Advanced Flat Earth Theory

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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #60 on: June 28, 2010, 03:35:40 AM »
The radical new chronology conspiracy goes far beyond the debates about the shape of the earth, or any other collection of alternative theories (nuclear industry/weapons hoax, the true shape of the atom).

The official historical chronology was altered and modified to suit the purposes of the same conspirators who also invented the round earth hoax.

Before 1720 AD, there were NO princes, kings, cathedrals, or official religion; the Torah, Koran and New Testament were created in the period 1715-1725 AD, as we have seen here, given the abundant and extraordinary proofs we have at our disposal. Iesous Christos (Christ) was crucified at the city of Constantinopole/Troy in 1715, and was not Hebrew at all.

Let us again read the ORIGINAL quote from the epistle to the Galatians:

More fantastic details here:

The Galatians/Trojans were ACTUAL WITNESSES to the crucifixion of Christ, and this event took place just a few hundred years ago.

Also, it was demonstrated here that both J. Scaliger and D. Petavius lived AT LEAST 100 HUNDRED YEARS LATER than previously thought.

The eruption of the Vesuvius volcano which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum occurred around 1740 AD, and the gothic/baroque architecture was all created in the period 1720 - 1750 AD; our history is JUST 500 years old, from Adam/Eve to present.

The first actual pope was, I believe, Innocent (with the XIII added later to his title) around 1721; please read the Pauline Epistles by the great British historian E. Johnson to see how the "ancient" documents were forged much later in order to modify the true historical chronology.

Other historians such as R. Baldauf, reached a similar conclusion (his study of numerous presumably ancient manuscripts and the exposure of the same as being, for the most part, recent forgeries). One must also mention Baldauf's study of numerous presumably ancient manuscripts and the exposure of the same as being, for the most part, recent forgeries. Baldauf discovered parallels between the "historical" books of the Old Testament and the works of the mediaeval Romance genre as well as Homer's Iliad that were blatant enough to lead the scientist to the assumption that the text of both the Iliad and the Bible date from the late Middle Ages.

Some of the mediaeval chronicles ascribed to different authors resembled each other to such an extent that Baldauf was forced to identify them as works of the same author, despite the fact that the two documents were presumed separated chronologically by an interval of two centuries at least. At any rate, some of the expressions characteristic for Romantic languages that one finds in both documents fail to correspond with either of the alleged datings (one of them being the IX and the other the XI century). Apart from that, some of the manuscripts contain distinctly more recent passages, such as frivolous stories of endeavours in public steam baths (which the Europeans only became acquainted with during the late Reconquista epoch) and even allusions to the Holy Inquisition. Baldauf's study of the "ancient" poetry in Volume 4 demonstrates that many "ancient" poets wrote rhymed verse resembling that of the mediaeval troubadours. Unlike Hardouin, Baldauf is convinced that the verse of Horace is of mediaeval origin, pointing out German and Italian influences inherent in his Latin. Furthermore, Baldauf points out such pronounced parallels between the poetry of Horace and Ovid (who were presumably unaware of each other's existence) that one becomes convinced that the works of both belong to a third party - apparently, a much later author - a fact most philologists explain by the fact that Roman literature was heavily influenced by Greek models and especially Homer's writings and the motives used in the Ilias and the Odysee have marked all occidental literature until today.

Baldauf sums up his research in the following words: "Our Romans and Greeks have been Italian humanists." All of them, Homer, Sophocles, Aristotle and many other "ancient" authors, so different in our perception, hail from the same century, the 14th and 15th of the Italian renaissance [according to the new chronology, that is, that history is only 1000 years old; we have proved here that we can advance to the radical new chronology theory in which history is just 500 years old]. Baldauf avers that the entire history of the Ancient Greeks and Romans -- likewise the Biblical "history," which correlates with the above to some extent -- was conceived and introduced by the Italian humanists, as well as their colleagues and followers from other countries. Humanism, he says, has given us a whole fantasy world of antiquity and the Bible, as well as the early Middle Ages, which Baldauf also considered an invention of the humanist writers.

Here is the C. Pfister of Germany, Wilhelm Kammeier (the counterfeiting of German history):

Original work in German:

« Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 04:00:00 AM by levee »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #61 on: July 03, 2010, 04:26:39 AM »
According to the official theory, the inner core of Earth is solid sphere made up mainly of iron and nickel. The outer core (a liquid) is also composed of iron and nickel. The mantle is a rocky shell, predominantly solid, and it encloses the outer core. We also have the crust, composed of a great variety of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.

As we have seen before, the area of land in the northern hemisphere of the earth is to the area of land in the southern hemisphere as three is to one. The mean weight of the land is two and three-quarter times heavier than that of water; assuming the depth of the seas in both hemispheres to be equal, the northern hemisphere up to sea level is heavier than the southern hemisphere, if judged by sea and land distribution; the earth masses above sea level are additional heavy loads. But this unequal distribution of masses does not affect the position of the earth, as it does not place the northern hemisphere with its face to the sun. A dead force like gravitation could not keep the unequally loaded earth in equilibrium. Also, the seasonal distribution of ice and snow, shifting in a distillation process from one hemisphere to the other, should interfere with the equilibrium of the earth, but fails to do so.

If we take into account the shape and size of the supercontinent Pangea, such a concentration of land mass in just one place would have meant an EVEN GREATER unequal load upon the inner layers of the Earth. It would have gradually stopped the Earth from rotating around its own axis, and Pangea would have faced the Sun 24 hours a day. The rotating layers of iron/nickel would have come to a dead stop in some weeks.

And the origin of the oceans themselves is still a mystery to be solved...

The eruption which did destroy Pompeii/Herculaneum took place at least after 1700 AD. The events described in the Gospels, actually occurred next to the sea of Marmara, and the crucifixion/resurrection happened on mount Beykoz, and not near Golgotha; the names and places were changed in the period 1715-1720, to create the biggest hoax of them all: the altered chronology of history. History is really just 500 years old.

As for the Michelson-Morley experiment, it was especially designed to find a SOLID type of ether, and this was no accident, as both A. Michelson and E. Morley knew very well the existence of a DYNAMIC ether.

Here you will find the exact description of the reasoning behind the M&M experiment of 1877, and the mistakes that were made:

Dayton Miller's 1933 paper in Reviews of Modern Physics details the positive results from over 20 years of experimental research into the question of ether-drift, and remains the most definitive body of work on the subject of light-beam interferometry.

Today, however, Miller's work is hardly known or mentioned, as is the case with nearly all the experiments which produced positive results for an ether in space. Modern physics today points instead to the much earlier and less significant 1887 work of Michelson-Morley, as having "proved the ether did not exist". "

The superb presentation of the errors inherent in A. Michelson's approach to his experiment:

One of the greatest works which does show the errors committed by both Michelson and Einstein: (chapters 5-10)

The errors of Michelson and Morley analyzed from a different point of view:

A. Micheons and E. Morley UNMASKED:

H. Lorentz was a personal employee of J.P. Morgan, the unbelievable story detailing the whole conspiracy, here:

Morgan was not only ruthless but extremely thorough. When the new Heaviside equations were tentatively accepted as the new Maxwell's theory to be taught in the electrical engineering just beginning to be set up in some universities etc., Morgan also directed his close scientific advisors to assure that this new electrical theory was harmless and did not contain or teach any of Tesla's energy freely from the active medium systems. In other words, not only was it essential to suppress the present Tesla, but it was essential to suppress all the future Teslas.

H. A. Lorentz was the man who was elicited to do the necessary symmetrization with ease, thereby accomplishing exactly what Morgan decreed to his own advisors that must be done: Get rid of those Tesla systems capable of taking and freely using EM energy from the active medium. H. A. Lorentz (with the t) simply lifted and used what L. V. Lorenz (without the t) had already done.

For the deliberate fixing of the already sharply curtailed Heaviside equations, see H. A. Lorentz, La Theorie Electromagnetique de Maxwell et son application aux corps mouvants, [The Electromagnetic Theory of Maxwell and its application to moving bodies], Arch. N?erl. Sci., Vol. 25, 1892, p. 363-552. [Also in H. A. Lorentz, Collected Papers, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, vol. 2, pp. 168-238, esp. p. 168.] This is the work that Lorentz cites later (in 1895) for his proof of the symmetrical regauging theorems (the two equations of symmetrical regauging).

The intentional mistakes committed by H. Lorentz in deriving his transformations:

The Dayton-Miller ether drift experiments:

"The effect [of ether-drift] has persisted throughout. After considering all the possible sources of error, there always remained a positive effect."  Dayton Miller (1928, p.399)

"My opinion about Miller's experiments is the following. ... Should the positive result be confirmed, then the special theory of relativity and with it the general theory of relativity, in its current form, would be invalid. Experimentum summus judex. Only the equivalence of inertia and gravitation would remain, however, they would have to lead to a significantly different theory."
 Albert Einstein, in a letter to Edwin E. Slosson, 8 July 1925 (from copy in Hebrew University Archive, Jerusalem.) See citations below for Silberstein 1925 and Einstein 1926.

