions” -- recorded during two partial solar eclipses to cross Allais’ Paris laboratory in the 1950’s (the first in 1954, the second in 1959); the phase of each eclipse that corresponded with these “anomalous motions,” is depicted in the last three vertical strips (far right)."

"This normal, downward-sloping trend is abruptly REVERSED!

From there, things rapidly got even more bizarre--

As the pendulum’s azimuth motion continues in an accelerating, COUNTER-clockwise direction … for the next 45 minutes; then, after peaking, the pendulum motion REVERSES direction (moving clockwise again …), only to reverse BACK again (counterclockwise!) … briefly [as the Moon reaches “mid-eclipse” (the central green line)] -- before abruptly reversing once more, accelerating again in a CLOCKWISE direction … before eventually “bottoming out” … parallel to the ORIGINAL “Foucault/Earth rotation” downward-sloping trend line!"

Dr. Maurice Allais:

“… the current theory of gravitation (being the result of the application, within the current theory of relative motions, of the principles of inertia and universal gravitation to any one of the Galilean spaces) complemented or not by the corrections suggested by the theory of relativity, leads to orders of magnitude [many factors of ten] for lunar and solar action (which are strictly not to be perceived experimentally) of some 100 million times less than the effects noted [during the eclipse] ... [emphasis added].”

In other words, the pendulum motions Allais observed during his two eclipses – 1954 and 1959 -- were physically IMPOSSIBLE … according to all known “textbook physics!”

Allais’ ultimate “physical explanation” for the dramatic and totally anomalous paraconical pendulum behavior he observed, is summed up thus (below):

The heart of all good science is “replication.”

By repeating his “anomalous 1954 observations” five years later, during another solar eclipse over Paris (in October, 1959), Allais fulfilled every essence of “good science” – even if the mainstream theoretical community was (and still is!) completely baffled by his remarkable, physically replicable ... meticulously empirical observations.

The overlaid graph (below), containing the paraconical pendulum data from BOTH sets of eclipse observations, proves the elemental point:

Dr. Erwin Saxl experiment (1970)

"Saxl's lab equipment for these long-running "gravitational experiments" consisted of a horizontally rotating weight -- termed a "torsion pendulum" (as opposed to the vertically mounted "paraconical" pendulums of Allias) -- which, instead of swinging "to and fro," rotated horizontally "left, then right" ... on a fine, pre-stressed, vertically suspended, specially-made ("Ni-span C") steel wire ... during each run of Saxl's rotational experiment.

The concept behind Saxl's device was simple:

The full period of "one clockwise/counter-clockwise partial rotation" of the vertically-suspended weight (below) -- through a small angle -- was optically measured from the pendulum's initial release point; the subsequent "left/right" rotational motion of the "bob" -- driven by the weight of the bob and the "twisting tension" in the wire from which the massive bob was hung -- determined the length of time (the "period") of one "torsion measurement" [an overall schematic, from his original patent, of Saxl's massive machine (to eliminate unwanted vibrations) is illustrated below]. "

Saxl's torsion pendulum readings (below) -- taken before, during and after the actual March 7 eclipse -- are most revealing; as he and Allen later reported, in "1970 Solar Eclipse as 'Seen' by a Torsion Pendulum," published in the February 15, 1971 issue of the peer-reviewed scientific journal, "Physical Review D":

"... Significant variations in the recorded times [of one "left/right" oscillation] were observed during the course of the eclipse, as is shown by the full line in Figure 1. Each point in this figure is the result of five consecutive [electrically] grounded readings. The limited vertical lines indicate the average deviations of the five readings from the averaged circled values. The beginning of the eclipse at 12:31 p.m., its mid-point at 1:40 p.m. and its end at 2:58 p.m. are also indicated [by the three vertical yellow lines, marked "a" ... "b" ... and "c" ] on the graph. It is to be noted that these observed time intervals [of pendulum bob partial rotations/oscillations] level off at about 29.581 sec [for one full oscillation] after the end of the eclipse, whereas in the morning [4:00 AM EST] they had started at about 29.570 sec, an appreciable difference inasmuch as the ["full period"] times can be read to 0.00001 sec and are significant to about 0.0001 sec. The precision of the quartz-crystal-controlled oscillator in the Beckman EPUT (events per unit time) counter is one part in '10 to the exponent 8' ...."

"As with Allais' first startling observations of his eclipse, sixteen years earlier, Saxl and Allen also noted "peculiar waves" in the torsion pendulum's behavior ... seen well before the eclipse had even begun locally in the Boston area (above - bottom left) ....

They wrote:

"... the irregularities occurring before the start of the eclipse might be considered accidental, except that data taken two weeks later at the same hour of the day (dashed green curve - above) show corresponding humps -- an indication, by the way, that the observations are reproducible. These maxima and minima may indicate a kind of gravitational [sic] fine structure which is reproducible even when the positions of the sun and moon relative to the earth are quite different. This apparent wavelike structure has been observed over the course of many years at our Harvard laboratory. It cannot be predicted on the basis of classical gravitational theory nor has it been observed in the quasistationary experiments underlying this theory (e.g., spring-operated gravimeters, seismographs, and interferometer devices) ... [emphasis added] ...."

Saxl and Allen went on to note that to explain these remarkable eclipse observations, according to "conventional Newtonian/Einsteinian gravitational theory," an increase in the weight of the pendumum bob itself on the order of ~5% would be required ... amounting to (for the ~51.5-lb pendulum bob in the experiment) an increase of ~2.64 lbs!

This would be on the order of one hundred thousand (100,000) times greater than any possible "gravitational tidal effects" Saxl and Allen calculated (using Newtonian Gravitational Theory/ Relativity Theory) for even the 180-degree, "opposite" alignment of the sun and moon ... which, as previously noted, was also directly measured via the torsion pendulum (dasned green line - above) two weeks after the March 7 eclipse!

The two scientists then observed:

"... It is further to be noted that the greatest change [in the torsion pendulum oscillation period] occurs between the [local] onset of the eclipse and its midpoint [below - right]. This agrees qualitatively with Allais with a paraconical pendulum, where the change of azimuth increased substantially in the first half of the eclipse of 30 June 1954 [below - left]. Both these effects would seem to have a gravitational basis [sic] which cannot be explained by accepted classical theory [emphasis added] ....""

We know for sure the identity of two of the three heavenly bodies which take part in a solar eclipse: the Sun and the Earth.

However, the photographs taken in Antarctica by Fred Bruenjes, during the November 2003 total solar eclipse show us that the Moon COULD NOT POSSIBLY cause the solar eclipse.

It is the radiation of the Black Sun which does cause the Allais/Saxl effect, by activating the laevorotatory subquarks (the antigravitational subquarks, as opposed to the dextrorotatory subquarks = terrestrial gravity) in order to produce the visible effects on the pendulum.

“… the current theory of gravitation (being the result of the application, within the current theory of relative motions, of the principles of inertia and universal gravitation to any one of the Galilean spaces) complemented or not by the corrections suggested by the theory of relativity, leads to orders of magnitude [many factors of ten] for lunar and solar action (which are strictly not to be perceived experimentally) of some 100 million times less than the effects noted [during the eclipse] ... [emphasis added].”

Saxl and Allen went on to note that to explain these remarkable eclipse observations, according to "conventional Newtonian/Einsteinian gravitational theory," an increase in the weight of the pendumum bob itself on the order of ~5% would be required ... amounting to (for the ~51.5-lb pendulum bob in the experiment) an increase of ~2.64 lbs!

This would be on the order of one hundred thousand (100,000) times greater than any possible "gravitational tidal effects" Saxl and Allen calculated (using Newtonian Gravitational Theory/ Relativity Theory) for even the 180-degree, "opposite" alignment of the sun and moon ... which, as previously noted, was also directly measured via the torsion pendulum (dasned green line - above) two weeks after the March 7 eclipse!

Dr. Erwin Saxl, "1970 Solar Eclipse as 'Seen' by a Torsion Pendulum"


In recent years, a new kind of theory has emerged (TGD - Topological GeometroDynamics) which attempts to explain the Allais effect.

However, the entire theory is based on the official results of the Michelson-Morley experiment (in fact, one of the main proponents of TGD, M. Pitkanen, states emphatically: "The famous Michelson-Morley experiment carried out for about century ago demonstrated that the velocity of light does not depend on the velocity of the source with respect to the receiver and killed the ether hypothesis.", and as a reference he uses the wikipedia article on the subject.

Moreover, TGD is based on the space-time continuum hypothesis and even multiple space-time sheets; furthermore, it only takes into consideration the MODIFIED/CENSORED Maxwell equations, and NOT the original set of equations which is based entirely on the ether/aether concept.

The complete demolition of the Michelson-Morley experiment (the greatest scientific catastrophe of the 19th century) and of the space-time continuum notion:

« Last Edit: December 16, 2018, 12:46:31 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #218 on: August 25, 2014, 11:02:58 AM »


"During the solar eclipse of 1 August 2008 three programs of physics observations were independently conducted by teams in Kiev, Ukraine, and Suceava, Romania, separated by about 440 km. The Ukraine team operated five independent miniature torsion balances, one Romania team operated two independent short ball-borne pendulums, and the other Romania team operated a long Foucault-type pendulum. All three teams detected unexplained disturbances, and these disturbances were mutually correlated. The overall pattern of the observations exhibits certain perplexing features."


"Given the above, the authors consider that it is an inescapable conclusion from our experiments that after the end of the visible eclipse, as the Moon departed the angular vicinity of the Sun, some influence exerted itself upon the Eastern European region  containing our three sets of equipment, extending over a field at least hundreds of kilometers in width.

The nature of this common influence is unknown, but plainly it cannot be considered as gravitational in the usually accepted sense of Newtonian or Einsteinian gravitation. The basic reason is that in those models the gravitational influences of several bodies are combined by addition, at least to the accuracy detectable by molar equipment. However all three of our experiments exhibited rather brusque variations (the abrupt jumps of the Kiev balances, the humps and particularly the sharp spikes in the Suceava short pendulum charts, and the deviation of the Suceava long pendulum) which cannot have resulted from linear combination of the gravitational/tidal influences of the Sun and the Moon, the magnitudes and angles of which vary only gently over the time scales of the effects seen. We therefore are compelled to the opinion that some currently unknown physical influence was at work."
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 05:28:31 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #219 on: October 18, 2014, 02:47:20 AM »

Flat Earth Solar Precession Facts:

(from Worlds in Collision)

In Jaiminiya-Upanisad-Brahmana it is written that the center of the sky, or the point around which the firmament revolves, is in the Great Bear.

Hindu astronomical tablets composed by the Brahmans in the first half of the first millennium before the present era show a uniform deviation from the expected position of the stars at the time the observations were made (the precession of the equinoxes being taken into consideration). Modern scholars wondered at this, in their opinion inexplicable, error. In view of the geometrical methods employed by Hindu astronomy and its detailed method of calculation, a mistake in observation equal to even a fraction of a degree would be difficult to account for.

