How can they see that? They see relative motion of the chandelier and the Earth. How can they tell which one is moving?
Ask anyone to watch a focault pendulum for a while and they'll tell you that it's the pendulum which moves not the earth.
No they won't, that's ridiculous. Almost everyone believes RET.
If you're trying to tell us that the pendulum is still and the earth is actually moving, the burden of proof is on you to prove your unobserved and unexperienced assertion.
So where's your proof?
Non-swinging objects do not rotate. Therefore, the swinging causes rotation, not some "rotational gravitation". Also, the Earth seems to bulge at the equator, implying it rotates.
Now, could you please supply some
evidence that the pendulum is rotating, not the Earth? "It looks that way" is not an answer.
Why does an object need to be in swinging to be affected? Why does it's mass matter?
Attach a spoon to a fishing line and put it into a swing. It won't rotate. The weight needs to be massive and it needs to be swinging in order to get the right effect.
I think it would rotate, however it would quickly slow down due to air-reistance. This is why the mass needs to be large.
The weight needs to be swinging in free fall because the force is very very slight, and its easier to move something in free fall than it is when its suspended motionless at 1g.
As I've said, it is not in free fall.
Also, you wrongly state that a pendulum is in free fall. It is not, it is tethered.
When the pendulum is swinging back and fourth it's constantly going into freefall as it comes back down.
"Free fall" means that the body is moving only under the influence of gravity (or, in FET, has no forces acting on it whatsoever). A pendulum is always attached to a tether, and so is moving under the influence of gravity
and tension in the string (or, in FET, under the influence of tension on the string). Thus, it is not in free fall.