"I believe that I have really found the relationship between gravitation and electricity, assuming that the Miller experiments are based on a fundamental error. Otherwise, the whole relativity theory collapses like a house of cards."
 Albert Einstein, in a letter to Robert Millikan, June 1921 (in Clark 1971, p.328)

If we substitute this increase in mass into the term for the Bohr radius of the atom, we see that special relativity predicts a contraction of the atomic radius. Outer electrons are dominated by another effect as they have a greater angular momentum but a lower velocity as they are further from the nucleus. As a result they do not contract and end up further form the inner electrons. As both these effects are greater for Gold  as it is larger than silver the difference causes a difference in reflection spectra. If there was a aether, gold would be white.
(electron tunneling microscope photographs of the atom which do show A STANDING WAVE MODEL, and not at all a cloud of orbiting electrons)

Bohr had no right to propose a postulate WHICH DID NOT INCLUDE THE SOURCE OF THE ENERGY REQUIRED FOR THE ELECTRONS TO CONTINUE TO ORBIT AROUND THE NUCLEUS. The assumptions made by both Rutherford and Bohr are dealt with in the Case against the Nuclear Atom by Dr. Dewey Larson, and are shown to be dead wrong. (the tremendous mistakes committed by both Rutherford and Bohr)

The Rydberg formula for the spectral emission lines of atomic hydrogen is an effect of the aether vortex theory of atoms, and cannot be linked with an impossible hypothesis created by N. Bohr, who NEVER demonstrated the energy source for the orbiting electrons.

In point, Bohr suggested a means preventing the atom exploding when charges neutralise. Although the concept of a central positively charged nucleus surrounded by orbiting negatively charged electrons seemed to remove the acceptance problems in Thomson's model, explaining the theory of octaves by deception, it won some academic acceptance. Many found the model very difficult to use, having inherent real world animation problems. By 1912, Rutherford's education, his acceptance of the Bohr construct and his subsequent experiments on thin metal foils, led him to introduce this construct as his revolutionary atomic model; where the negative electrons orbit the positive nucleus. On paper, the static atomic model seems to satisfy the chemist's bonding requirements, placing the bonding electrons in the atom's outer orbital shell. Unfortunately, as Chemical theory promoted the fact of an indivisible atom, Rutherford's atomic model won popular appeal through default, due to the fact that the daily news carried various headlines stating in bold type, 'Rutherford splits the atom.' Because Chemistry got it so wrong, gullible people assumed that Rutherford's other claims must be right, and therefore, electrons do orbit the nucleus. Enthusiastically, the youth of the day accepted the assumption as an assertion of fact, and with these preconditioned beliefs, many knowledge viruses spread and mutated.


« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 03:47:21 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #62 on: July 04, 2010, 02:43:34 AM »
Against Pangea, video documentary (presenting the same idea from the previous message):

See also:

More information on the Pangea hoax:


Surface pressure measurements in Taiwan (at 25 degrees N) are least around 4am and (especially) 4 pm Local Standard Time, and most around (especially) 10am, and 10pm LST; the amplitude of the semidiurnal cycle is about 1.4 hPa.

The weight of the atmosphere is constantly changing as the changing barometric pressure indicates. Low pressure areas are not necessarily encircled by high pressure belts. The semidiurnal changes in barometric pressure are not explainable by the mechanistic principles of gravitation and the heat effect of solar radiation. The cause of these variations is unknown.

It has been known now for two and a half centuries, that there are more or less daily variations in the height of the barometer, culminating in two maxima and two minima during the course of 24 hours. Since Dr. Beal's discovery (1664-65), the same observation has been made and puzzled over at every station at which pressure records were kept and studied, but without success in finding for it the complete physical explanation. In speaking of the diurnal and semidiurnal variations of the barometer, Lord Rayleigh says: The relative magnitude of the latter [semidiurnal variations], as observed at most parts of the earth's surface, is still a mystery, all the attempted explanations being illusory.

One maximum is at 10 a.m., the other at 10 p.m.; the two minima are at 4 a.m. and 4 p.m. The heating effect of the sun can explain neither the time when the maxima appear nor the time of the minima of these semidiurnal variations. If the pressure becomes lower without the air becoming lighter through a lateral expansion due to heat, this must mean that the same mass of air gravitates with changing force at different hours.

The lowest pressure is near the equator, in the belt of the doldrums. Yet the troposphere is highest at the equator, being on the average about 18 km. high there; it is lower in the moderate latitudes, and only 6 km. high above the ground at the poles.


No such thing as an iron core for the earth:



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #63 on: October 26, 2010, 02:26:53 AM »
Jan. 5 2016

I was able to find the classical score most related to Blackbird:

Fernando Sor, Etude (Op. 60 No.19)

However, Adorno added elements from both the Hungarian Fantasy (Liszt) and the second movement of Beethoven's 7th Symphony.

It is commonly perceived that I'm A Believer (Monkees) was written by Neil Diamond; it was not. It was another Adorno song, a modified Help. Whether that was going to be another Beatles single in second half of 1966, we will never know; obviously after the disappearance of Paul from the public scene, and after John left the band too, everyone had to wait until January-February of 1967 for Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields to be released.

Now, there is no way that Neil Diamond would have had the courage to modify Help to turn into I'm A Believer; only Adorno could modify classical scores, and was also allowed to modify Beatles songs to give to other artists/groups.

Obviously the legend behind the song was offered to the public in order not to attract attention that in the era of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones another song of the same quality would peak at no.1 in 1966, and would become the biggest selling record of 1967.

I'm A Believer is another Adorno masterpiece, perhaps intended originally for the Beatles, clearly a modified version of Help.

Feb. 14, 2016


20. Bridge Over Troubled Waters

In 1970, without the support of more Adorno songs, Simon and Garfunkel's career as a group was over. Adorno also wrote Mrs. Robinson.

19. Lola

A modified Something, an extraodinary work signed Adorno again.

Both Something and Lola were created by reworking one of the most beautiful scores ever written, the Adagio from Spartacus, by Khachaturian:

Adorno also modified Something into the Rain Song, which was given to Led Zeppelin.

18. Tuesday Afternoon

A modified A Day In The Life (originally given to the Beatles).

17. I'm A Believer

It is commonly perceived that I'm A Believer (Monkees) was written by Neil Diamond; it was not. It was another Adorno song, a modified Help. Whether that was going to be another Beatles single in second half of 1966, we will never know; obviously after the disappearance of Paul from the public scene, and after John left the band too, everyone had to wait until January-February of 1967 for Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields to be released. Now, there is no way that Neil Diamond would have had the courage to modify Help to turn into I'm A Believer; only Adorno could modify classical scores, and was also allowed to modify Beatles songs to give to other artists/groups.

Obviously the legend behind the song was offered to the public in order not to attract attention that in the era of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones another song of the same quality would peak at no.1 in 1966, and would become the biggest selling record of 1967.

I'm A Believer is another Adorno masterpiece, perhaps intended originally for the Beatles, clearly a modified version of Help.

16. Jumping Jack Flash

One of the very best songs ever written by Adorno, a modified Satisfaction; he also transformed Satisfaction into What Is Life which was actually a Beatles song; after Adorno's death in August 6, 1969, all the remaining Beatles songs (Maybe I'm Amazed, Live And Let Die, Give Me Love, Imagine, My Love, Admiral Holsy, Dark Horse, Another Day) were given to McCartney II, Lennon II and Harrison. The Stones were able to survive for some years after 1970 with the remaining Adorno songs they had at their disposal (Angie, Can't You Hear Me Knocking, Brown Sugar), but after 1976 they had to find new songwriters.

15. Light My Fire

A modified Ritual Fire Dance by De Falla (one can observe the similarities by listening to Jose Feliciano's version). Adorno also modified Light My Fire into Aqualung which was given to Jethro Tull.

14. Happy Together

A modified Penny Lane.

13. A tie: God Only Knows and Pinball Wizard

A modified Question (offered to the Moody Blues), given to The Who.

A modified Michelle given to the Beach Boys.

12. Nights In White Satin

One of the greatest songs written by Adorno, a modified Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky.

11. Kashmir

A full analysis of the song scored by Adorno, here: (includes an analysis of more Led Zeppelin songs written by Adorno, and also more Beatles songs)

Adorno also wrote Beck's Bolero (1966), a modified We Can Work It Out. He also scored See Emily Play given to Pink Floyd.

10. Live And Let Die

This song, written by Adorno in 1968, was supposed to be the Beatles' next single in 1970. A modified Magical Mystery Tour.

9. Martha My Dear

The best song on the White Album, a modified Martha by Von Flotow.

8. Blackbird

The most haunting ballad written for the Beatles, together with the masterpiece Yesterday.

A modified Fernando Sor, Etude (Op. 60 No.19)

However, Adorno added elements from both the Hungarian Fantasy (Liszt) and the second movement of Beethoven's 7th Symphony.

7. Yellow Submarine

Actually the theme from Verdi's Aida combined the Toreador song from Carmen by Bizet.

6. Got To Get You Into My Life

A modified Can't Buy Me Love (actually Aine Kleine Nacht Musik by Mozart).

5. A tie: Penny Lane and Something

Penny Lane - Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 21 (Elvira Madigan)

Something - Adagio from Spartacus, Khachaturian

4. Yesterday

A modified Neapolitan song, called "Piccere' Che Vene a Dicere"

3. Sgt. Pepper

Sgt. Pepper is clever combination of the Radetzky March and the Romanian rhapsody no 1 by Enescu

2. Hey Jude

For Hey Jude, Adorno pulled out all stops, he grouped into one song, masterfully, the Ride of the Walkiries by Wagner, the theme from the Piano Concerto no. 1 by Tchaikovsky, and the theme from Symphony no 9 by Beethoven.