Could it be that the precession of equinoxes shifted the direction of the axis so that, three or four thousand years ago, the polar star was among the stars of the Great Bear?  No. If the earth moved all the time as it moves now, four thousand years ago the star nearest the North Pole must have been a-Draconis. The change was sudden; the Great Bear "came bowing down." In the Hindu sources it is said that the earth receded from its wonted place by 100 yojanas,10 a yojana being five to nine miles. Thus the displacement was estimated at from 500 to 900 miles. The origin of the polar star is told in many traditions all over the world. The Hindus of the Vedas worshiped the polar star, Dhrura, "the fixed" or "immovable." In the Puranas it is narrated how Dhrura became the polar star. The Lapps venerate the polar star and believe that if it should leave its place, the earth would be destroyed in a great conflagration.

The length of the longest day in a year depends on the latitude, or the distance from the pole, and is different at different places. Gnomons or sundials can be built with great precision. The Babylonian astronomical tablets of the eighth century provide exact data, according to which the longest day at Babylon was equal to 14 hours 24 minutes, whereas the modern determination is 14 hours 10 minutes and 54 seconds. "The difference between the two figures is too great to be attributable to refraction, which makes the sun still visible over the horizon after it has set. Thus, the greater length of the day corresponds to latitude 34° 57', and points to a place 2/2° further to the north; we stand therefore before a strange riddle [vor einem merkwiirdigen Ratsel]. One tries to decide: either the tablets of System II do not originate from Babylon [though referring to Babylon], or this city actually was situated far [farther] to the north, about 35° away from the equator."

Claudius Ptolemy, who, in his Almagest, made computation for contemporaneous and ancient Babylon, arrived at two different estimates of the longest day at that city, and consequently of the latitude at which it was located, one of his estimates being practically of the present-day value, the other coinciding with the figure of the ancient Babylonian tables, 14 hours 24 minutes. The Arabian medieval scholar Arzachel computed from ancient codices that in more ancient
times Babylon was situated at a latitude of 35° 0' from the equator, while in later times it was situated more to the south. Johannes Kepler drew attention to this calculation of Arzachel and to the fact that between ancient and modern Babylon there was a difference in latitude. Thus Ptolemy, and likewise Arzachel, computed that in historical times Babylon was situated at latitude 35°. Modern scholars arrived at identical results on the basis of ancient Babylonian
computations. "This much, therefore, is certain: our tables [System II, and I also], and the astronomers mentioned as well, point to a place about 35° north latitude. Is it possible that they were mistaken by 2° to 2M°? This is scarcely believable."

Gizeh Pyramid and the Axial Precession

Ammizaduga Venus tables which show that the orbit followed by Venus in the past was markedly different from that observed in the present.

Charles Ginenthal (Sagan and Velikovsky) has a great deal to
say about the Ammizaduga tablets, pp 281 - 284, quoting Livio C.
Stecchini's "The Velikovsky Affair":

     "The Venus tablets of Ammizaduga is the most striking document
     of early Babylonian astronomy.  These tablets, of which we
     possess several copies of different origin, report the dates
     of the helical rising and setting of the planet Venus during
     a period of 21 years...

     "Since the first effort at explanation of Archibald Henry
     Sayce in 1874, these figures have challenged the wit of a
     score of experts of astronomy and cuneiform philology.
     (Father Franz Xavier) Kugler (1862 - 1929), a recognized major
     authority on Babylonian and biblical astronomy, chronology and
     mythology, opposed the contention of those who claim that
     these documents must be dismissed as nonsense."  [because they
     do not conform to present orbital patterns for Venus]

 "Let me give some typical passages from the tablet:

     "In the month of Sivan, on the twenty fifth day, Ninsianna
     [that is, Venus] disappeared in the east; she remained absent
     from the sky for two months, six days; in the month Ulul on
     the 24'th day, Ninsianna appeared in the West - the heart of
     the land is happy. In the month Nisan on the 27'th day,
     Ninsianna disappeared in the West; she remained absent from
     the sky for seven days; in the month Ayar on the third day,
     Ninsianna appeared in the east - hostilities occur in the
     land, the harvest of the land is successful.

     "The first invisibility mentioned in these lines involves a
     disappearance in the east, an invisibility of two months, six
     days, and a reappearance in the west.  This seems to be a
     superior conjunction. The second invisibility involves a
     disappearance in the west, an invisibility of seven days, and
     a reappearance in the east.  This seems to be an inferior
     conjunction.  Most of the data in groups one and three on the
     tablet are of this form.  But the lengths and spacings of
     these invisibilities have a certain irregularity about them,
     and they do not conform to the manner in which Venus moves at

     "The data given in the second group on the tablet do have
     regularity - even too much regularity to be believable, - but
     they do not conform to the present state of affairs

'How explain these observations of the ancient astronomers, modern astronomers and historians have asked. Were they written in a conditional form ("If Venus disappeared on the 11th of Sivan . . .") ? No, they were expressed categorically.
The observations were "inaccurately" registered, decided some authors. However, inaccuracy may account for a few days' difference but not for a difference of months.

The observations were "inaccurately" registered, decided some authors. However, inaccuracy may account for a few days' difference but not for a difference of months. "The invisibility of Venus at superior conjunction is given as 5 months 16 days instead of the correct difference of 2 months 6 days," noted the translators of the text, wonderingly."

If the tables are true, then both the attractive law of gravity AND Kepler's third law of motion are completely wrong; if they have been falsified, then we have another extraordinary proof of how the "ancient" history has been forged, confirming the findings of Dr. Gunnar Heinsohn: (a step by step demonstration that the period of history 2100 BC - 600 BC has been invented/falsified)

Full arclength between the tropics: 6356.621 km

Since the orbit of the Sun is bounded/limited between the two tropics, we can see that the solar precession can last only for a very precise amount of time (see the TIME CALCULATION section): in that very year where the solar precession will exceed the arclength of single window, it would mean that at either the summer or winter solstice, the Sun would rise BEYOND either the Tropic of Cancer or the Tropic of Capricorn, which is impossible.

500 miles = 800 km

Since for each gate we have an assigned 1047 to 1060 km, we get:

6 x 63.566 km = 381.4 km

381.4 x 2 = 762.8 km (total possible figure for the  displacement of the Polaris as noted in the Puranas)

762.8 + 286.1 (displacement factor for the Gizeh Pyramid) = 1048.9 km

Therefore we have a third possibility for the solar flat earth axial precession: for each gate, we have a mobile section which now moves westward until it reaches the 286.1 km limit (that is, it can only move/travel for 381.4 km).


381.48/1047.19 = 0.3642 = 1 - 1sacred cubit = 1 - 0.63566

286.1/10472. = 7.2732 - 7

0.2732 x  π  = (2.5 x   π) - 7

(0.2732 + 1)/2 = 1 sacred cubit

381.48/87.266 = 7.2842 x 0.6

Circumference of the flat earth = 104.7 x 381.4

1144.44/3 = 381.48

(again, from Worlds in Collision)

Why did the glaciers of the Ice Age cover the greater part of North America and Europe, while the north of Asia remained free? In America the plateau of ice stretched up to latitude 40° and even passed across this line; in Europe it reached latitude 50°; while northeastern Siberia, above the polar circle, even above latitude 75°, was not covered with this perennial ice.

If we look at the distribution of the ice sheet in the Northern Hemisphere, we see that a circle, with its center somewhere near the east shore of Greenland or in the strait between Greenland and Baffin Land near the present north magnetic pole, and a radius of about 3,600 kilometers, embraces the region of the ice sheet of the last glacial age. Northeastern Siberia is outside the circle; the valley of the Missouri down to 39° north latitude is within the circle. The eastern part of Alaska is included, but not its western part. Northwestern Europe is well within the circle; some distance behind the Ural Mountains, the line curves toward the north and crosses the present polar circle. Now we reflect: Was not the North Pole at some time in the past 20° or more distant from the point it now occupies—and closer to America? In like manner, the old South Pole would have been roughly the same 20° from the present pole.

Billions of tons of ice would have fallen on the polar regions, flash-freezing everything in little more than an instant.
This, at last, would explain the mystery of the mammoths found frozen where they stood. The mammoth, contrary to belief, was not a cold region animal, but one which lived in temperate grasslands.
Somehow those temperate regions were frozen in a moment. Some mammoths have been found frozen in the middle of eating! There you are munching away and the next thing you know you’re an ice lolly. If this ionized ice did rain down, the biggest build up would have been nearest to the magnetic poles because they would have had the most powerful attraction. Again, that is the case. The ice mass in the polar regions is greater at the poles than at the periphery and yet there is less snow and rain at the poles to create such a build up.

It is proposed that the carefully documented proofs of the catastrophe actually describe the end of the last Ice Age, which occurred some 3.500 years ago (and not 5.200 years ago) - [official chronology, of course; in the new radical chronology, the last Ice Age ended around 1740 AD, exactly the period discovered by Christopher Pfister, the great Swiss historian: ] (THE EXTINCTION OF THE MAMMOTH) PAGES 382, 389-390

"The sudden extermination of mammoths was caused by a catastrophe
and probably resulted from asphyxiation or electrocution. The immediately
subsequent movement of the Siberian continent into the polar region is probably
responsible for the preservation of the corpses.

"It appears that the mammoths, along with other animals, were killed by
a tempest of gases accompanied by a spontaneous lack of oxygen caused by fires
raging high in the atmosphere. A few instances later their dying or dead bodies
were moving into the polar circle. In a few hours northeastern America moved
from the frigid zone of the polar circle into a moderate zone; northeastern Siberia
moved in the opposite direction from a moderate zone to the polar circle. The
present cold climate of northern Siberia started when the glacial age in Europe
and America came to a sudden end." (exceptionally documented)

The sudden shift in the direction of the axis of Earth would have meant a slowing down of the velocity of the diurnal rotation of the Earth, and there would have no way for the Earth to regain the same velocity of the diurnal rotation as before, after Venus departed to a different orbit. (superb documentation)
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 05:29:47 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #220 on: November 10, 2014, 06:23:32 AM »

Dionysius Exiguus, On Easter (translation from Latin to English)

Exiguus assigns the date of March 24, year 563 AD, for the Passover.

However, in the year 563 AD, the Passover fell on March 25.

Dr. G.V. Nosovsky:

Ecclesiastical tradition, in accordance with the New Testament, tells that Christ was resurrected on March 25 on Sunday, on the next day after Passover, which, therefore, fell in that time on March 24 (Saturday). These are exactly the conditions used by Dionisius in his calculation of the date of the First Easter.

Dionysius supposedly conducted all these arguments and calculations working with the Easter Book. Having discovered that in the contemporary year 563 (the year 279 of the Diocletian era) the First Easter conditions held, he made a 532-year shift back (the duration of the great indiction, the shift after which the Easter Book entirely recurs) and got the date for the First Easter. But he did not know that Passover (the 14th moon) could not be shifted by 532 years (because of the inaccuracy of the Metonian cycle) and made a mistake: "Dionysius failed, though he did not know that. Indeed, if he really supposed that the First Easter fell on March 25, 31 A.D., then he made a rough mistake as he extrapolated the inaccurate Metonian cycle to 28 previous cycles (that is, for 532 years: 28 x 19 = 532). In fact, Nisan 15, the Passover festival, in the year 31 fell not on Saturday, March 24, but on Tuesday, March 27!". [335, pg. 243: I.A. Klimishin, Calendar and Chronology, in Russian, Nauka, Moscow, 1985]

That is a modern reconstruction of what Dionysius the Little did in the 6th century. It would be all right, but it presupposes that near Dionysius' date of 563 A.D. the 14th moon (Passover) really fell on March 24. It could be that Dionysius was not aware of the inaccuracy of the Metonian cycle and made the mistake shifting Passover from 563 to the same day of March in 31 A.D.

