You clearly said - I see the flat Earth. Therefore it is flat.
With all my due respect, I do not remember saying that.
You make me feel that you are some kind of robot or you just don't understand sentence anymore if the words are not exactly the same. In the message you said:
I look outside (or around if I am already outside) and see the flat Earth. It is not round. It is flat. I see it flat, therefore it is flat.
I summarized it - I see the flat Earth. Therefore it is flat.
In the message - you quoted my line - "You said - I see from window that earth is flat, therefore it is flat." and stated that this was - Correct.
But, I guess you are going to argue now that you didn't say that therefore Earth is flat. You said
it was flat. Okay, what is this
If you don't specify - I see the flat earth and therefore the earth is flat in my near vicinity - then all other people are going to assume that you talk about whole Earth.
Really? So when you wrote:
"You said - I see from window that earth is flat, therefore it is flat."
"all other people" were going to assume that you meant I saw the whole Earth from my window? Do you see the whole Earth from your window? What are you talking about?
I am asking you again, why you argue about Flat Earth here if you only talk about the area which you can survey with your eyes? And ask from any person here what did they assume when they saw you write - I look outside (or around if I am already outside) and see the flat Earth. It is not round. It is flat. I see it flat, therefore it is flat.
And better yet, don't even argue here if you don't talk about whole earth. This thing here is about whole earth, not about piece of it.
"This thing here" (if you mean the thread) is about the picture.
This thing here is this forum. And I just must ask - are you wearing some kind of eye patches similar to those which horses have in races so they can focus only on one thing? You seem to see only one or two words at once and don't quite get the meaning of sentence if there is more words there.
And you must explain to me, what did you exactly mean when you said - therefore it(the Earth) is flat. What is flat - the piece of land near you or the whole earth. If you clarify this point then maybe we can talk further.
This is a good point. But first, I must know what do you mean when you speak about "the whole earth". You have recently introduced this term but did not explain it.
The whole earth is the whole earth. How many meanings there are in english language for a word - whole? I use it here as synonym for - entire, total, all. So, now please explain me what did to you the term - earth - means?