1. A Hard Day's Night

The biggest monster hit of the entire rock-pop era, from the best Beatles LP by the same name.

A modified Rossini's Wilhelm Tell overture.

I did not include on the list my favorite Beatles songs, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Magical Mystery Tour, Hello Goodbye, Lady Madonna, and Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey (a modified L.i.t.S.w.D). (full analysis of the work done by Adorno for the Beatles)

Apr. 28, 2016

The McCartney twins theory:

Jan. 22, 2018

Lennon twins theory:

Is Let It Be actually featuring Paul?

More on the McCartney twins theory:

« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 05:52:15 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #64 on: October 27, 2010, 07:16:22 AM »
Hello Goodbye is a modified Great Gate of Kiev by Mussorgsky:

Pictures at an Exhibition was used before by Adorno of course to create Day Tripper (Promenade).

Lady Madonna is a modified When I'm 64 combined with the Morning Mood from the Peer Gynt suite (Grieg).

Mother Nature's Son is a modified God Only Knows, the masterpiece given to the Beach Boys.

The greatest mystery, so far, is the source for Norwegian Wood.

To experience the full beauty of the Beatles songs listen to them on youtube in classical style (beatles go baroque, hollyridge orchestra).

No one else has ever come even close to writing and orchestrating something similar to Tomorrow Never Knows, Within You Without You, Magical Mystery Tour (a modified Good Day Sunshine) or Lady Madonna. The musical repertoire of the Beatles is unmatched and unprecedented to this day.

Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey, which I believe was going to be the next Beatles single in 1970 (a modified version of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds)

Feb. 12, 2018

Norwegian Wood is a modified Aquarium (Saint Saens, Carnival of the Animals).

God Only Knows contains elements from Gymnopedie No. 1 (Satie).

The solo career of John Lennon II featured these songs written by Adorno:

Imagine - a modified Let It Be

#9Dream - a modified We Can Work It Out

Watching The Wheels - a modified Maybe I'm Amazed

Just Like Starting Over -  a modified Pretty Woman (R. Orbison)

Mind Games - a modified All You Need Is Love

Bless You - a modified Band On The Run

Unfortunately, Lennon II managed to squander away the legacy inherited from John and the Beatles in just four months: already by the end of 1969 no one could care less about Plastic Ono Band and Lennon II's career. His stage presence was not the same as that of John, and the album cover for Two Virgins did not help at all (neither did the glasses and the long hair).

By January 1969, the greatest rock band in the world was reduced to singing on the rooftop of the Apple Studios: their image having changed so much that a full concert was becoming more and more unfeasible. The Beatles before 1967 had a certain image to live up to, a fact which was neglected after Sgt. Pepper.

Feb. 17, 2018

Mrs. Robinson (given to Simon & Garfunkel) is a modified theme from Porky and Bess by Gershwin.

(0:25 to 1:25)

Pretty Woman (given to R. Orbison) is a modified Do You Want to Know a Secret (Beatles).

She Said, She Said (one of the most beautiful songs from the Revolver album) is a modified The Word (from Rubber Soul).

Beck's Bolero is a modified We Can Work It Out.

Oh My My (the biggest hit of Ringo Starr's solo career) is a modified Get Back.

Feb. 26, 2018

Rockestra (the last of the great Beatles songs to appear on an ex-Beatle album) is a modified Good Day Sunshine.

Honey Pie (one of the best songs on the White Album) is a modified theme from An American In Paris by Gershwin:

(2:40 - 5:30)

I Love You (Wings) is a modified Maxwell Silver Hammer.

Let Me Roll It (Wings) is a modified Oh Darling.

Apr. 2, 2018

Obladi Oblada is a modified Yellow Submarine.

With A Little Help From My Friends is a modified version of Eight Days a Week.

Magical Mystery Tour is a brilliantly modified Nights On a Bald Mountain by Mussorgsky:

The theme from Nights On a Bald Mountain was also used by Adorno in Good Day Sunshine.

Magical Mystery Tour was itself modified at least twice to come up with Jet and Live And Let Die (Wings).

Help is a modified version of the Air suite by Bach:

Strawberry Fields is a modified Pachelbel's Canon:

No other rock group had the stage presence of the Beatles, not The Who, not Led Zeppelin, not the Stones, not Presley (see )

May 3, 2018

Rolling Stones, Child of the Moon:

It is practically Rain sung by the Beatles. Why would the Stones, at the height of their success, accept to copy Rain so perfectly (b side of Paperback Writer, 1966) and subject themselves to various comments such as the following:

'melody sounds like Rain by the Beatles, released in 1966.

Such and the composition of the song reminds 'Rain', always by The Beatles !

That opening reminds me of The Beatles 'It's All Too Much'. I can see where George Harrison got his inspiration!

It's almost exactly like Rain, if listened to side by side.'

These listeners did not realize, or even gave it a thought, that both songs were written by a single, different songwriter who penned both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones songs.

Nor did anyone else reflect on the fact that the songs published by the Stones after 1976 differ greatly from the huge hits of the 60s and early 70s.

Yes, Start Me Up, Undercover Of The Night, Emotional Rescue, Saint Of Me are very good hits which kept the Stones very close to the top in rock music, but they cannot be compared to Satisfaction, Paint It Black, Ruby Tuesday, Let's Spend The Night Together, Honky Tonk Woman or their greatest hit, Jumping Jack Flash.

Why would the quality of the songs published by the Stones after 1976 decrease, when by all accounts, had they been the real songwriters of their music, these songs could have and should have become even better?

"In just 7 years as Brian Jones was present they wrote 10 albums, it could be counted even more with differences from UK and US releases until 1967. For me also this period songs are best, most creative, soulful, original, amazingly diverse and much more, and those period are only albums that can be compared with the Beatles ! It is also their far most creative + productive period and this was their climax as band on all levels !"

(comment from youtube)

It was their most creative period because they had the best theoretical musician in the world writing their songs for them, just like he did with the Beatles.

But Adorno never gave the Stones the musical equivalents of Hey Jude, Lady Madonna, A Hard Days Night, Yellow Submarine, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Hello Goodbye, or Yesterday.

He always kept the best for the Beatles.

Another very interesting fact: the intro for Jumping Jack Flash (Stones' greatest hit, a modified Satisfaction) has never been replicated in concert (instead the song starts with the main riff), which is bizarre if Richards and Jagger were the real songwriters, since the intro is the most mystical part of the song, a tremendous and extraordinary musical masterpiece, yet the Stones were unwilling to play it live to their advantage.

May 28, 2018

The legend goes like this: Ruthann Friedman wrote Windy for the Association in 1967.

However, Windy is a modified Good Morning, Good Morning by the Beatles (also 1967).

Cherish is a modified Here, There and Everywhere (Beatles, 1966).

Never My Love is a modified She Said, She Said (Beatles, 1966).

Let us remember that Happy Together was also written by Adorno and given to the Turtles (the modified trumpet solo from Penny Lane).

Since the Association were given several huge hits, they were able to stay in the limelight for several years.

By contrast, The Creation were only given one huge hit (Painter Man, a modified Light My Fire) which could been featured on either a Beatles or a Rolling Stones album: that is why they disbanded in early 1968 (Painter Man included the very first bow on an electric guitar solo, a feat repeated by Jimmy Page years later).

In order to get things started, Jethro Tull were given several major hits: Aqualung (a modified Light My Fire), Mother Goose (a modified Battle of Evermore), Bungle in the Jungle (a modified Jumping Jack Flash), and Living the Past (a modified Day Tripper; here is a very interesting cover by K. Emerson: ).

The most beautiful ballad given to Jethro Tull was Nice Little Tune, a true masterpiece by Adorno, the most underrated Tull song of all time:

(6:37 to 7:42)

It is a modified theme from the English Folk Suite by V. Williams, one of the most beautiful melodies ever:

(5:22 - 6:07

Hotel California (the Eagles) is a modified We Used to Know (Jethro Tull).

The theme from Thick as a Brick is a modified Gymnopedie 1 and 2 by Satie (the first modification became God Only Knows, given to the Beach Boys, the second modification, the most magnificient, was Mother Nature's Son given to the Beatles).

We are told that Led Zeppelin was the greatest band from 1969 to 1979; the drumming prowess of J. Bonham, as an example:

Jimmy Page was one of the best lead guitarists ever.

But they were not the Beatles, with John and Paul.

Kashmir included several modified parts to the song:

The intro is from Mars the Bringer of War by Holst.

The famous part, the most magical of all Led Zeppelin songs:

(0:53 - 1:05)

is the modified theme from Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov:

(5:05 to 5:, especially 5:30 to 5:40 and of course the majestic 40:06 to 41:03, the part from 40:43 to 41:03 is exactly the famous instrumental in Kashmir, that is where Adorno got the idea for Kashmir)

The magic of Kashmir, piano cover:

Another magical cover:

Adaggio from Spartacus was modified into the Rain Song (the first modification was Something given to the Beatles; the Rain Song itself was also modified into Lola for the Kinks).

Over the Hills and Far Away is a modified Afternoon of a Faun by Debussy, that is why the guitar intro is pure magic.

Much more on the Adorno - Beatles connection on page 1 of this thread.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 05:54:03 AM by sandokhan »


Ichimaru Gin :]

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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #65 on: October 27, 2010, 10:28:00 AM »
Is Sandokan (although I know it is classified as fictional) based upon any true historical events in your chronology?
I saw a slight haze in the hotel bathroom this morning after I took a shower, have I discovered a new planet?