But he could not have been unaware of the date of Passover in the the almost contemporary year 563! To that end it was sufficient to apply the Metonian cycle to the coming 30-40 years; the inaccuracy of the Metonian cycle does not show up for such intervals.

But in 563 Passover (the 14th moon) fell not on March 24, but on Sunday, March 25, that is, it coincided with Easter as determined by the Easter Book.

As he specially worked with the calendar situation of almost contemporary year 563 and as he based his calculation of the era "since the birth of Christ" on this situation, Dionysius could not help seeing that, first, the calendar situation in the year 563 did not conform to the Gospels' description and, second, that the coincidence of Easter with Passover in 563 contradicts the essence of the determination of Easter the Easter Book is based on.

Therefore, it appears absolutely incredible that the calculations of the First Easter and of the Birth of Christ had been carried out in the 6th century on the basis of the calendar situation of the year 563. It was shown in Sec. 1 that the Easter Book, used by Dionysius, had not been compiled before the 8th century and had been canonized only at the end of the 9th century. Therefore, the calculations carried out by (or ascribed to) Dionysius the Little had not been carried out before the lOth century. (pages 390 - 401 and 401 - 405)

Exiguus, the central  pillar of the official historical chronology, could not have made such a colossal mistake UNLESS his works/biography were forged/falsified at least five centuries later in time.

In the official chronology, Bede, Syncellus, Scaliger, Blastares, and Petavius base their calculations on Exiguus' methods and data.

Dr. G.V. Nosovksy verified the interval of 100 BC - 1700 AD, using the exact conditions stipulated by Exiguus, and found that ONLY the date of 1095 AD corresponds exactly.

The complete demonstration that the Council of Nicaea could not have taken place before the year 876-877 AD:

A briefer version:

Since Exiguus' work was obviously falsified by persons who had no knowledge of Gauss' Easter formulas, it means that the entire edifice of modern historical chronology comes crashing down: we have already seen the proofs that place Pompeii and Herculaneum as cities in full activity in the 18th century.

Summary of other new radical chronology proofs:

« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 01:48:27 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #221 on: November 11, 2014, 07:56:31 AM »

In the official chronology of history we find one of the most perplexing mysteries.

Kepler advocated the adoption of the reformed calendar in a work entitled "Dialogue on the Gregorian Calendar" published in 1612.

In 1613, the Emperor Matthias asked Kepler to attend the Reichstag at Regensburg to counsel on the issue of adopting the Gregorian calendar reform in Germany. In Germany, the Protestant princes had refused to accept the calendar on confessional grounds. Kepler believed that the new calendar was sufficiently exact to satisfy all needs for many centuries. Thus, he proposed that the Emperor issue a general imperial decree to implement the calendar.

Moreover, the arch enemy of the Vatican, Galileo Galilei, also agrees with the changes instituted by the Gregorian calendar.

Clavius was the senior mathematician on the commission for the reform of the calendar that led, in 1582, to the institution of the Gregorian calendar.
From his university days, Galileo was familiar with Clavius's books, and he visited the famous man during his first trip to Rome in 1587. After that they corresponded from time to time about mathematical problems, and Clavius sent Galileo copies of his books as they appeared.

Thesaurus Temporum, published by Joseph Scaliger, which was based almost entirely on the calculations of Dionysius Exiguus and Matthew Blastares, received criticism from Johannes Kepler.

However, it is absolutely impossible (and amazing at the same time) for Johannes Kepler to have agreed with the Gregorian calendar reform, given the fact that he was familiar with the popular work attributed to Matthew Blastares.

It would have been perfectly simple for Kepler and Galilei to show the humongous errors inherent in the Gregorian calendar reform, to publicize these results, and thus have a very solid base on which to express their opinions regarding the planetary system.

All Kepler had to do is to refer each and every historian/astronomer/researcher of his time to the familiar quote signed Matthew Blastares:

"By about AD 1330, the medieval scholar Matthew Vlastar wrote the following about how to determine the anniversary of Christ's resurrection in the Collection of Rules of the Holy Fathers of the Church:

The rule on Easter has two restrictions: not to celebrate together with the Israelites and to celebrate after the spring equinox. Two more were added by necessity: to have the festival after the very first full Moon after the equinox and not on any day but on the first Sunday after the full Moon. All the restrictions except the last one have been kept firmly until now, but now we often change for a later Sunday. We always count two days after the Passover [full Moon] and then turn to the following Sunday. This happened not by ignorance or inability of the Church fathers who confirmed the rules, but because of the lunar motion.

In Vlastar's time, the last condition of Easter was violated: if the first Sunday took place within two days after the full moon, the celebration of Easter was postponed until the next weekend. This change was necessary because of the difference between the real full moon and the one computed in the Easter Book. The error, of which Vlastar knew, is twenty-four hours in 304 years.

Therefore the Easter Book must have been written around AD 722. Had Vlastar been aware of the Easter Book's AD 325 canonization, he would have noticed the three-day gap that had accumulated between the dates of the real and the computed full moon in more than 1,000 years."

And yet, to the amazement and uncomprehending stupor of modern historians, no such thing happened.

Not only Kepler or Galilei, but every reader of Scaliger's works could have brought forward the quote from Blastares, and reveal the errors made by Luigi Lilio (the Gregorian reform of the calendar was carried out on the basis of the project of the
Italian "physician and mathematician" Luigi Lilio).

As we have seen, in the year 1582, the winter solstice would have arrived on December 16, not at all on December 11:

Newton agrees with the date of December 11, 1582 as well; moreover, Britain and the British Empire adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1752 (official chronology).

No less a figure than Isaac Newton (1642-1727) also took an active interest in the field, publishing "The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended", a substantial monograph disputing several key conclusions in Scaliger's work.

But Newton couldn't possibly have missed the work done by Blastares, and the quote attributed to the same author.

Benjamin Franklin told his readers of the Poor Richard's Almanac to enjoy the extra 11 days in bed and that losing 11 days did not worry him--after all, Europe had managed since 1582.

But in 1752 AD, the error/discrepancy between the false Gregorian calendar reform and the real calendar would have amounted to a full 3 (three) days difference, a thing that could not have been missed by any researcher.

In 1806, Napoleon, we are told, ordered a return to the Gregorian calendar.

In accordance with the Concordat with Pope Pius VII (1742-1823), signed July 15, 1801, a decree put an end to the revolutionary calendar. On 17 Brumaire Year 14 (November 8, 1805) the Minister of Finance announced the January 1, 1806, return to the Gregorian calendar which had been outlawed in October 1793.

But in 1806 AD, the error would have been at least a full 2 (two) days, and no one could have missed this huge discrepancy.

The 10 day cumulative error in the Vernal Equinox date since the Council of Nicaea until the year 1582 AD is due just to the reform of the Julian calendar: if we add the axial precession argument, then  the cumulative errors would have added to even more than 10 days, because of the reverse precessional movement. No RE axial precession means that the Earth did not ever orbit around the Sun, as we have been led to believe. And it means that the entire chronology of the official history has been forged at least after 1750 AD.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 10:21:59 PM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #222 on: November 13, 2014, 06:22:20 AM »

Up until 1985, it was estimated that the height of the pyramid frustum at Gizeh is 140.3 to 140.7 meters.

But, nothing seemed to fit in with the other measurements involving the sacred cubit: (part I) (part II)

Sacred cubit structure of the zeros of the Zeta function:

In 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men was published with a new, crucial piece of information: (chapter 10)

Before 1985, it was evaluated that the height of the masonry base was 4 meters.

Using the most precise measurements (see figure below), that height increases to some 4.86 meters, therefore, a very important difference. (43 - 38.1496 = 4.8604 meters)

This is the real height of the Gizeh pyramid frustum: 141.134725 meters.

Now, everything fits in perfectly.

141.34725/π = 45

141.34725 - 136.1 = length of the queen's chamber = length of the king's chamber

total height of the pyramid (frustum + missing apex) = 141.34725 + 7.2738 = 148.62105 meters

(where 7.2738 = 286.1 sacred inches)

286.1 - 148.62105 = 1/0.00727384 = 1/(7.2738 x 10-3)

Speed of sound/24 = 14.134725

4.5 x 14.134725 = 100 sacred cubits

14.134725 x 0.114472 = PHI

(11.444 = 4 x 2.861, where 286.1 is the displacement factor)

14.134725 x 180 = 100,000 sacred inches

More calculations re: 14.134725 here:

14.134725 - 4π = 1.568354 (value of the width of the first section from the queen chamber niche)

1.568354 x 68.05 = 106.726

Let us now find further sacred cubit equations featuring 14.134725

Ln 14.134725 = 14.134725/5.3366

14.134725 – 21/2 = 12.7205 = 20sc

14.134725 - 5π = -1/sc

26.666 x 4 = 106.666

106.726sc = 14.134725 + 5.332

Therefore, the builders of the Gizeh Pyramid KNEW the value of the first zero of Riemann's Zeta function.

However, in order to calculate this value, we need the Riemann-Siegel formula, considered to be the top achievement in mathematics of the 19th century and one of the most complex formulas ever (its derivation by G.F. Riemann is considered to be in the same category with J. Moser's proof of the Twist Theorem, or the Ramanujan-Hardy asymptotic expansion for the partitions of a natural number).

Gizeh Pyramid was NOT built by the Egyptian Pharaohs:

Origin of Calculus:


The actual dimension of the height of the masonry base may be as high as 5.23 meters (which would match the length of the king's chamber figure)
« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 01:49:51 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #223 on: November 15, 2014, 02:01:00 AM »

(step by step demonstration how the set of Maxwell's original equations was censored/modified)

The much-reduced Heaviside-Gibbs-Hertz limited version of Maxwell's theory, with the added Lorentz symmetrization and arbitrary discarding of all asymmetrical Maxwellian systems, has since been taught as "Maxwell's theory". It is Heaviside's equations and Heaviside's notations, as further limited by Lorentz.

In 1892 Lorentz added the coup de grace to even this much-reduced Heaviside vector theory with simple equations and much fewer potentials. Lorentz arbitrarily symmetrized the equations to make them simpler yet, so that closed algebraic solutions could usually be found and one would not have to use numerical methods so widely. He did it merely to simplify the equations to NEW equations having much easier solutions! That he changed the potentials was considered of no consequence, so long as no NET translation force field emerged (even though two new force fields were arbitrarily introduced).

(superb documentation on the reasons why Maxwell's original set of equations was deliberately eliminated from textbooks)

Here is the transcript from episode 10 (The electric boy) from the Cosmos series, hosted by NdG Tyson:

When Maxwell translated Faraday's experimental observation on electromagnetic fields into equations, he discovered an asymmetry.

In the video itself, of episode 10, The Electric Boy, at 37:37, Tyson shows this:

In 1881 Heaviside replaced the electromagnetic potential field by force fields as the centerpiece of electromagnetic theory. According to him, the electromagnetic potential field was arbitrary and needed to be "assassinated" (sic).

Today, the tremendously crippled Maxwell-Heaviside equations --- symmetrized by Lorentz --- are taught in all our universities in the electrical engineering (EE) department. Note that the EE professors still dutifully symmetrize the equations, following Lorentz, and thus they continue to arbitrarily discard all asymmetrical Maxwellian systems.