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #66 on: October 28, 2010, 02:11:11 AM » (the artifacts found at Pompeii/Herculaneum prove IMMEDIATELY that the eruption of Vesuvius which destroyed these cities, took place AT LEAST AFTER 1700 AD, AND NOT IN THE YEAR 79 AD, while the Jump of the Second Derivative of the Moon Elongation prove that the astronomical records of the period 700 BC - 1200 AD were made up much later in time; I urge all of you to read this carefully) (more proofs for those who accept the official chronology) (the classics HISTORY: SCIENCE OR FICTION VOL. 1 AND 2, and the BOOK OF CIVILIZATION) (Christoph Pfister discovered that there was NO HUMAN SETTLEMENT IN SWITZERLAND before 1700 AD) (more proofs) (more precise proofs) (the PAULINE EPISTLES by EDWIN JOHNSON, the extraordinary work which proves that the New Testament was forged at least after 1533 AD + C. Pfister's own site translated in English) (jump of the second derivative/moon elongation by R. Newton) (mysteries of the egyptian zodiacs/Christ crucified at Constantinopole/Troy) (stone levitation) (more extraordinary proofs that the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius that destroyed Pompeii/Herculaneum took place in the 17th century AD) (who wrote the bible) (C. Pfister archive, one of the very best proofs for the fact that all history prior to 1770 AD) (more about the radical new chronology) (Garden of Eden, north of Egypt and west of the Nile) (Pompeii destroyed at least after 1700 AD, more on the moon elongation paradox)

. Rowbotham in Earth is not a Globe:

If any allowance is to be made for refraction--which, no doubt, exists where the sun's rays have to pass through a medium, the atmosphere, which gradually increases in density as it approaches the earth's surface--it will considerably diminish the above-named distance of the sun; so that it is perfectly safe to affirm that the under edge of the sun is considerably less than 700 statute miles above the earth.

It is unfortunate that S. Rowbotham did not include in his book (1881) the classical experiment of G.B. Airy (1871) which did prove once and for all that there are multiple layers of aether, of various densities, between the Sun/Stars and Earth.

Here are the details concerning the experiment performed by G.B. Airy:

Therefore, statements such as:

On March 21-22 the sun is directly overhead at the equator and appears 45 degrees above the horizon at 45 degrees north and south latitude. As the angle of sun above the earth at the equator is 90 degrees while it is 45 degrees at 45 degrees north or south latitude, it follows that the angle at the sun between the vertical from the horizon and the line from the observers at 45 degrees north and south must also be 45 degrees. The result is two right angled triangles with legs of equal length. The distance between the equator and the points at 45 degrees north or south is approximately 3,000 miles.  and  If a navigator neglects to apply the sun's radius to his observation at sea, he is 16 nautical miles (nearly) out in calculating the position his ship is in. A minute of arc on the sextant represents a nautical mile, and if the radius of the sun is 16 miles, the diameter is of course 32 miles. And as measured by the sextant, the sun's diameter is 32 minutes of arc, that is 32 nautical miles in diameter.

cannot be true given the effect of the many layers of aether (of various densities) upon the light emitted by the Sun. Also, measuring the angle of the sun from a latitude of 30 degrees or 60 degrees will give different results.

And there are further issues to be dealt with
, if we use simple triangulation to obtain possible figures for the Earth-Sun distance:

The sun crosses the celestial equator and moves southward in the northern hemisphere during the September equinox. The location on the earth where the sun is directly overhead at solar noon is known as the subsolar point. The subsolar point occurs on the equator during the September equinox and March equinox. At that time, the earth's axis of rotation is perpendicular to the line connecting the centers of the earth and the sun. This is the time when many people believe that the earth experiences 12 hours of day and night. However, this is not exactly the case.

Dispelling the exactly 12 hours of daylight myth
It is important to note that day and night during the September equinox is not exactly equal length. During the time of the September and March equinoxes many regions around the equator have a daylight length of about 12 hours and six-and-a-half minutes. Moreover, the day is slightly longer in places that are further away from the equator and the sun takes longer to rise and set in these locations.

According to the US Naval Observatory the dates of equal day and night occur about February 25 and October 15 at a latitude of five degrees in the northern hemisphere. They occur around March 17 and September 26 at a latitude of 40 degrees. On the dates of the equinoxes, the day is about seven minutes longer than the night at latitudes up to about 25 degrees, increasing to 10 minutes or more at a latitude of 50 degrees.

The ONLY possible way to discern/distinguish/infer the real diameter of the Sun, not to mention the correct Earth-Sun distance, is by direct comparison with an object/space shuttle/planet which would transit in front of the Sun.

Here are the actual videos which do show the REAL measure of the diameter of the Sun and the CORRECT Earth-Sun distance:

Also included are the photographs taken in Antarctica by F. Bruenjes which do confirm the figures which can be easily deduced from the transit videos.

Impossibility of a round Sun shape:

The atmospheric pressure of the sun, instead of being 27.47 times greater than the atmospheric pressure of the earth (as expected because of the gravitational pull of the large solar mass), is much smaller: the pressure there varies according to the layers of the atmosphere from one-tenth to one-thousandth of the barometric pressure on the earth; at the base of the reversing layer the pressure is 0.005 of the atmospheric pressure at sea level on the earth; in the sunspots, the pressure drops to one ten-thousandth of the pressure on the earth.

The pressure of light is sometimes referred to as to explain the low atmospheric pressure on the sun. At the surface of the sun, the pressure of light must be 2.75 milligrams per square centimeter; a cubic centimeter of one gram weight at the surface of the earth would weigh 27.47 grams at the surface of the sun. Thus the attraction by the solar mass is 10,000 times greater than the repulsion of the solar light. Recourse is taken to the supposition that if the pull and the pressure are calculated for very small masses, the pressure exceeds the pull, one acting in proportion to the surface, the other in proportion to the volume. But if this is so, why is the lowest pressure of the solar atmosphere observed over the sunspots where the light pressure is least?

Because of its swift rotation, the gaseous sun should have the latitudinal axis greater than the longitudinal, but it does not have it. The sun is one million times larger than the earth, and its day is but twenty-six times longer than the terrestrial day; the swiftness of its rotation at its equator is over 125 km. per minute; at the poles, the velocity approaches zero. Yet the solar disk is not oval but round: the majority of observers even find a small excess in the longitudinal axis of the sun. The planets act in the same manner as the rotation of the sun, imposing a latitudinal pull on the luminary.

Gravitation that acts in all directions equally leaves unexplained the spherical shape of the sun. As we saw in the preceding section, the gases of the solar atmosphere are not under a strong pressure, but under a very weak one. Therefore, the computation, according to which the ellipsoidity of the sun, that is lacking, should be slight, is not correct either. Since the gases are under a very low gravitational pressure, the centrifugal force of rotation must have formed quite a flat sun.

Near the polar regions of the sun, streamers of the corona are observed, which prolong still more the axial length of the sun.

If planets and satellites were once molten masses, as cosmological theories assume, they would not have been able to obtain a spherical form, especially those which do not rotate, as Mercury or the moon (with respect to its primary).

This is what the Black Sun actually looks like; it is the source of energy for the visible Sun (tachyons) without which we would have no visible light, and no infrared radiation.

These photographs are confirmed by the transit videos:






dionysios, I hope you do not need glasses, no 149 million km to the Sun.



The Sun/ISS/Mercury transit videos show clearly the real dimensions of the Sun: not 1.4 million km in diameter (or for that matter, 50 km/32 mi), but just 1000/PHI ~= 618 meters:

The Moon/ISS transits show the same diameter as that of the Sun:

« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 03:51:57 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #67 on: October 29, 2010, 04:24:56 AM »
There are further topics of discussion which will enable us to understand, even better, the nature of gravity/aether/light.

Spintronics (the four vortices of a magnet + central column, air - fire - earth - water - akasha):

E. Leedskalnin (Coral Temple) levitation/true diagram of a magnet (tube of Anu/tachyons/subquarks through which flow bosons in both directions):

E. Leedskalnin theory of magnetism (double helices, see the photographs in Spintronics): (no such thing as an electron) (Magnetic Current by E. Leedskalnin)

Light DOES NOT split in a spectrum of colors, the fantastic photographs/proofs (neutral element of akasha at a different frequency, surrounded by yang/yin waves):

N. Tesla on the nature of light: Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether...

Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field:

The sacred cubit (0,63566 m - ) constitutes the real basis for the true musical scale; it is also related to the distances between notes in a tachyon, the chakras in the human body, and the figures used in the Great Pyramid at Gizeh.

286,1 inches (1 sacred cubit = 25 inches) - missing intervals (capstone - gigantic crystal which was placed there)
286,1 sacred cubits from capstone to Underground Chamber

G. Gurdjieff's two missing intervals correspond to the white/red bindu terminonology used in vedic science; the intervals DO - SI and FA - MI.

CYMATICS (akasha fills all the space underneath the Schumann Cavity/Heavenly Dome); upon activation by sound, various geometrical shapes of this grid of energy become visible (it includes the Hartmann/Curry lines):

The best work on telluric currents:

Dr. Gustave Le Bon, true nature/source of radioactivity:

Biefeld-Brown effect (link between electricity/gravity, that is between the yang/yin currents flowing through Anu/tachyons):

« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 04:36:06 AM by levee »


Ichimaru Gin :]

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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #68 on: October 29, 2010, 09:10:48 AM »
Is sacred cubit and amah interchangeable?  Sofer also mentions an equal measurement of 1 amah as being 24 zoll.
Of course translation of Sun would important then Levee?

Correct me if I'm wrong by the math implies that the two pillars of Solomon's Temple is 54 sc since measured individually it was shown per pillar we would 27sc which=1714.5cm but then going back we see 24 zoll=24.888 inches yet when looking at AU proof and Great Pyramid sections we see being used 1 SC=25 inches by the author yielding 63.5cm. So in my interpretation, a little variation could be expected on exact values to begin with just because of inconsistent rounding methods when doing a unit analysis conversion by the author. Agree/Disagree?
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 09:19:09 AM by Ichimaru Gin :] »
I saw a slight haze in the hotel bathroom this morning after I took a shower, have I discovered a new planet?



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #69 on: November 01, 2010, 04:01:58 AM »
There was no Solomon's Temple IN Jerusalem (Ur-Shulim); Hagia Sophia IS Solomon's Temple, please read the works by A. Fomenko, especially the first few chapters in volume I of History: Science or Fiction?; also read The Pauline Epistles by E. Johnson. Please read the message here, posted earlier, which shows that a few hundred years ago, Jerusalem = Troy = Constantinopole were terms which meant one and the same city, the place where Jesus Christ was crucified by the Trojans approximately in 1715 AD. Please read the proofs relating to the fact that Pompeii and Herculaneum were destroyed by eruption from the volcano Vesuvius around 1740-1760 AD, also the C. Pfister archive, the historian who discovered that prior to 1700 AD there was NO human presence in present day Switzerland, also the Moon Elongation Parameter argument.

The best flat earth map has already been provided by me a long time ago, it does solve ALL the problems linked with the current northern circumpolar map used by the FES.

August 7, 2018

(Beatles live at Circus Krone)

Two of the best comments:

Kind of hard to imagine within a year of that Sgt. Pepper would be out.

i find it so hard to imagine this was only a year before they released sgt pepper's. such an amazing transformation in a short space of time.


Now, decades later, people are beginning to realize that the Beatles music was written by someone else.

Practically, after the first half of 1966, we never hear from John again; from 1963 to 1966, all of the singles, with three exceptions (Yesterday, Can't Buy Me Love and We Can Work It Out), are sung by John. After 1966, it is the other way around: Lennon II gets only three big hits (All You Need Is Love, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds and Revolution), while Paul II gets to sing of the other huge hits (now, we know that even before 1966, there were at least two John and Pauls switching roles in the Beatles lineup). As I explained earlier, John II was a better guitar player than John, but did not have the same charisma needed to enchant and mesmerize the audience. On the Revolver album, John only gets to sing on two great songs, Yellow Submarine and And Your Bird Can Sing, while McCartney gets all of the others for the first time; John wears those sunglasses in 1966, as if to prepare everyone for the appearance of John II in How I Won The War. There is no way that John would have accepted to wear glasses, or to appear on the Two Virgins album cover, or to sing with the Plastic Ono Band.

In August 1969, they still had some 25-30 Beatles songs left; they should have never chosen to go for the solo careers. Instead, they should have released a new album in 1972-1973 (with Maybe I'm Amazed as a single) and another one in 1975-1976 (with Live and Let Die as a single), featuring Imagine, Give Me Love, My Love, Admiral Halsey, Oh My My, Dream #9... then somehow hire classical music composers to at least partially try to follow in the steps of Adorno; however, the magical orchestrations could not have been repeated. Not even today, 50 years later, no one has been able to equal the Beatles, songs like Tommorow Never Knows, Martha My Dear, Norwegian Wood, Yellow Submarine.

Pure magic:

(You've Got To Hide Your Love Away)

September 19, 2018

For No One (one of the best songs on the Revolver album) is a modified La Donna E Mobile by Verdi:

On the same LP, Adorno used another famous song byVerdi, the theme from Aida, to create Yellow Submarine.

Sgt. Pepper is a modified theme from the Barber of Seville suite by Rossini:

Yes, it includes themes from the Radetzky March by Strauss, and from the Romanian Rapsody by Enescu, but mainly is a modified theme from the Barber of Seville.

A Hard Day's Night, of course, is a modified Wilhelm Tell overture, again by Rossini:

As I mentioned before, Kashmir (given to Led Zeppelin) was created by merging several themes from the Scheherazade suite by Rimsky-Korsakov.

Magical Mystery Tour, the most advanced Beatles song (my opinion), is a modified Night on a Bald Mountain by Mussorgsky; which was adapted again for Live and Let Die.

Let us compare Live and Let Die and Kashmir (Gregorian chant interpretation), and see how great a song Live and Let Die actually is:

Blackbird (which is a modified Fernando Sor, Etude (Op. 60 No.19)), Gregorian chant rendition:

There was a controversy regarding The Last Time (given to the Rolling Stones), the fact that it includes a few seconds from This May Be the Last Time by the Stapple Singers, that may be so; however, no one has noticed that The Last Time is actually a modified Eight Days a Week given to the Beatles (the best song on the Beatles For Sale album).

(continued from )

September 24, 2018

Sgt. Pepper vs. Barber of Seville

(Sgt. Pepper, take 9)

0:07 - 0:15 (intro to Sgt. Pepper, guitar riff)

(the Barber of Seville)

(2:09 - 2:31)

0:16 - 0:35 (Paul II)

2:14 - 2:21

0:36 - 0:48 orchestral transition to main theme

2:21 - 2:27

0:49 - 1:18

3:42 - 4:19

1:19 - 1: 38 (John II)

4:16 - 4:29

Now the entire theme from the Barber of Seville:

5:17 - 6:38

That is why Sgt. Pepper is one of the best Beatles songs, it was adapted from the Barber of Seville overture.

Martha My Dear is a modified Martha by von Flotow (M'appari tutt' amor):

What Adorno did, however, is to blend this song with the Humoresque by Dvorak:

October 8, 2018

Eight Days a Week is a modified Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, fourth movement Rondo Allegro:

Then, Adorno used Eight Days a Week to come up with Help, with a little aid from the Air Suite by Bach (the first movement from Eine Kleine Nachtmusik = Can't Buy Me Love ).

We Can It Work It Out, baroque style, it brings out the exquisite beauty of this song:

(a rare version of the Beatles playing the song)

« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 05:52:17 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #70 on: November 01, 2010, 04:57:00 AM »
Is sacred cubit and amah interchangeable?  Sofer also mentions an equal measurement of 1 amah as being 24 zoll.

I was going to defer to Levee on this, but he seems to have abandoned the question in pursuit of the larger issue of historical revisionism. But what you have there is rabbinically correct.
"Never think you can turn over any old falsehood without a terrible squirming of the horrid little population that dwells under it." -O.W. Holmes "Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne.."



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #71 on: November 02, 2010, 04:06:14 AM »
But I already did answer both messages with this link:

More on cymatics:

In order to fully understand the nature of ether/aether(akasha)/subquarks/tachyons/sound/light, please see:

Tibetan sound levitation uses the sacred cubit distances (multiples) of the wavelength of the telluric currents to raise blocks of stone hundreds of meters in the air:

The atoms of the stone, normally in E5 state (solid state of matter), are subjected to a much higher form of vibration based on sound, which does take the atoms to the E4 state (prakriti, first state of ether); the descendants of Kush/Misraim, in Egypt/Syria and Europe, used ball lightning, using the staff of Ptah/Horus (tuning fork, djed - permanent magnet, and ankh), to cause the levitation of blocks of stones (most notably at Baalbek), it could also be used for the transmutation of metals...
« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 04:08:29 AM by levee »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #72 on: November 05, 2010, 03:38:15 AM »
As I have said many times before, some serious research will solve all of your problems (including the infinite earth hypothesis, which has been disproved totally).