Tyson has no idea whatsoever that the four equations shown by him, in fact, DO NOT belong to Maxwell at all.

Had he done the proper research, he would have discovered the original set of equations, Maxwell's ether equations, as published in the work On Lines of Force.

Einstein, 1905:

"The principle of the constancy of the velocity of light is of course contained in Maxwell's equations”



The Speed of Light

(also includes the appendix called Maxwell's Minor Errors discussing the wrong minus sign in equation D)

E = vXB − ∂Α/dt +gradψ

The most important scientific paper ever published: ON PHYSICAL LINES OF FORCE, by JAMES CLERK MAXWELL - the original set of ether equations, which are almost unknown to modern physics.

Dr. Frederick Tombe has undertaken a painstaking research in order to discover how the original Maxwell equations have been modified into their currently known form, and why it was done.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2020, 08:55:03 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #224 on: November 19, 2014, 06:33:32 AM »

Dr. Anatoly Fomenko:

We have cross-checked archaeological, astronomical, dendro-chronological, paleo-graphical and radiocarbon methods of dating of ancient sources and artefacts. We found them ALL to be non-independent, non-exact, statistically implausible, contradictory and inevitably viciously circular because they are based or calibrated on the same consensual chronology.

Unbelievable as it may seem, there is not a single piece of firm written evidence or artefact that could be reliably and independently dated earlier than the XI century. Classical history is firmly based on copies made in the XV-XVII centuries of 'unfortunately lost' originals.

It just happens that there is no valid irrefutable scientific proof that ALL ‘ancient’ artefacts are much older than 1000 years contrary to the self fulfilling radiocarbon dating obligingly rubber-stamped by radiocarbon labs to the prescriptions of the mainstream historians. How heartbreaking is that the oldest ORIGINAL written documents that can be reliably, irrefutably and unambiguously dated belong only to the 11th century! All dirty and worn out originals have somehow disappeared in the Very Dark Ages, as illiterate but tidy monks kept only brand new copies. Better yet, most of the very old original document of 11th-13th tell very peculiar stories completely out of line with the consensual history.

Radio-carbon method:

Very sorry about c14 radiocarbon dating methods, the poor Nobel Libby must be turning in his grave after ‘calibration’ of his method (pity that!). By ‘calibration’ on statistically non-significant number of wood samples from Egypt with ARBITRARELY suggested alleged age of 3100 B.C. the Arizona university radiocarbon team simply smuggled the consensual chronology into c14 method of dating, turning it into a sheer fallacy.

The c14 radiocarbon dating procedure runs as follows: archaeologist sends an artefact to a radiocarbon dating laboratory with his idea of the age of the object to get a to ‘scientific’ rubber-stamp. Laboratory gladly complies and makes required radio dating, confirming the date suggested by archaeologist. Everybody’s happy: lab makes good money by making an expensive test, archaeologist by reaping the laurels for his earth shattering discovery. The in-built low precision (because of sensitivity) of this method allows cooking scientifically looking results desired by the customer archaeologist. General public doesn’t realize that it was duped again.

Just try to submit to any c14 lab a sample of organic matter and ask them to date it. The lab will ask your idea of the age of the sample, then it fiddles with the lots of knobs (‘fine-tuning’) and gives you the result as you’ve ‘expected’. With c14 dating method being so mind bogglingly precise C14 labs decline making 'black box' test of any kind absolutely. Nah, they assert that because their method is SO very sensitive they must have maximum information about the sample. This much touted method often produces reliable dating of objects of organic origin with exactitude (mistakes that) of up to plus minus 1500 years, therefore it is too crude for dating of historical events in the 3000 years timeframe!

History: Fiction or Science? volume I:

chapter 1, sections 15 and 16

Isotopic dating: science or fiction?

Thermochronology/geochemical analysis errors: (superb documentation)
(must read)

Spectroscopy methods errors:,58190.msg1489346.html#msg1489346

Ice core dating errors:

Collapsing Tests of Time:

The methods described above cannot be used to date anything.

The only accurate and direct method is: comets as luminous bodes MUST have limited lives.

When passing close to the sun, comets emit tails. It is assumed that the material of the tail does not return to the comet's head but is dispersed in space; consequently, the comets as luminous bodies must have a limited life. If Halley's comet has pursued its present orbit since late pre-Cambrian times, it must "have grown and lost eight million tails, which seems improbable." If comets are wasted, their number in the solar system must permanently diminish, and no comet of short period could have preserved its tail since geological times.

But as there are many luminous comets of short period, they must have been produced or acquired at some time when other members of the system, the planets and the satellites, were already in their places.

(from Worlds in Collision)

The age of the Solar System must be less than the estimated upper age of comets.

From the work Saturnian Comets:

The usual explanation for the Saturnian and Jovian families of comets is that they had originally traveled on extremely elongated or even parabolic orbits and, passing close to one of the large planets, were changed into short-period comets, traveling on ellipses—it is usual to say that they were “captured.” However, the Russian astronomer K. Vshekhsviatsky of the Kiev Observatory, one of the leading authorities on comets, has brought strong arguments to show that the comets of the solar system are very youthful bodies—only a few thousand years old—and that they originated in explosions from the planets, especially from the major planets Saturn and Jupiter or their moons. By comparing the observed luminosity of the periodic comets on their subsequent returns, he found it failing and their masses rapidly diminishing by loss of matter to the space through which they travel; the head of the comet emits tails on each passage close to the sun and then dissipates the matter of the tails without recovery. Thus Vshekhsviatsky concluded that comets of short duration originated in the solar system, were not captured from outside of that system—a point to which the majority of astronomers still adhere—and that they came into existence by explosion from Jupiter and Saturn, and to a smaller extent by explosion from the smaller planets, like Venus and Mars.]1962PASP...74..106V

K. Vshekhsviatsky was the leading expert in comet astrophysics as his works clearly demonstrate this.

Two months after the discovery of the ring around Jupiter, the Soviet Union claimed joint credit for the discovery, contending that Vsekhsviatskii had predicted the ring’s existence as early as 1960 in a journal called Izvestia of the Armenian Academy of Sciences. The passage from the relevant paper is as follows:

‘The existence of active ejection processes in the Jupiter system, demonstrated by comet astronomy, gives grounds for assuming that Jupiter is encircled by comet and meteorite material in the form of a ring similar to the ring of Saturn.’

PAGE 107: Halley's comet, for example, could not exist as a comet for more than 120 revolutions.

120 x 75 = 9000 years

Halley's Comet, official astrophysics information

15 kilometers long, 8 kilometers wide and perhaps 8 kilometers thick.

Based strictly on this data, we have the following results:

Comet Halley, as well as other comets, may have only been orbiting in its present orbit for only a few thousand years.

Comet Halley may have been in its current orbit for as little as 3,000 years ( )

That is, the age of the entire solar system cannot be more than 2,500-3,000 years old - an extraordinary agreement with the results of the facts that can be deduced from the new chronology subject.

However, as we have seen, the size of the Sun/Moon/planets/comets in the fixed flat earth context (see the proofs using the Solar ISS transit videos/Antarctica photographs) is much smaller than in the assumed heliocentric framework.

In the full fixed flat earth context, a comet has only some 20-30 meters in diameter: thus the dissipation rate of the material in a comet's tail (Halley's comet for example) does prove that Halley's comet has pursued its present orbit for only a few hundred years (another proof for the new radical chronology theory).

ELECTRIC COMET THEORY: (four consecutive messages)

See also the Faint Young Sun Paradox:
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 06:04:01 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #225 on: November 21, 2014, 06:54:24 AM »

Recently, quite a few papers have appeared questioning the official history of the American Revolution: (superb documentation)

For centuries, the United States Constitution has been held up to the world as one of civilization’s greatest achievements. It has been exalted and extolled at home and abroad, emulated and imitated by countries in both hemispheres. In some broad sense, it has provided a foundation for our belief in man’s perfectibility and the possibility of government that serves the common good.

Is it conceivable that this document so revered was conceived in perfidy and that its primary purpose was the installation of a powerful moneyed oligarchy, that it was neither created by “We the people,” nor designed to serve them? As historian Woody Holton observes, “It is an unsettling but inescapable fact that several of the principal authors of the U.S. Constitution, which has served as a model for representative government all over the world, would never had made it to Philadelphia if their constituents had known their real intentions” (Holton, 181). What were their real intentions? Let’s go back to the beginning and find out.

Many other authors/historians have had a hard time understanding how slave owners could have had the audacity to concoct a Bill of Rights; Jefferson himself, while in Paris (official chronology), became the laughing stock of Europe as he could not answer some very interesting and disturbing questions addressed to him also by European philosophers:

And, of course, we have the astronomical proof that Franklin is a historical figure invented decades later in time:

Benjamin Franklin told his readers of the Poor Richard's Almanac to enjoy the extra 11 days in bed and that losing 11 days did not worry him--after all, Europe had managed since 1582.

But in 1752 AD, the error/discrepancy between the false Gregorian calendar reform and the real calendar would have amounted to a full 3 (three) days difference, a thing that could not have been missed by any researcher.

The best account of the secret history of the American Revolution is given in chapter 9 of The Biggest Secret, here is a brief excerpt:

"The situation came to a head with the passing of the Tea Act which allowed that Brotherhood operation, the British East India Company, to unload its surplus tea in the colonies without paying duty. This clearly destroyed the market for everyone else. Official history to this day says that a group of Mohawk Indians boarded a ship called the Dartmouth in Boston Harbour and threw its cargo of tea into the water. This was dubbed: the Boston Tea Party. In fact the ‘rebels’ were not Mohawk Indians, but members of the St Andrew’s Freemasons Lodge in Boston dressed up as Indians.
They were led by their junior warden, Paul Revere. This event could not have happened without support from the British-controlled Colonial Militia who had been detailed to guard the Dartmouth. The captain of one detachment, Edward Proctor, was a member of... the St Andrew’s Lodge. This lodge was the first in the world to confer a new Freemasonic degree called the Knights Templar Degree. The Grand Master, Joseph Warren, was appointed Grand Master of the whole of North America by the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Other members of the St Andrew’s Lodge included John Hancock. He would be a leader of the so-called Continental Congress who signed the Declaration of Independence. At least three members of the St Andrew’s Lodge, including Paul Revere, were members of the ‘loyal nine’, the inner elite of an important revolutionary group called the Sons of Liberty. It was this group which organized the Boston Tea Party."

Why would the masons stage such an elaborate act, the details of which were known or could have been known to any serious researcher/historian in the field?

Perhaps the new radical chronology will offer a new perspective on the whole matter.

As explained earlier, Edwin Johnson was able to prove, back in 1894, that no one in Europe knew anything about the Gospels or the Pauline Epistles before 1500 AD.

Moreover, he was able to identify three major groups which invented the New Testament (each group infusing its own agenda in the Gospels/Epistles).

D'Aubigny observes that "the monastic orders were perhaps more in favor of the Reformation than against it. This observation applies more particularly to the Augustinian order." I agree, and explain it by reference to the temperament and habits of the Northern peoples that influenced and forcefully compelled the monks. The Northern peoples and the monks led a popular movement of revolt against the tyranny of the Pope.  In rejecting the vow of celibacy, these monks also followed the current of popular sympathy.