History: Science or Fiction? table of contents, chapters 1 and 2, volume I

Chapter 1
The problems of historical chronology
1. Roman chronology as the foundation of European chronology
2. Scaliger, Petavius, and other clerical chronologers. The creation of contemporary
chronology of the ancient times in the XVI-XVII century a.d.
3. The veracity of the Scaliger-Petavius chronology was questioned as early as the XVI century
3.1. Who criticized Scaliger's chronology and where.
3.1.1. De Arcilla, Robert Baldauf, Jean Hardouin, Edwin Johnson, Wilhelm Kammeyer
3.1.2. Sir Isaac Newton
3.1.3. Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov
3.1.4. Recent publications of German scientists containing criticisms of Scaliger's chronology.
3.2. The questionable veracity of the Roman chronology and history. The hypercritical school of the XIX century
4. The problems in establishing a correct chronology of "ancient" Egypt
5. The problem in dating the "ancient" sources. Tacitus and Poggio. Cicero and Barzizza. Vitruvius and Alberti
6. Timekeeping in the Middle Ages. Historians discuss the "chaos reigning in the mediaeval datings." Peculiar mediaeval anachronisms
7. The chronology and the dating of Biblical texts
8. Difficulties and contradictions arising from the reading of old texts
8.1. How does one read a text written in consonants exclusively? The vocalization problem
9. Problems in the Scaligerian geography of Biblical events
9.1. Archaeology and the Old Testament
9.2. Archaeology and the New Testament
10. Ancient historical events: geographic localization issues
10.1. The locations of Troy and Babylon.
10.2. The geography of Herodotus is at odds with the Scaligerian version
10.3. The inverted maps of the Middle Ages
11. A modern analysis of Biblical geography
12. The mysterious Renaissance epoch as a product of the Scaligerian chronology
13. The foundations of archaeological methods have been based on the Scaligerian
chronology from the very beginning
13.3. The alleged acceleration of the destruction of the "ancient" monuments
13.4. When did the construction of the Cologne Cathedral really begin?
13.5. Archaeological methods are most often based on Scaliger's datings
13.6. One of the numerous problems of the Scaligerian history - the problem of bronze manufacture before the discovery of tin.
14. The problems and deficiencies of dendrochronology and several other dating methods
14.1. The consequent scale of dendrochronological datings does not extend further back in time than the X century a.d.
14.2. Sedimentary layer datings. The methods of radium-uranium and radium-actinium analysis
15. Are radiocarbon datings to be trusted?
15.1. The radiocarbon datings of ancient, mediaeval, and modern specimens are scattered chaotically
15.1.1. Libby's initial idea. The first failures
15.1.2. A criticism of the application of the radiocarbon method to historical specimens
15.2. The dating of the Shroud of Turin
15.3 Modern radiocarbon analysis of Egyptian artifacts demonstrates serious contradictions
16. Critical analysis of the hypotheses on which the radiocarbon method is based. By A. S. Mishchenko
16.1. W. F. Libby's initial idea
16.2. Physical basics of the radiocarbon method
16.3. The hypotheses that the radiocarbon method is based upon
16.4. The moment of the object's departure from the exchange reservoir
16.5. Radiocarbon content variations in the exchange reservoir
16.6. Variations in radiocarbon content of living bodies
18. Numismatic datings

Chapter 2
Astronomical datings
1. The strange leap of parameter D" in the Theory of Lunar Motion
2. Are the "ancient" and mediaeval eclipses dated correctly?
2.1. Some astronomical data
2.2. The discovery of an interesting effect: an unprejudiced astronomical dating
shifts the dates of the "ancient" eclipses to the Middle Ages
2.3. Three eclipses described by the "ancient" Thucydides
2.4. The eclipses described by the "ancient" Titus Livy
3. Transferring the dates of the "ancient" eclipses forward in time into the Middle Ages eliminates the enigmatic behavior of the parameter D".
4. Astronomy moves the "ancient" horoscopes into the Middle Ages
4.1. The mediaeval astronomy
4.2. The method of unprejudiced astronomical dating
4.3. Many "ancient astronomical observations" may have been theoretically calculated by late mediaeval astronomers and then included into the "ancient" chronicles as "real observations"
4.4. Which astronomical "observations of the ancients" could have been a result of late mediaeval theoretic calculations?
5. A brief account of several examples of Egyptian Zodiacs
5.1. Some general observations
5.2. The Dendera Zodiacs
5.3. The horoscopes of Brugsch and Flinders Petrie
5.4. Finite datings of the Egyptian Zodiacs based on their complete deciphering, as obtained by A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovskiy in 2001
5.5. On the errors of E. S. Goloubtsova and Y. A. Zavenyagin
6. Astronomy in the New Testament

Learn how and why Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were invented and crafted during Renaissance. Discover the Old Testament as a veiled rendition of events of Middle Ages written centuries after the New Testament. Perceive the Crusaders as contemporaries of The Crucifixion punishing the tormentors of the Messiah.

Sounds unbelievable? Not after you've read "History: Fiction or Science?" by Anatoly Fomenko, leading mathematician of our time. He follows in steps of Sir Isaac Newton, finds clear evidence of falsification of History by medieval clergy and humanists. Armed with computers, astronomy and statistics he proves the history of humankind to be both dramatically different and drastically shorter than generally presumed. Archaeological, dendrochronological, paleographical and carbon methods of dating of ancient sources and artifacts are both non-exact and contradictory, therefore there is not a single piece of firm written evidence or artifact that could be reliably and independently dated earlier than the XI century.

The consensual chronology we live with was essentially crafted in the XVI century from the contradictory mix of innumerable copies of ancient Latin and Greek manuscripts (all originals have mysteriously disappeared) and the "proofs" delivered by the late mediaeval astronomers, cemented by the authority of writings of the Church Fathers.

Anyone who comes to these books with an open mind and no pre-conceived dogmas about history (and religion) will find a great deal to ponder and to further investigate on their own.

Fomenko certainly does prove that our history is at most 1000 years old, that is, in the approach of the new chronology; but he has not gone far enough, given the findings at Pompeii and Herculaneum, not to mention the facts uncovered by C. Pfister...



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #73 on: November 06, 2010, 08:09:08 AM »
Historical revisionism has no place in hard science and is simply laughable.

As for the infinite earth hypothesis being disproved - it is from this it is clear more so than any other statement you've made so far that you have no idea what aether is, what its properties are, and what its raison d'etra is.   

All that said, great posts. I look forward to hearing more.  You have always been one of our most valued posters.
So long and thanks for all the fish



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #74 on: November 07, 2010, 02:04:58 AM »
November 13, 2018

The Beatles' first release of 1968 was a single like no other. I always thought that Lady Madonna was one of the very best Beatles songs.

However, no direct link to any classical music could be made.

It was only after listening to the Beatles go baroque, when I realized that Lady Madonna is a modified version of A Hard Day's Night.

Lady Madonna, baroque:

A Hard Day's Night, baroque:

A rhythm similar to Bad Penny Blues (1956) was produced, but Lady Madonna is a fantastic modified version of A Hard Day's Night, that is why it sounds to great.

From the comments section of Reasons for Waiting (Jethro Tull):

One of the most beautiful rock songs ever written.

I still consider this the most beautiful song Ian Anderson ever wrote.

However, Reasons for Waiting is a modified Mother Nature's Son given to the Beatles, that is the reason for its haunting beauty.

Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody was voted the "best song ever". However, the dynamical part of the song (4:11 - 4:55) is a modified version of Revolution by the Beatles.

We Are The Champions is a modified Nights In White Satin (Moody Blues), the modified theme from the Swan Lake suite.

Seaside Rendezvous is a modified Martha My Dear.

November 30, 2018

Letting Go (Wings) is a modified I've Got A Feeling (Beatles).

Magneto and Titanium Man (Wings) is a modified Hi, Hi, Hi (Wings) which in turn is a modified Helter Skelter.

Venus and Mars is a modified Maybe I'm Amazed (a modified version of Long and Winding Road).

Junk (one of the best songs on McCartney II's first solo album) is a modified Fixing A Hole.

Without the support of the few remaining Beatles songs, McCartney II's solo career, not to mention his colaboration with Wings, wouldn't have been possible.  Let us imagine "Ram" without Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey, or "Red Rose Speedway" without My Love (I am not even mentioning here "Wild Life").

December 9, 2018

Let us carefully analyze We Are The Champions, given to Queen.

In the classical style/version, it is easier to discern, to find out the original score upon which it was based.

It is obvious that We Are The Champions is a modified version of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1:

Yes, it does have notes borrowed from Nights in White Satin, but essentially it is a beautifully modified version of the Piano Concerto No. 1.

Thus, we can reach a most interesting conclusion: both We Are The Champions and Seaside Rendezvous were originally Beatles songs; after the disappearance of Adorno in August, 1969, the Beatles project was put on hold, and the remaining best songs were shelved. From that formidable arsenal of songs, both We Are The Champions and Seaside Rendezvous were given to Queen, since the Beatles project was no longer feasible.

The major music publishing companies tried to copy Adorno's style of modifying classical scores, but the best they could achieve was this: KISS' Lick It Up is a not so subtle modified version of Free's All Right Now, while Billy Joel's Just The Way You Are is a not so subtle modified version of 10cc's I'm Not In Love.

Only Adorno could have modified Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto into We Are The Champions; he always gave the best songs to the Beatles, light years ahead of anyone else. A Hard Day's Night, Yellow Submarine, Hey Jude are light years ahead of anyone else, be it the Stones, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, The Who.

I regard Penny Lane as a finer/better song than We Are The Champions; let us remember that George Martin said in 1967 that Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields was the Beatles' best single to date, and in a way he was right.

Seaside Rendezvous = Martha My Dear:

« Last Edit: December 09, 2018, 02:14:28 AM by sandokhan »


Ichimaru Gin :]

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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #75 on: November 07, 2010, 09:03:15 AM »
Ether is just an organic functional group. What's so hard about that?
I saw a slight haze in the hotel bathroom this morning after I took a shower, have I discovered a new planet?



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #76 on: November 08, 2010, 02:25:28 AM »
Now, both ua acceleration and the infinite earth conjectures were created in order to explain terrestrial/planetary gravitation/gravity on a flat earth; and both fail miserably to address even this single issue.

I have posted countless times already the direct quotes from I. Newton specifying the fact that he believed that there are two DIFFERENT gravitational forces: one of a rotational type, responsible for planetary/stellar orbits, and the other responsible for the terrestrial gravitation phenomenon.

I have posted, also, the direct arguments relating to the perturbation of planetary orbits, impossibility of the existence of a field of gravitons which would allow a Sun - Planet - Satellite system to function, and much more; the gravitational force responsible for planetary/stellar orbits is of a ROTATIONAL TYPE, completely different than the terrestrial gravitation encoutered here, on the flat earth.