The more enlightened religionists wanted to establish a book religion; the opposed party wasn't so eager, yet were strong enough to make themselves felt in the books. The Pauline Epistles and the rest of the books have all the appearance of documents that have passed through the hands of an editorial board which comprised the various opinions held by the monastic Orders. This accounts for the Augustinian or Lutheran construction of the Paul figure.

But since the Pauline Epistles were written in the monasteries by men vowed to celibacy, and Luther and his fellows were held to be the first monks who broke their vows, we can deduce that certain passages were actually authored by Luther or his party. Who put into the mouth of Paul the denunciation of liars and hypocrites and enemies of marriage?

By contrast, Paul is also made the mouthpiece of catholic dogma.

What can you infer but that, at the time the Pauline Epistles were coming to be known, the mind of the Church was divided, and that some of the priesthood desired to make him the advocate, others the enemy, of the institution of priestly matrimony? The times of Paul are, in short, the times of Luther.

Polydore's citations from the monks show precisely the same duplicity on the question that is seen in the Epistles themselves. We cannot divorce the idea of. the monk from that of the vow of chastity; and we can therefore only infer that monkdom was a recent institution when such sentiments could be published.

It is this northern group of members of secret societies who invented Luther and Protestantism, that arrived first in America: I estimate 1790 AD to be a very good figure (Christ was crucified sometime during the period 1770 - 1775 AD, after which the falsification of the religious books started immediately).

They wrote the Bill of Rights, and thought they could get away with it, not understanding that the other two groups were waiting to rip it into shreds the first chance they got.

I believe that when the Bill of Rights was invented, there was no slavery as yet in America; slaves began to be brought to America at least after 1800 AD: this of course means that Jefferson, Paine, Locke, La Fayette, Washington and Madison are fictional characters invented at least after 1800 AD, in order to convey the idea of a glorious American revolution which actually never did take place at all.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 12:38:55 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #226 on: November 24, 2014, 06:33:43 AM »

The original/initial version of the Gospels was supposed to read like this:

The Ministry, Trial and Execution of Jesus

1. At that time also a man came forward,—if even it is fitting to call him a man [simply].
2. His nature as well as his form were a man's; but his showing forth was more than [that] of a man.
3. His works, that is to say, were godly, and he wrought wonder-deeds amazing and full of power.
4. Therefore it is not possible for me to call him a man [simply].
5. But again, looking at the existence he shared with all, I would also not call him an angel.
6. And all that he wrought through some kind of invisible power, he wrought by word and command.
7. Some said of him, that our first Lawgiver has risen from the dead and shows forth many cures and arts.
8. But others supposed [less definitely] that he is sent by God.
9. Now he opposed himself in much to the Law and did not observe the Sabbath according to ancestral custom.
10. Yet, on the other hand, he did nothing reprehensible nor any crime; but by word solely he effected everything.
11. And many from the folk followed him and received his teachings.
12. And many souls became wavering, supposing that thereby the Jewish tribes would set themselves free from the Roman hands.

13. Now it was his custom often to stop on the Mount of Olives facing the city.
14. And there also he avouched his cures to the people.
15. And there gathered themselves to him of servants (Knechten) a hundred and fifty, but of the folk a multitude.
16. But when they saw his power, that he accomplished everything that he would by word, they urged him that he should enter the city and cut down the Roman soldiers and Pilate and rule over us.
17. But that one scorned it.
18. And thereafter, when knowledge of it came to the Jewish leaders, they gathered together with the High-priest and spake: "We are powerless and weak to withstand the Romans.
19. But as withal the bow is bent, we will go and tell Pilate what we have heard, and we will be without distress, lest if he hear it from others, we be robbed of our substance and ourselves be put to the sword and our children ruined."
20. And they went and told it to Pilate.
21. And he sent and had many of the people cut down.
22. And he had that wonder-doer brought up. And when he had instituted a trial concerning him, he perceived that he is a doer of good, but not an evildoer, nor a revolutionary, nor one who aimed at power, and set him free.
23. He had, you should know, healed his dying wife.
24. And he went to his accustomed place and wrought his accustomed works.
25. And as again more folk gathered themselves together round him, then did he win glory through his works more than all.
26. The teachers of the Law were [therefore] envenomed with envy and gave thirty talents to Pilate, in order that he should put him to death.
27. And he, after he had taken [the money], gave them consent that they should themselves carry out their purpose.
28. And they took him and crucified him according to the ancestral law.


   1. This curtain (katapetasma) was prior to this generation entire, because the people were pious; but now it was lamentable to look at. 2. It had, you should know, been suddenly rent from the top to the ground, when they delivered over to death through bribery the doer of good, the man—yea, him who through his doing was no man.

   3. And of many other signs they tell which came to pass at that time.

   4. And it was said that after he was put to death, yea after burial in the grave, he was not found.

   5. Some then assert that he is risen; but others, that he has been stolen by his friends. 6. I, however, do not know which speak more correctly.

   7. For a dead man cannot rise of himself—though possibly with the help of another righteous man; unless it (lit. he) will be an angel or another of the heavenly authorities, or God himself appears as a man and accomplishes what he will,—both walks with men and falls, and lies down and rises up, as it is according to his will.

   8. But others said that it was not possible to steal him, because they had put guards all round his grave,—thirty Romans, but a thousand Jews.

Therefore, the falsified/forged works attributed to Josephus contained a very different version of the Gospels, omitted later in time, similar to the findings made by Edwin Johnson.

"I cannot forbear to point out how ridiculous are the blunders which our clerical writers have made, either in their ignorance of this literature, or in their desire to defend it. They assume that this "Eusebius" is writing 200 years or more after the New Testament writers. That is the primary blunder. They then assume that he must be following the New Testament writers, though every page shows that this is impossible. That is the next blunder -- a consequence of the first. And here, where he quotes an alleged fragment of "Origen" about Paul, they say Eusebius has alone preserved this fragment, and they proceed to insert it in Origen's works! A third blunder; or rather it is one comprehensive blunder they have made in supporting an utterly impossible theory of Church Letters, instead of attending to the curious phenomena themselves.

The explanation that I have given removes all difficulties and covers all cases, so far as I know. Here you have a knot of men, or round table, presided over in all probability by one or two or a few directors. They have plotted, and are executing a system of fiction. The method is to write down short sentences, to place them in imaginary mouths, to call them "testimonies," to put dates to them, and then to quote them as if they were authoritative and external to themselves.

The whole thing is perfectly transparent to the attentive student. Any writer of even moderate skill in fiction could construct a story with a considerable number of characters, who should all be made in one way or another to be interested in a set of ideas or in a common story, whether as believers or as unbelievers, supporters or opponents. A great impression may thus be produced upon the reader, even though he is aware that he is dealing with fiction. But where, as in the case of this Church History, the representations made have been announced as the greatest and most awful truths, and a mighty organisation has been supporting them, the impression has become all but irresistible, for any except the awakened and sceptical inquirer."

Now we can understand that the book of Zechariah was forged at the same time with the Gospels, so that the quote/prophecy concerning the "thirty pieces of silver" would coincide with its "fulfillment" narrated in the Gospel of Matthew.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 06:38:14 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #227 on: November 24, 2014, 07:07:17 AM »
The author of Revelation 11:8 tells us that Christ was not crucified in Jerusalem.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)

And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)

And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. (Rev. 14:8 )

Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits (Rev. 17:9 )

The woman whom you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth. (Rev. 17:18 )

Great city on seven hills - either Rome or Constantinopole (also built in seven hills - )

"Furthermore, the crucifixion did not even take place in Jerusalem! According to the book of Revelations, Jesus was crucified in Rome:

And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. (Revelations 11:8, KJV)

The Christians would probably argue that the “great city” refers to Jerusalem, yet the renowned Bible scholar John Gill disagrees:

And their dead bodies [shall lie] in the street of the great city,.... Not Jerusalem, which was destroyed when John had this vision, and which will not be rebuilt at the time it refers to; nor is it ever called the great city, though the city of the great King; however, not in this book, though the new Jerusalem is so called, Revelation 21:10; but that can never be designed here; but the city of Rome, or the Roman jurisdiction, the whole empire of the Romish antichrist, which is often called the great city in this book; see Revelation 16:19."

Two works which agree that Constantinople is actually described in the well-known quotes from the book of Revelations:

Another important clue, which shows that the description can only be fulfilled by Constantinople and not by Rome or Jerusalem:

The woman (city) in Revelation 17:1 also sits on many waters. Istanbul “sits” on or near the Sea of Marmara, the Golden Horn Rver, the Bosphorus Strait, the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea, the sea of Crete, and the Mediteranean Sea.

Babylon = Constantinople = Troy

Chapter I, section 10,  the locations of Troy and Babylon, pg. 42 - 44

"Oros", greek translation for mount/hill:

The Book of Apocalypse/Revelations dated astronomically to no earlier than 1486 AD:

Chapter 3: The new dating of the astronomical horoscope as described in the Apocalypse, pg. 134-166

Christ entering Constantinople:

Pilate wearing a turban:

(from History: Fiction or Science?, volume II)

Original quote from the epistle to the Galatians:

Jerusalem = Constantinople/Hagia Sophia = Temple of Solomon (pages 349 - 351, also includes a preface written by Garry Kasparov)
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 06:08:44 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #228 on: November 25, 2014, 01:37:14 AM »

Dr. Bruce DePalma gyroscope experiments:


A precessing gyroscope has a measurable anomalous inertial mass, greater than its stationary mass.

An anomalous field phenomenon has been discovered, the OD field, which confers inertia on objects immersed within it. This field is generated by the constrained forced precession of a rotating gyroscope.

The detailed behavior of both pendulums over the eclipse period shown in Fig. 8 was remarkable. During the period before the eclipse no particular disturbance was detected, and the 10-minute precession amounts of both pendulums generally exhibited the same behavior. After the local eclipse maximum the precession amount of the automatic pendulum started to increase steadily, while that of the manual pendulum started to decrease steadily. This trend continued unabated until about forty minutes after fourth contact, when the sense of change of the precession of the manual pendulum changed to be the same as that of the automatic pendulum.

After this both pendulum precession amounts marched together in almost perfect lockstep, decreasing until about 12:15, then executing an abrupt spike upwards and back downwards which ended at about 13:15, and then increasing until about 14:20, at which point the manual pendulum precession again reversed its trend. It is clear from the calmness of the environmental data that these phenomena were not linked to any variation of meteorological conditions.

Analysis. This long Foucault-type pendulum behaved in a very stable manner. However well after the end of the locally visible eclipse, at around 11:33 (to the recording resolution, i.e. between the readings at 11:29 and 11:36), some influence clearly acted for a short period to increase the precession rate. This influence was no longer apparent during the next inter-reading interval (from 11:36 to 11:43), and then reversed itself to some extent during the next interval (from 11:43 to 11:50).

We have already seen that the Allais effect is NOT caused by the Moon, that is, the Moon does not cause the solar eclipse:

Given the above, the authors consider that it is an inescapable conclusion from our experiments that after the end of the visible eclipse, as the Moon departed the angular vicinity of the Sun, some influence exerted itself upon the Eastern European region containing our three sets of equipment, extending over a field at least hundreds of kilometers in width.
The nature of this common influence is unknown, but plainly it cannot be considered as gravitational in the usually
accepted sense of Newtonian or Einsteinian gravitation.

The eclipse and the pendulum - How the pendulum's swing angle changed during the 1954 eclipse
The plane of the oscillation of the pendulum shifted approximately 15 centesimal degrees during the eclipse (approximately 13.5 degrees)

Thus we can explain the inexistence of historical records/astronomical data which would prove that the Earth underwent any axial precession in the past 2,000 years; we can also explain why and how the Gregorian calendar reform was a forgery/hoax perpetrated at least two hundred years later in time (during the XVIII century).

The Earth is completely stationary: it is the Sun and the stars which undergo a precessional movement/orbit, completely explained only within the framework/context of a Flat Earth.

Now, as an example, we can understand that Howard Carter knew exactly where to dig back in 1922, as Tutankhamun's tomb had been prepared in a haste just a few decades earlier, in order to fool the entire world as to the antiquity of Egypt.

In fact, modern researchers were stunned when they investigated the tomb:

Visiting Tutankhamun’s tomb, Naunton and his team take in the ancient pharaoh’s haphazard burial site. With little decoration, modest size and absence of esoteric text, the tomb hardly feels fit for a king. Even more unusual, King Tutankhamun’s famous death mask seems to have been hastily fashioned from a woman’s headdress.

See also:
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 07:24:27 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #229 on: November 28, 2014, 06:50:03 AM »

A review of Mach's Principle, the Bertotti experiment, and the geocentric Coriolis force:

Trying to use Foucault's pendulum as proof for heliocentricity really backfired when Maurice Allais repeatedly observed pendulums slowing their motion during eclipses! This implies that either the "rotating Earth" decelerates during eclipses or the firmament does.

Precise Underground Observations of the Partial Solar Eclipse of 1 June 2011 Using a Foucault Pendulum and a Very Light Torsion Balance:

International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics 12/2012; 2012(2):204-209.

ABSTRACT Simultaneous observations of the solar eclipse on 06/01/2011 were carried out using a Foucault pendulum and a torsion balance. The instruments were installed in a salt mine, where the interference was minimal. Both instruments clearly reacted to the eclipse. We conclude that these reactions should not be considered as being gravitational effects.

PDF document of the article can be downloaded here:

A torsion balance was installed in a small isolated chamber at a depth of 40 m, and a Fou- cault pendulum was set up in a huge chamber of area more than 1000 m2 at a depth of about 75 m.

We therefore affirm that in this experiment the Allais effect was again confirmed. Speed of precession of the oscillation plane of a pendulum during a solar eclipse does change.


Using the Foucault pendulum, the authors observed that the period of oscillation did not remain constant during the eclipse, this passing through the minimum value at the maximum of the eclipse. Later, during the Sun eclipse of 7 March 1970, E.J. Saxl and M. Allen [9], using a torsion pendulum, made evident that when the eclipse began the period grew and reached its extreme value at the maximum of the eclipse and then it decreased. The authors obtained a relative increase of the period of 2.7×10^−4. On the other hand, at the eclipse of July 1991 it was observed that the period presents a minimum at the maximum of the eclipse, the relative variation being of the order of 1.15×10^−4 .

Our measurements showed that during the sun eclipse, the motion of the plane of oscillation of the pendulum is really slower than the motion predicted by the Foucault effect. Thus we obtained a new confirmation of the Allais effect. On the other hand, the period of oscillation of the pendulum presents a small increase during the maximum of the eclipse.

Correlated anomalous effects observed during the August 1st 2008 solar eclipse

Abstract — During the solar eclipse of 1 August 2008 three programs of physics observations were independently
conducted by teams in Kiev, Ukraine, and Suceava, Romania, separated by about 440 km. The Ukraine team operated five
independent miniature torsion balances, one Romania team operated two independent short ball-borne pendulums, and the other Romania team operated a long Foucault-type pendulum.

All three teams detected unexplained disturbances, and these disturbances were mutually correlated. The overall pattern of the observations exhibits certain perplexing features.

Analysis. This long Foucault-type pendulum behaved in a very stable manner, which is quite typical for long pendulums. However well after the end of the locally visible eclipse, at around 11:33 (to the recording resolution, i.e.between the readings at 11:29 and 11:36), some influence clearly acted for a short period to increase the precession rate. This influence no longer acted during the next interval between readings (from 11:36 to 11:43), and then reversed itself to some extent during the next interval (from 11:43 to 11:50).

Comments. This striking deviation during the episode starting at 11:15 is unexplained. Structurally it closely resembles Allais's 1954 observation (Refs. 8, 9, and 10): first an increase of the precession rate, then a plateau, and then a decrease back to the original trend. However it occurred after the end of the visible eclipse, whereas the deviation observed by Allais occurred during the eclipse.

The nature of this common influence is unknown, but plainly it cannot be considered as gravitational in the usually
accepted sense of Newtonian or Einsteinian gravitation. The basic reason is that in those models the gravitational
influences of several bodies are combined by addition, at least to the accuracy detectable by molar equipment.
However all three of our experiments exhibited rather brusque variations (the abrupt jumps of the Kiev balances, the humps and particularly the sharp spikes in the Suceava short pendulum charts, and the deviation of the Suceava long pendulum) which cannot have resulted from linear combination of the gravitational/tidal influences of the Sun and the Moon, the magnitudes and angles of which vary only gently over the time scales of the effects seen. We therefore are compelled to the opinion that some currently unknown physical influence was at work.

The period of a Foucault pendulum located at Jassy University, Romania, was carefully monitored during the solar eclipse of February 15, 1961. The pendulum's length was 25.008 meters; its spherical bob weighed 5.5 kilograms. The eclipse commenced at 8h 49m 3s and terminated at 11h 16m 50s. Observations are recorded in the table below left:

The Allais effect proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the anomalies registered during the solar eclipses discussed above show that Foucault's pendulum is actually the very best proof that the Earth is stationary: it is the effect of the telluric currents/subquark strings/ether upon the pendulum which is responsible for the movement of the Foucault's pendulum, this effect was carefully documented also by Dr. Dayton Miller, as discussed earlier.,19

The physical reality is this. The Allais effect noticed can be due to either a momentary fluctuation in the earths rotation, or in the aethers rotation over that area of space where the alignment occurs.  The former for obvious reasons (the energy factor) is illogical.

"Nobel prize winner Maurice Allais had to go and throw another monkey wrench in the spokes of the heliocentric bicycle. Allais performed a marathon 30 day Foucault Pendulum experiment in 1954. During the experiment an eclipse occurred. Surprisingly, the pendulum changed angles by a significant 13.5 degrees! This suggests something in space was affecting the pendulum, not the motion of the earth."

« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 07:22:43 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #230 on: December 04, 2014, 06:25:44 AM »

History: Fiction or Science? volumul III, A. Fomenko and  G. Nosovsky

Pgs. 302 - 327

J. Kepler = N. Copernicus = T. Brahe = C. Ptolemy


Thus we can understand that the following quotes come from the same mind:

In the middle of all sits Sun enthroned. In this most beautiful temple could we place this luminary in any better position from which he can illuminate the whole at once? He is rightly called the Lamp, the Mind, the Ruler of the Universe: Hermes Trismegistus names him the Visible God, Sophocles’ Electra calls him the All-seeing. So the Sun sits as upon a royal throne ruling his children the planets which circle round him. The Earth has the Moon at her service. As Aristotle says, in his On Animals, the Moon has the closest relationship with the Earth. Meanwhile the Earth conceives by the Sun, and becomes pregnant with an annual rebirth (De Revolutionibus, Of the Order of the Heavenly Bodies 10).

Who alone appears, by virtue of his dignity and power, suited…and worthy to become the home of God himself, not to say the first mover” (On the Motion of Mars, Prague, 1609, Chapter 4 - Kepler describing the Sun).


« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 01:27:49 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #231 on: December 05, 2014, 06:06:02 AM »

I. Velikovsky's least known and, at the same time, best work is Earth in Upheaval.

Earth in Upheaval presents documentation of global catastrophes in prehistorical and historical times: the evidence of stone and bone. This evidence from the natural sciences indicates that these great disturbances which rocked our world were caused by forces outside the Earth itself.

In Earth in Upheaval, Velikovsky brings together a multitude of facts, such as palms found in northern Greenland, corals in Alaska, the unfossilized bones of hippopotamuses in England, and the remains of polar bears and arctic foxes crushed together in one mass with ostriches and crocodiles.

In this epochal book, Immanuel Velikovsky, one of the great scientists of modern times, puts the complete histories of our Earth and of humanity on a new basis. He presents the results of his 10-year-long interdisciplinary research in an easily understandable, even entertaining manner.

Earth in Upheaval - a very exactly investigated and easily understandable book - contains material that completely revolutionizes our view of the history of the earth. (brief excerpts)

« Last Edit: July 29, 2017, 06:55:01 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #232 on: December 13, 2014, 02:03:04 AM »

"In the 1940s, the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) hired John Nelson, a young electrical engineer, in an effort to improve the reliability of short-wave radio communications around the Earth. Such radio transmissions had been observed to be more reliable in the "lulls" in between solar activity associated with "peak" sunspot years.

To his surprise, Nelson (via a solar observatory he built himself on the roof of a downtown New York skyscraper) soon specifically correlated this rising and falling radio interference with not only the sunspot cycle, but with the motions of the major planets of the solar system!; Nelson found, to his increasing astonishment, a very repeatable -- in essence, "astrological" -- correlation ... between the inexorable orbits of the major planets  and major radio-disturbing eruptions on the sun.

For over 30 years, based only on the heliocentric positions of the planets, John Nelson was able -- with over 90% accuracy -- to successfully predict sunspots, solar flares and geomagnetic storms -- something not possible by any other current scientific means!

On the latter point, Nelson also "rediscovered" something else:

"... it is worthy of note that in 1948, when Jupiter and Saturn were spaced by 120º, and solar activity was at a maximum, radio signals averaged of far higher quality for the year than in 1951 with Jupiter and Saturn at 180º and a considerable decline in solar activity. In other words, the average quality curve of radio signals [reflected by the Earth's ionosphere] followed the cycle curve between Jupiter and Saturn rather than the sunspot curve ....” "

A new paper, titled “Does a Spin Orbit Coupling Between the Sun and the Jovian Planets Govern the Solar Cycle?” points out a resonant, synchronized relationship between the Sun’s periodic peak sunspot cycles and the orbital positions of the Jovian planets -- Jupiter and Saturn:

See also:

"There has historically been a recognized connection between the frequency of sunspot activity (the total number of spots) and the movement of the sun in relation to solar system's “barycentre” -- or, center of mass. This is driven primarily by the combined gravitational forces of Jupiter and Saturn, and to a far lesser extent, the other planets. But the big problem is that there is no conventional explanation for exactly how this influence occurs.

"There are really only two possible interactions, and neither of them is feasible," Dr. Wilson said in an interview. "Tidal forces are too tiny. They can only produce a movement of about a millimeter on the surface of the sun.

"The alternative, that the sun's motion about the centre of mass should be able to generate internal motions within the sun, violates Einstein's equivalence principle...." "

In 2004, Chris Duif pointed out that geomagnetic changes cannot be responsible for the
Allais effect:

See also: (superb documentation, the PDF version of the article can be downloaded/seen there)

However, contrary to claims elsewhere, the decreased conductivity did not cause an obvious effect in the geomagnetic recordings at the Earth's surface. Recordings of several European geomagnetic observatories and of a temporary variometer network, set up specially to observe an eclipse effect in detail, have been studied directly and in terms of equivalent currents in the ionosphere.