I have also demonstrated directly and very clearly that there is no attractive gravity; we have PUSHING gravity, caused by the pressure of the terrestrial/telluric currents. And there must be a shield/barrier of energy (call it the Schumann Cavity) between the two types of gravitational phenomena just described.

Both infinite earth/ua acceleration are armchair, fictitious hypotheses which do not answer the most basic questions when it comes to the gravitational anomalies known to exist over the surface of the earth/oceans (an issue I have presented here frequently).

My advice to the FES leadership is to completely erase the present official FAQ, and start over with my explanations and messages, Lord Wilmore could do that just nicely...then you would be in a position to present flat earth theory precisely, in the best possible way...the secondary, supporting theory, as it is presented right now, is a disaster, being taken advantage of each and every time a new thread is opened by the round earth supporters.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 02:34:11 AM by levee »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #77 on: November 11, 2010, 05:12:56 AM »
Now, both ua acceleration and the infinite earth conjectures were created in order to explain terrestrial/planetary gravitation/gravity on a flat earth; and both fail miserably to address even this single issue.

I am not sure that either the Law of Universal Acceleration or the infinity of the Earth can be accurately explicated in terms which imply that they are some sort of post hoc conjecture. They are scientific facts, facts of two different but related sorts: the Law of Universal Acceleration, besides being plainly, trivially true to any sufficiently liberated and perceptive mind, is demonstrable by submission to direct experiment. The infinity of the Earth is an empirical induction, and, while it is technically unfalsifiable (since ex hypothesi an infinite number of explorers could spend infinitely many years traversing the snow and hail, howling winds, and indescribable storms and hurricanes which populate the outer gloom and darkness, in which the material world is lost to human perception, without discovering any terminating feature), it still is to the best of our current knowledge utterly correct.

I have posted countless times already the direct quotes from I. Newton specifying the fact that he believed that there are two DIFFERENT gravitational forces: one of a rotational type, responsible for planetary/stellar orbits, and the other responsible for the terrestrial gravitation phenomenon.

I appreciate that Asag Newton claimed to believe a great many outrageous affronts against the most basic decencies of human reason, but I do not understand quite why you think the testimony of this devil-worshipping barbarian is convincing evidence in support of any theory. The beliefs and utterances of Asag Newton are permeated to their detestable core with falsehood and insanity. Inspired from a young age by the satanic heresies of Johannes Kepler, he conspired to assassinate his own mother and her pious husband by setting fire to their familial home. When his perverse patricidal fantasies were thwarted, by his forced removal to a boarding school, he went on to create that purely ficticious and malevolent web of lies known today as classical mechanics. The foundations of Newtonian gravitational theory are essentially the doctrines of Satanism.

I have posted, also, the direct arguments relating to the perturbation of planetary orbits, impossibility of the existence of a field of gravitons which would allow a Sun - Planet - Satellite system to function, and much more; the gravitational force responsible for planetary/stellar orbits is of a ROTATIONAL TYPE, completely different than the terrestrial gravitation encoutered here, on the flat earth.

It is true that the graviton is one of the most iniquitous fictions of modern life. However, you are mistaken about the motions of the planets. I must refer you to the cosmological heritage of Ptolemy, whose epicyclical system is the cornerstone of all true and accurate astronomy.

I have also demonstrated directly and very clearly that there is no attractive gravity; we have PUSHING gravity, caused by the pressure of the terrestrial/telluric currents. And there must be a shield/barrier of energy (call it the Schumann Cavity) between the two types of gravitational phenomena just described.

The only cavity here, I am afraid, is the cavity between the neo-Newtonian dual-gravity hypothesis and the actual truth. You are quite correct in your observation that attractive gravity is nonsense; for this I applaud you. However, the only PUSHING gravity which we have in actuality is the upward pushing of the Universal Accelerator, upon which all up-falling of the Earth to the objects which rest upon it is wholly reliant.

Both infinite earth/ua acceleration are armchair, fictitious hypotheses which do not answer the most basic questions when it comes to the gravitational anomalies known to exist over the surface of the earth/oceans (an issue I have presented here frequently).

These anomalies are themselves for the most part ficticious, except where they are brought about by the natural swelling and deflation of the Earth's surface under certain obvious conditions, conditions which I assure you are never accounted for in any so-called scientific test which pretends to discover "gravitational" anomalies. (That is to say, when they are not straightforwardly caused by the drunkenness of the globularist investigator).

you should stop the printing press on your book; you should let me write the chapters on gravity/ether, maybe then you will sell more than 2 copies...

I am unspeakably excited about the prospect of such a collaboration.
"For your own sake, as well as for that of our beloved country, be bold and firm against error and evil of every kind." - David Wardlaw Scott, Terra Firma 1901



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #78 on: November 11, 2010, 07:46:11 AM »
If levee, or any other flat earther here, wishes to post an essay in the book to present their opposing view or views I'd be happy to add the necessary pages to the book.  However, it must be coherent and print worthy (to my discretion).
So long and thanks for all the fish



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #79 on: November 12, 2010, 02:21:30 AM »
James, please read again:

As for Ptolemy, I invite you to do a serious research, starting from:


In 1977, Robert R. Newton published his book The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy in which he accused Ptolemy of being the "most successful fraud in history". Newton charged Ptolemy with faking the observations of his predecessors to better suit his theory.

Newton realized, later, that in fact it was none other than Johannes Kepler who wrote the Almagest by Ptolemy; and we know now, that Kepler lived AT LEAST 100 YEARS LATER, than it is  acknowledged in the conventional chronology.


Dr Prof Anatoly Fomenko and team dissect Almagest of ancient Ptolemy compiled allegedly in 150 a.d. and considered to be the corner stone of classical history. Their report states: Almagest was compiled in XVI-XVII centuries from astronomical data of IX-XVI centuries. As the King of astronomers Ptolemy is proven to be a medieval phantom, therefore standing aquitted of the crime he was accused by the late American astrophycist Robert Newton. Allegedly ancient Egyptian horoscopes painted in Pharaohs tombs of the Valley of Kings or cut in stone in Dendera and Esna for centuries considered impenetrable are decoded at last! All dates contained therein turn out definitely medieval and pertain to the XI centuries a.d. the earliest.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 03:55:27 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #80 on: November 24, 2010, 02:55:52 AM »
Let us take a closer look at those gravitational anomalies which cannot be explained, either in the now accepted attractive gravity scenario, or in the UA acceleration/infinite earth models (quote: these anomalies are themselves for the most part ficticious, except where they are brought about by the natural swelling and deflation of the Earth's surface under certain obvious conditions):

Mountainous masses do not exert the gravitational pull expected by the theory of gravitation. The influence of the largest mass on the earth, the Himalaya, was carefully investigated with plumb line on the Indian side. The plumb line is not deflected as calculated in advance. The attraction of the mountain-ground thus computed on the theory of gravitation, is considerably greater than is necessary to explain the anomalies observed. This singular conclusion, I confess, at first surprised me very much. (G. B. Airy.) Out of this embarrassment grew the idea of isostasy. This hypothesis explains the lack of gravitational pull by the mountains in the following way. The interior of the globe is supposed to be fluid, and the crust is supposed to float on it. The inner fluid or magma is heavier or denser, the crust is lighter. Where there is a mountainous elevation, there must also be a protuberance beneath the mountains, this immersed protuberance being of lesser mass than the magma of equal volume. The way seismic waves travel, and computations of the elasticity of the interior of the earth, force the conclusion that the earth must be as rigid as steel; but if the earth is solid for only 2000 miles from the surface, the crust must be more rigid than steel. These conclusions are not reconcilable with the principle of isostasy, which presupposes a fluid magma less than 60 miles below the surface of the earth. There remains a contradiction between isostasy and geophysical data.

Over the oceans, the gravitational pull is greater than over the continents, though according to the theory of gravitation the reverse should be true; the hypothesis of isostasy also is unable to explain this phenomenon. The gravitational pull drops at the coast line of the continents. Furthermore, the distribution of gravitation in the sea often has the peculiarity of being stronger where the water is deeper. In the whole Gulf and Caribbean region the generalization seems to hold that the deeper the water, the more strongly positive the anomalies.

As far as observations could establish, the sea tides do not influence the plumb line, which is contrary to what is expected. Observations on reservoirs of water, where the mass of water could be increased and decreased, gave none of the results anticipated on the basis of the theory of gravitation.

In 1981 a paper was published showing that measurements of G in deep mines, boreholes, and under the sea gave values about 1% higher than that currently accepted.4 Furthermore, the deeper the experiment, the greater the discrepancy. However, no one took much notice of these results until 1986, when E. Fischbach and his colleagues reanalyzed the data from a series of experiments by Eotvos in the 1920s, which were supposed to have shown that gravitational acceleration is independent of the mass or composition of the attracted body. Fischbach et al. found that there was a consistent anomaly hidden in the data that had been dismissed as random error. On the basis of these laboratory results and the observations from mines, they announced that they had found evidence of a short-range, composition-dependent fifth force. Their paper caused a great deal of controversy and generated a flurry of experimental activity in physics laboratories around the world.