In summary, we may state that it is dangerous to deduce eclipse-related effects from a single day's recording or a single
station. The chances are high of encountering a signature in the magnetic field trace that accidentally appears to be related to the eclipse.

On the anomalies observed during the August 11, 1999 solar eclipse: (in French, it includes a brief summary in English, also)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2014, 05:26:44 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #233 on: December 30, 2014, 06:12:31 AM »

The angle of slope of the Pyramid’s outer casing is 51.85 degrees (for example, see ).

However, in order to reach/know this value, the architects of the Gizeh Pyramid must have had at their disposal the extended arctangent series:

The sacred cubit is designated in the form of a horseshoe projection, known as the "Boss" on the face of the Granite Leaf in the Ante-Chamber of the Pyramid. By application of this unit of measurement it was discovered to be subdivided into 25 equal parts known now as: Pyramid inches.

ONE SACRED CUBIT = 0.6356621 meters

tan 51.8554 degrees = 2 sacred cubits

sin 72.7 degrees = 1.5 sacred cubits

sin 136.12 degrees = ln 2

72.7 / 2 = 36.35 = 100 - 100 sacred cubits

136.12 = actual height of the Gizeh Pyramid (141.347 - 5.23, 5.23 is the height of the masonry base)

The other angle of the triangle, 38.145 degrees, is also closely related to the sacred cubit, and the actual radius of the circle (38.13 meters) seen in the first image of this message.

38.13 = 60 sacred cubits

And 51.85/38.1 = 1.361 - therefore, all these measurements/dimensions must have been known well ahead of time to the arhitects of the Gizeh Pyramid; but in order to have the actual angle values, they needed to calculate the arctangent of two sacred cubits.

There are several values to be used for the sacred cubit depending on the color of the light spectrum: starting from 0.62832 all the way to 0.64 – the most important value is of course 0.63566, the sacred cubit, which corresponds to the green color.

I was able to actually sum the extended arctangent series:

ARCTAN v =  2n x ((2- {2+ [2+ (2+ 2{1/(1+ v2)}1/2)1/2]...1/2}))1/2 (n+1 parentheses to be evaluated)
« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 01:33:00 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #234 on: January 10, 2015, 02:04:37 AM »

Both Greeks and Egyptians thought the morning star different from another star seen close to the Sun after sunset. The Greeks named the evening star that lingered in the sunset glow across the Ionian Sea Hermes, the winged messenger of the gods, while the Thebans recognized it as Horus, the vanquisher of Set and follower of Amun-Ra.

Similarly, ancient astronomers did not recognize Venus as one planet. When east of the Sun and seen in the western sky after sunset, the planet was called Hesperus. When west of the Sun and rising before it, the planet was called Phosphorous. About the 12th century B.C., Homer mentions Venus but considers it as two objects.

One of the most informative works on the fact that the morning star and the evening star, in fact, ARE TWO DIFFERENT PLANETS:

The author does mention:

Thus, for instance, being the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury not only revolves within the Earth's orbit but within that of the planet Venus itself. Mercury thus exhibits some of the aspects presented by Venus.  Although less bright than Venus, it, too, appears as an evening and morning star, a fact that was well known and recorded by the ancients, as, for instance, by Ptolemy,  but also by the Assyro-Babylonians who alluded to Nebo, their name for Mercury, as the morning star which announces the new age.

Mythology of Xolotl, Quetzalcoatl's twin brother:

(more information in S. Milbrath's works, Heaven and Earth in Ancient Mexico and Star Gods of the Maya)

Mercury and Hesperos:

The Enuma Elish does mention that two of Marduk's (Jupiter) satellites caused the first major planetary cataclysm.

The sun's chariots are in fact represented by the Morning Star and the Evening Star: Mercury and Venus (in the Mexican Codex Borgia, the Evening Star is represented with the solar disc on its back).

Official astronomical orbit of Venus:

The Synodical Year of Venus

THE PLANET Venus, at the present time, revolves around the sun in 288 days, which is the
siderial year of the planet. However, seen from the earth, which revolves around the sun on a
larger orbit and at a lower speed, Venus returns to the same position with respect to the earth
after 584 days, which is its synodical year. It rises before the sun, earlier every day for seventyone
days, until it reaches the western elongation or its westernmost point away from the rising
sun. Each morning thereafter the Morning Star rises lower and lower and for 221 days
robin-bobinapproaches the superior conjunction. About a month before the end of this period, it is eclipsed
by the rays of the sun, and for over sixty days it is not seen because of the sun's rays: it is behind
the sun or in superior conjunction. Then it appears for a moment after the setting sun, being now
the Evening Star and east of the western sun. For 221 nights it retreats from the middle point of
the superior conjunction, and beginning with the evening on which it first appears as an Evening
Star, each night it appears farther from the setting sun until it reaches the eastern elongation.
Then for seventy-one nights it approaches the sun. Finally it enters the inferior conjunction,
when it is between the earth and the sun. It is usually invisible for one or two days, and thereafter
appears west of the rising sun and is again the Morning Star. (from Worlds in Collision)

Thus, at least after the Deluge, Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli and Xolotl orbited the Sun in the shape of some sort of a cycloid curve: one took on the role of Mercury, while the other became the Evening Star; then, "Mercury" became the Morning Star, while the Evening Star modified its orbit and became Mercury; it is possible that these orbits were followed at least until the last planetary cataclysm occurred (some 250 years ago - see the new radical chronology proofs).

And Venus and Mercury have a diameter which is markedly different than what we have been led to believe in the official heliocentrical theory:



And the photographs/videos, no 148,000,000 km between the Sun and the ISS/Atlantis (no one is aboard of course, both the shuttle and the station are maneuvered by remote control):

From the Bundahishn:

But in the end "the sun has attached Muspar to its own radiance by mutual agreement, so that he may be less able to do harm."

The significance of the foregoing information, relating to the flat earth planetary system is as follows:

Once the Sun will reach the end of the alloted precessional orbit, its "chariots", the planets Mercury and Venus will be set free; it is this phenomenon which does cause the end of a world age (as described earlier: ).
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 06:42:53 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #235 on: January 15, 2015, 06:31:25 AM »

Five synodical years of Venus equal 2919.6 days, whereas eight years of 365 days equal 2920 days, and eight Julian years of 365/4 days equal 2922 days. In other words, in four years there is a difference of approximately one day between the Venus and the Julian calendars.

Therefore, apparently in a strange way, we are following a Venusian calendar, unknowingly.

This is one of the main reasons for the entire Gregorian calendar reform hoax (the other being, of course, to falsify the chronology of history, as we have seen earlier).

Book of the Luminaries:

from Chapter 73:

 And these serve four days, which are not calculated in the calculation of the year.

The length of the year presented in the book of Enoch is actually 364 days, but the duration of such a day is very slightly longer than the 24-hour/day.

The four additional days take place at the first, third, fourth and sixth gate: they are included when we compute the number of days in a year, of course, but not when we calculate the actual precession.

The axial precession formula assumes a continuous Earth angular velocity (heliocentrical theory), whereas in the real flat earth theory, there are four discontinuities, which are not taken into consideration.

Orbital Variance Theory:

The 3 . 14 seconds is the mean deviation.  The actual deviation, over time, is from 3.11 seconds to 3.17 seconds daily. In other words, the TIME required for the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun (a year) decreases daily by the rate of 3.14 seconds (of time) and accumulates, annually, to approximately 18 minutes (+-).

The 3.14 seconds (mean) of time (in a PREcessional or warming cycle) accumulates (actually causing 'apparent' precession), and over a period of 72 years it amounts to 'almost' one full 24 hour day [actual precessional rates vary, over time, from 19.19329333 minutes a year (when Earth is at Aphelion) to 18.99225167 minutes a year (when Earth is at Perihelion)].

But the axial precession formula (heliocentrical theory) uses the value of 3.35 seconds/day.

Distance between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn: 3,234.64 miles (center of map)

Arclength: 6356.621 KM (side of figure/map) - this is the absolute uppermost bound/limit

Polar axis length (official numbers):  6356.7519 km = actual radius of the flat earth map

Six gates theory (see chapter 71 from the Book of Enoch)

One gate arclength, with 0.636 m as the value for the sacred cubit:

1060 km

Distance from one gate to the other, 11.444 km (where 11.444 = 4 x 2.861, 2.861 is the actual displacement factor of the Gizeh Pyramid).

Actual one gate arclength, then:

1048.56 km

Since the official figure of 50.24 arcseconds (annual heliocentrical rate) is wrong, in order to calculate the correct value we need to take into consideration the actual discontinuities in the solar precessional orbit:

The amount we get is 49.54 arcseconds/year.

And this makes all the difference when it comes to actually computing the distances involved.

For the 49.54 arcseconds/year, we will get a value of 1.5267 km/year of actual precessional distance being covered by the Sun.

1.5267 = (24sc)/10

If we divide 49.54 by 364 we will get 0.1361, the actual height of the Gizeh Pyramid (1000 x 0.1361).

Since the rate of the precession amounts to some 19 minutes per year, we can get a closer value by examining the following data.

3.1416 seconds per day of actual precessional time variance

The actual data calculated is 19.2 minutes, without taking into account the four day discontinuity, or some 1152 seconds/year (which corresponds to a value of 3.164 seconds per day).

That means that for a full year (book of Enoch calendar) the value will be close to the figure of 1144.44 seconds.

1144.44 seconds = 19.074 minutes

Then, 250 years x 1144.44 seconds = 286,110 seconds for a period of 250 years

For a 353 year old history, we obtain a value extremely close to 404778.5054 seconds

404778.5054 = (1000sc)2

That is, the total precessional time for a 353 year old history amounts to exactly 1,000,000sc2 seconds or 636,619.7723sc seconds.

250 years x 1.5267 km = a total of 381.675 km

Solar flat earth axial precession: for each gate, we have a mobile section which now moves westward until it reaches the 286.1 km limit (that is, it can only move/travel for 381.6 km).

2 x 381.5 = 763

1048.56 - 763 = 285.56

which is very close to the displacement factor value of 286.1

We could also use a period of 254.24 years (one sacred inch = 0.025424 m), starting with 1761: in line with the myths/legends of South/Central America concerning the 52 year Venus cycle.

1761 + 254.24 = 2015.24

1761 - 1708 = 53

1761 + 190.6 = 1951.6  (1.906 = 3sc)

This would correspond with a solar precessional rate of 1.5 km/year.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 02:44:55 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #236 on: January 16, 2015, 05:13:29 AM »

The English Channel: 34 km distance from Cap Gris Nez to Dover, a curvature of some 22.4 meters on a round earth.

The original webpages, as they were posted on

The photographers located between Cap Blanc Nez and Cap Gris Nez: we will ascend to 30 meters.

And now the photograph itself: no curvature whatsoever, all the way to the other shoreline, the Dover cliffs seen in their entirety (on a round earth, from 30 meters, we could not see anything under 16.5 meters from the other side), the ships are not part of an ascending/descending slope, no midpoint curvature of 22.4 meters:

Another photograph taken right on the beach of Cap Gris Nez: no curvature over a distance of 34 km:

Dover cliffs:

« Last Edit: June 05, 2018, 06:07:37 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #237 on: January 20, 2015, 05:20:08 AM »

The first blood moon tetrad in history occurred in 1949-1950. It is assumed, in the official chronology of history, that the previous such astronomical phenomenon took place in 1493-1494 and that, in the future, the next blood moon tetrad will occur in 2032-2033; using the new radical chronology proofs we can clearly see that this is not the case at all.

Taking year 1 as 1662, we obtain the following interesting sacred cubit mathematical relationships:

1948 - 1662 = 286.1 = 450 sc

1967 - 1662 = 305 = 480 sc

2015 - 1662 = 353 = 555 sc (354 = 557 sc)

557 - 450 =~ 106.6

305/286.1 = 1.066

305 x 1144.44 seconds = 349054.2

1/2.861 = 0.349528

1708 + 286.1 = 1994    (1708, date of the Deluge, 1994 the first major planetary collision since 1765)

1765 + 183 = 1948 (183 =~ 13 x 14.134725)

286.1 sc = 181.8

1765 + 181.8 = 1947



353.3 = 25 x 14.134725

2.8612 = 8.18532

8.18532 x 68.05 = 557

286.1 x 1144.44 seconds = 327424.28

1/0.03054 = 32.7439

Typhon did not aid his fellow Titans in battle on Mount Olympus. The Titan has presumably remained trapped in his cave, with no clear idea of what has happened outside.

Pallas-Typhon battling Zeus is the Black Sun.

Typhon battling Athene is the Evening Star (which is related to the Moon, since Aphrodite aided Gaea in the birth of Typhon).

« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 05:23:10 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #238 on: March 20, 2015, 07:01:17 AM »

The Parthenon is a former temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron. Construction began in 447 BC when the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power. It was completed in 438 BC although decoration of the building continued until 432 BC. It is the most important surviving building of Classical Greece, generally considered the zenith of the Doric order.

History: Fiction or Science?, vol. I, pg. 416 - 427

Cosmology of the Desana tribe:

(notice, at the bottom of the image, the two heavenly bodies which are responsible for causing the lunar and solar eclipses)

The time has come. After many months of discussion, we believe the negotiations between and have reached a point of conclusion, and we would like now to present our reunification proposal.

The time has come to get rid of the faulty, flawed FAQ, and to replace it with the only theory that works perfectly...which has been used to defend FET in the Beam Neutrinos, Ring Laser Gyroscopes and the Axial Precession mention just a few.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 05:06:06 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #239 on: March 21, 2015, 03:48:53 AM »

The height of the pyramid of Gizeh is 141.347 (see ), where 14.134725 is the value of the first zero of Riemann's Zeta function.

The first 100,000 zeros of the Riemann Zeta function:

An introduction to the mathematical relationships which exist between the values of pyramid of Gizeh and the consecutive zeros of the Riemann Zeta function:

The zeros of the Zeta function of Riemann are angles (expressed in radians); by finding the corresponding angles in the first four quadrants, and multiplying by 68.05 (radius of the circle), we obtain a certain arclength.

Firstly, let us try to determine approximate values (two decimal places accuracy) for the next four values of the zeros of the RZF, using ONLY the sacred cubit as a guide.

14.134725 - 4π = 1.568354 (exactly the value of the width of the first section from the queen chamber niche)

The most important figure/number of the Gizeh pyramid is, of course, 286.1 sacred inches (286.1 = 450 sacred cubits).

It represents the displacement factor, and the value of the height of the missing apex (286.1 si =  7.2738 meters).

The next most important sacred cubit figures are 534 and 636.66 (we also have 1060 or 1066.66, 1271.32 and so on).

Let us assume that the value of the missing apex of the pyramid whose height is actually the second zero of RZF (multiplied by ten) is 534 si.

We know that if we substract the length of the king's chamber from 141.34725, we get the true height of the Gizeh pyramid, that is, 136.1 meters (141.34725 - 5.23, where 5.23 represents the height of the masonry base).

And the ratio of 136.1/53.4 = 2.5424 (one hundred sacred inches).

1.361 x 5.34 = 7.2738 = 286.1 si

Then, let x = the true height of pyramid #2 (whose total height is represented by the second zero of RZF x 10), and y = the corresponding value of 53.4

x/y = 2.5424

xy/1000 = 534 si = 13.57

y = 73.5

x = 185.7

185.7/136.1 = 1.364

1.364 x 141.347 = 192.7

Therefore, we have an estimate of the value of the length of the king's chamber for the second pyramid: 192.7 - 185.7 = 7.097, and also FOR THE SECOND ZERO OF RZF: 19.27.

We already know that 1.5683 x 3.333 = 5.23

7.097/3.333 = 2.13 (the estimate for the width of the first section of the queen's chamber niche)

If we go through the same steps with 636 si, we will get:

- an estimate of approximately 21.0655 for the second zero, and 2.208 for the width of the first section of the niche

The true value of the second zero of RZF is actually 21.022

The true value of the THIRD pyramid's displacement factor is related directly to 890 si (89 x 6 = 534), but let us assume that we do not know this figure.

If we work with 1060 si, we will get:

- an estimate of 27.18 for the third zero (the true value is, of course, 25.0108)

The next important figure is 1271 si.

- an estimate of 29.794 for the fourth zero (the true value is 30.424)

Thus we can see how the values of the Gizeh pyramid are so important in order to discover the hidden pattern of the zeros of RZF.

Actually, we can get pretty good estimates of some of the zeros, by simply multplying 14.134725 by k (k = 1,2,3...)

56.53898  -   56.446

84.80835  -   84.74

98.94307  -   98.8312

141.34725   -   141.1237

169.6167  -  169.0945

197.886  -  198.01531

240.29  -  239.5554

6827.072  -  6827.21

Now, the hidden structure/pattern which relates the values of the five elements (26.6 - 53.43 - 80 - 136.1 - 534) of the pyramid of Gizeh to the values of the consecutive zeros of RZF.

RZF zero  -   reduction to angle value

14.134725  -  1.56835

21.02204  -  2.1724

25.0108  -  3.0196

30.424  -  5.2913

32.935  -  7.802

37.586  -  9.3116

40.9187  -  9.5027 and 12.64

43.327  -  11.91

48.005  -  13.447

49.7738  -  15.216

52.97  -  18.4128

56.446  -  18.747

59.347  -  21.647

60.83  -  23.1326

65.1125  -  24.2718

14.134725  -  1.56835  -  1.56835 x 2.66 = 4.1718 (a1)

21.02204  -  2.1724  -  2.1724 x 5.34 = 11.6 (a2)

25.0108  -  3.0196  -  3.0196 x 8 = 24.1568 (a3)

30.424  -  5.2913  -  5.2913 x 13.61 = 72.01 (a4)

32.935  -  7.802  -  7.802 x 53.4 = 416.6268 (a5)

Σ ak = 528.57

Let us go back to using the circle (r = 68.05, d = 136.1, see ):

On such a circle, using s = r x @ (@ measured in radians), we will obtain some very special values:

Degrees   -   Arclength

22.5 – 26.66
45 – 53.4
90 – 106.68 (exactly the frequencies used by the Tibetan monks)
72.9 – 86.5 (=136.1 sc)
2.142 – 2.542 (1si x 100)
136.1 – 161.8

Dividing 528.57 by 68.05 we get 7.767 (a superb estimate for 7.802)

We will see that by adding/substracting values of π from these value we will obtain very special figures wholly related to the Gizeh pyramid numbers (26.66, 39.3, 33.96, 36.35, 53.4, 1.4305, 2.5424, -26.66, -33.96 and so on).

7.767 + 6π = 26.66

Therefore, to obtain the true value of the fifth zero (two decimal places accuracy), we would work backwards from 26.66 (or any of the other values listed above), obtain a figure CLOSE TO the expected value lying somewhere between 7.0 - 8.0, in this case 7.767.

Then, knowing this value, we easily get 528.57, and then 32.93 (the true value of the fifth zero of RZF).


21.02204  -  2.1724

25.0108  -  3.0196

30.424  -  5.2913

32.935  -  7.802

37.586  -  9.3116

Applying the scheme as before/above:

Σ ak = 667.67

667.67 / 68.05 = 9.811 (an excellent estimate of 9.3116)

adding succesive values of π to 9.811 we get: 38.16 (60 sacred cubits) and 34.95 (1/0.02861)

25.0108  -  3.0196

30.424  -  5.2913

32.935  -  7.802

37.586  -  9.3116

40.9187  -  9.5027 and 12.64

Σ ak = 732.878

732.878 / 68.05 = 10.7697 (using 9.5027)

adding succesive values of +- π to 10.7697 we get -36.354 (1 - 1 sacred cubit = 3.6354)

Σ ak = 900.41 (for the 12.64 value)

900.41 / 68.05 = 13.2316 - however, no special values of the Gizeh pyramid are to be found - this is how we can differentiate between the true and the wrong values of the succesive increments of π which are added to the zeros of the RZF, reduced to the angle value)

30.424  -  5.2913

32.935  -  7.802

37.586  -  9.3116

40.9187  -  9.5027

43.327  -  11.91

Σ ak = 895.56

895.56 / 68.05 = 13.16

adding succesive values of +- π to 13.16 we get: -2.5476, -33.96

(13.16 - 11.91)  +- π will also lead to special values of the Gizeh pyramid

32.935  -  7.802

37.586  -  9.3116

40.9187  -  9.5027

43.327  -  11.91

48.005  -  13.447

Σ ak = 1026.7

1026.7 / 68.05 = 15.0874

adding succesive values of +- π to 15.0874 we get 33.937

37.586  -  9.3116

40.9187  -  9.5027

43.327  -  11.91

48.005  -  13.447

49.7738  -  15.216

Σ ak = 1166.3278

1166.3278 / 68.05 = 17.139

adding succesive values of +- π we get 1.4313

40.9187  -  9.5027

43.327  -  11.91

48.005  -  13.447

49.7738  -  15.216

52.97  -  15.2712 and 18.4128

Σ ak = 1386.8

1386.8 / 68.05 = 20.38 (using the correct value of 18.4128)

adding succesive values of +- π we get 26.66, 39.22, -39.31

Σ ak = 1219.035 for the 15.2712 value

adding succesive values of +- π we can only get a figure of 5.347 (much less precise than the other figure obtained)

43.327  -  11.91

48.005  -  13.447

49.7738  -  15.216

52.97  -  18.4128

56.446  -  18.747

Σ ak = 1476.9

1476.9 / 68.05 = 21.703

adding succesive values of +- π to 21.703 we get -25.42

48.005  -  13.447

49.7738  -  15.216

52.97  -  18.4128

56.446  -  18.747

59.347  -  21.647

Σ ak = 1675.42

1675.42 / 68.05 = 24.62

adding succesive values of +- π to 24.62 we get 30.903185, 34 (where of course .309 x 2 = .618)

49.7738  -  15.216

52.97  -  18.4128

56.446  -  18.747

59.347  -  21.647

60.83  -  23.1326

Σ ak = 1818.661

1818.661 / 68.05 = 26.725

adding succesive values of +- π to 26.725 we get -26.7, 39.3

52.97  -  18.4128

56.446  -  18.747

59.347  -  21.647

60.83  -  23.1326

65.1125  -  24.2718

Σ ak = 1933.205

1933.205 / 68.05 = 28.4

adding succesive values of +- π to 28.4 we get 12.7
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 10:29:28 PM by sandokhan »