The majority of the experiments failed to find any evidence of a composition-dependent force; one or two did, but this is generally attributed to experimental error. Several earlier experimenters have detected anomalies incompatible with newtonian theory, but the results have long since been forgotten. For instance, Charles Brush performed very precise experiments showing that metals of very high atomic weight and density tend to fall very slightly faster than elements of lower atomic weight and density, even though the same mass of each metal is used. He also reported that a constant mass or quantity of certain metals may be appreciably changed in weight by changing its physical condition. His work was not taken seriously by the scientific community, and the very precise spark photography technique he used in his free-fall experiments has never been used by other investigators. Experiments by Victor Cremieu showed that gravitation measured in water at the earth?s surface appears to be one tenth greater than that computed by newtonian theory.

On the basis of newtonian gravity, it might be expected that gravitational attraction over continents, and especially mountains, would be higher than over oceans. In reality, the gravity on top of large mountains is less than expected on the basis of their visible mass while over ocean surfaces it is unexpectedly high. To explain this, the concept of isostasy was developed: it was postulated that low-density rock exists 30 to 100 km beneath mountains, which buoys them up, while denser rock exists 30 to 100 km beneath the ocean bottom. However, this hypothesis is far from proven. Physicist Maurice Allais commented: There is an excess of gravity over the ocean and a deficiency above the continents. The theory of isostasis provided only a pseudoexplanation of this.

The standard, simplistic theory of isostasy is contradicted by the fact that in regions of tectonic activity vertical movements often intensify gravity anomalies rather than acting to restore isostatic equilibrium. For example, the Greater Caucasus shows a positive gravity anomaly (usually interpreted to mean it is overloaded with excess mass), yet it is rising rather than subsiding.

Law of acceleration in view of the ether/aether theories:

J.C. Maxwell's original ether theory, the very best explanation, also torsion physics:

Double Helix theory of the Magnetic Field:

How J.P. Morgan hired H. Lorentz and O. Heaviside to eliminate and hide the terms of the original equations of Maxwell which were related to aether vortex theory:

How H. Lorentz eliminated the terms of the Maxwell equations, which were not wanted by J.P. Morgan:

Tom Bearden on the modified Maxwell equations:

" ... In discarding the scalar component of the quaternion, Heaviside and Gibbs unwittingly discarded the unified EM/G [electromagnetic/ gravitational] portion of Maxwell's theory that arises when the translation/directional components of two interacting quaternions reduce to zero, but the scalar resultant remains and infolds a deterministic, dynamic structure that is a function of oppositive directional/translational components. In the infolding of EM energy inside a scalar potential, a structured scalar potential results, almost precisely as later shown by Whittaker but unnoticed by the scientific community. The simple vector equations produced by Heaviside and Gibbs captured only that subset of Maxwell's theory where EM and gravitation are mutually exclusive. In that subset, electromagnetic circuits and equipment will not ever, and cannot ever, produce gravitational or inertial effects in materials and equipment.

"Brutally, not a single one of those Heaviside/ Gibbs equations ever appeared in a paper or book by James Clerk Maxwell, even though the severely restricted Heaviside/Gibbs interpretation is universally and erroneously taught in all Western universities as Maxwell's theory.

The best place to start in explaining what gravity actually is, and how this is related to the vorticular physics approach which describes the atom, is one of the greatest mysteries of modern science.

Francis Crick, codiscoverer of the DNA structure, describes this strange characteristic of the molecules of living organisms:

    It has been well known for many years that for any particular molecule only one hand occurs in nature.  For example the amino acids one finds in proteins are always what are called the L or levo amino acids, and never the D or dextro amino acids.  Only one of the two mirror possibilities occurs in proteins.

Living tissue (with the exception of some bacteria) contains only L-amino acids (laevorotatory-left handed); dead tissue only D-amino acids (dextrorotatory-right handed).

Linus Pauling, Nobel laureate in chemistry:

        This is a very puzzling fact . . . . All the proteins that have been investigated, obtained from animals and from plants, from higher organisms and from very simple organisms, bacteria, molds, even viruses are found to have been made of L-amino acids.

A.N. Kozyrev's celebrated gyroscope experiments also show that there are two vorticular forces at work in the universe: (also contains an account of Bruce DePalma's spinning ball experiment)

Isn't it strange that our FES members do support the view of a flat earth (as they should, of course) but use as an explanation for the orbits of the planets/stars the concept of photoelectric suspension? The very notion of the photon was invented by the same conspirators who came up with the hoax concerning the shape of the earth (and much more, as they modified radically the chronology of history).

Here is someone who chose to think carefully about the concept of the photon:

More facts which do show the real nature of gravitY...


Cosmic rays are nothing but telluric currents; these telluric currents are torsion waves, consisting of dextrorotatory strings (gravity), and laevorotatory strings (electricity)...
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 02:57:54 AM by levee »


Ichimaru Gin :]

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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #81 on: November 24, 2010, 09:04:20 AM »
Thank you Levee. Chirality is always an interesting topic. Especially with polarized light optic activity.
I saw a slight haze in the hotel bathroom this morning after I took a shower, have I discovered a new planet?



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #82 on: December 04, 2010, 03:11:46 AM »
You will find an excelent introduction to torsion physics (Kozyrev/DePalma) and much more in chapter 2 (Hyperdimensional Physics) of Dark Mission by R. Hoagland:

And, in chapter 5, you will find the perfect reason (a point which has not been observed by any other author until now) why the Nasa Apollo missions COULD NOT have taken place at all. (Kozyrev/DePalma torsion physics experiments)

What is time?

A. Kozyrev time theory:

Kozyrev - Barbour theory, Non-uniform time:

Julian Barbour - End of Time - Nows, time capsules (10 pages)

Julian Barbour - Killing Time documentary:

Absolute or Relative Motion? J. Barbour:

End of Time/ J. Barbour:

Space-Time continuum hoax:

Flat Earth Universe in the vision of the shamans of the Amazon:

« Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 03:19:34 AM by levee »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #83 on: December 04, 2010, 03:47:10 AM »
You will find an excelent introduction to torsion physics (Kozyrev/DePalma) and much more in chapter 2 (Hyperdimensional Physics) of Dark Mission by R. Hoagland:

And, in chapter 5, you will find the perfect reason (a point which has not been observed by any other author until now) why the Nasa Apollo missions COULD NOT have taken place at all. (Kozyrev/DePalma torsion physics experiments)

What is time?

A. Kozyrev time theory:

Kozyrev - Barbour theory, Non-uniform time:

Julian Barbour - End of Time - Nows, time capsules (10 pages)

Julian Barbour - Killing Time documentary:

Absolute or Relative Motion? J. Barbour:

End of Time/ J. Barbour:

Space-Time continuum hoax:

Flat Earth Universe in the vision of the shamans of the Amazon:

I used to have a wonderful collection of essays concerning Shamans worldview and their intrinsically flat earth nature.  I'll see if I can find out the title as I think it may have some relevant information.

Specifically, it comes to mind that it does resemble, from what I know of your work, your view in many aspects.

Do you hold shamanistic worldviews to be glimpses of truth endowed upon them?  For example, one specific instance I can think of is the zetetic nature of their worldview in many areas - most notably the heavens - specifically in reference to and from simple observation of tiny holes in their tents and living areas.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 03:50:42 AM by John Davis »
So long and thanks for all the fish



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #84 on: December 06, 2010, 01:49:54 AM »
Have you ever read Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge by J. Narby? If not, you will find ALL your answers there, relating to your last post:

The problem with ayahuasca/peyotl is that it activates the thalamus gland (the third eye) and this can lead to a great deal of problems; please read: (a great work by O. Aivanhov)



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #85 on: December 06, 2010, 03:07:35 AM »
RE: star trails/northern and southern circumpolar constellations:

Rowbotham did not take this fact into consideration (three kinds of stellar orbits), that is why the official map (the one in the faq) is so wrong and distorted.

EDIT: The inquiries/questions addressed by RE supporters in the three main boards, cannot be answered by the facts listed in the main/official faq; here, in the alternative flat earth theory, we do answer ALL those questions re: sunrise/sunset (the Sun does in fact rise and set), star trails, FE maps, gravity (all the necessary details), ether vs. space-time continuum, the conspiracy (how, why, when), and much more...
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 03:56:16 AM by levee »



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #86 on: December 13, 2010, 06:04:13 AM »
Somebody wrote at the Coriolis effect thread something to the effect, "another victory for RE..."...not by a long shot, please research the topic before offering premature conclusions: (the very best work done on the Coriolis force, includes links to Foucault's pendulum/Cloud trajectories threads...)

On the contrary, the Coriolis force is one of the most important arguments to be used in proving that the Earth is indeed absolutely stationary...

Tunguska explosion seen all the way from London/Antwerp/Stockholm, all the details (includes the ball lightning argument):



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #87 on: December 15, 2010, 03:23:44 PM »
I just read a bit of Narby-related material and found it interesting. I will be looking to pickup "Cosmic Serpent: ..." in the next few weeks or when I next visit the library.
"Never think you can turn over any old falsehood without a terrible squirming of the horrid little population that dwells under it." -O.W. Holmes "Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne.."



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Re: Alternative Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #89 on: December 25, 2010, 08:59:06 AM »
Garden of Eden, north of Egypt, west to the Nile, right next to the Sea of Marmara: (I was able to decipher the meaning of the terms: sea of Atil, mount Riphath, river Tina)

Who wrote the Bible?

ORIGINAL quote from Galatians 3:1:

CHRIST entering Constantinopole/Troy, the TROJAN Pilate: