List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy

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List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« on: December 02, 2008, 11:16:50 AM »
Technology Involved

1. ISS - International Space Station (Part of NASA's conspiracy. Does not exist.)
2. GPS - Global Positioning Satellite (Not really satellites. Real tall radio towers)
3. Satellites - XM, Civil, etc., (Not really satellites. Real tall radio towers)
4. Navigation System on Planes (Gives incorrect heading to simulate that the earth is round)
5. FM Radios (Need Explanation)
6. Cameras (Designed to show curvature of the earth when taken in panoramic)
7. Modern Education (Everything is a conspiracy. Education is void.)
8. Computers (Stores information on Round Earth Models. Used to formulate incorrect formulas to support RET)
9. Cell Phones (Need Explanation)
10. Television (Well I wouldn't use this to support RET neither. Used for Propoganda)
11. Anything that measures speed (Make you seem to go twice as fast in the northern hemisphere and twice as slow in the southern hemisphere)
12. Telescopes (Any telescopes that do not restore ships on the horizon and aren't Rowbotham-certified)
13. Watches (Speed up and slow down based on your movements and location)
14. Airplane windows (Screens that show curvature)
15. Boats (Designed to sink on the horizonl)
16. Toronto (Designed to sink on the horizon)
17. Compass (Designed to show 4 cardinal signs that don't exist)
18. Laser Range Finders (Need Explanation)
19. Trajectory Calculator Software for Shooters (Takes into account of Coriolis Effect or Rotation of earth)
20. Seismograph (Designed to simulate the effect of detection of earthquakes on RET model)
21. Images (Digital or Film has been photoshopped even before computers were invented)
22. Magazines (Contains images. See above. Connection to conspiracy.)
23. Books (Except Earth Not a Globe, all books are part of the conspiracy)
24. Light Bulbs (Designed to trick people on the behavior of light)
25. Maps (Designed to trick people into thinking the earth is round)
26. Globes (Self explanatory)
27. Cartography (Without credible measuring devices, cartography is inacurrate.)
28. Physics (Does not corroborate with Biblical Text of The Earth Not a Globe)
29. Modern Science (Does not corroborate with Biblical Text of The Earth Not a Globe)

Biological Involvement

1. Brain (Interpreting the eye incorrectly)
2. Eyes (Tricking us into seeing evidence of a round earth, even when used with a telescope or camera)
3. Arms (Used to operate Technology listed above)

People Involved

1. Me (Will be working for USAF in two months)
2. Astronauts (Military or NASA or foreign, works for NASA)
3. Amateur Astronomers (Specifically one who writes a book on RE Theory)

Countries Involved
1. The United States of America
2. Russia
3. China
4. United Kingdom
5. Spain
6. Germany
7. Mexico
8. Canada
9. Ukraine
10. India
11. Afghanistan
12. Iraq
13. Israel
14. Iran
15. Pakistan
16. Thailand
17. Laos
18. Vietnam
19. Cambodia
20. Japan
21. Australia

Please feel free to add more. I will update the list as it builds.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2008, 08:42:33 AM by len »

Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2008, 12:47:40 PM »
"ISS is just imaginary, and GPS is properly manipulated by the government"
My guess on an answer..

I can add satellites, planes, FM radios and cameras.They can all directly or indrectly prove FET wrong. But i have no doubt that FET can find answers to those as well..



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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2008, 01:33:17 PM »
Ok, I'll add those. I find that in order to support FET, we must travel backwards in technology. Is there ANY modern equipment that can help? Anything at all? What about a simple ruler?


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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2008, 02:24:43 PM »
-Anything that measures speed (make you seem to go twice as fast in the northern hemisphere and twice as slow in the southern hemisphere)
-Telescopes (any telescopes that do not restore ships on the horizon and aren't Rowbotham-certified)
-Watches (speed up and slow down based on your movements)
-The human eye (tricking us into seeing evidence of a round earth, even when used with a telescope or camera)
-Airplane windows (screens that show curvature)
-Boats (designed to sink on the horizon, might as well throw in the city of Toronto as well)
Like the sun, the stars are also expanding and contracting their diameter as they spin around the hub every six months.



  • 53
Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2008, 04:57:00 PM »
What about books other than Zetetic Cosmogony books?



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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2008, 12:46:12 PM »
Anything new today?


The One True Rat

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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2008, 01:26:49 PM »
if you have technology that proves RE, FE already has pre-written responses:

the government.
you did the experiments wrong.
radio towers did it.
the light bends.
it is an illusion created by poor technology.

Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2008, 12:57:10 AM »
The whole modern science. Almost everything about physics is wrong.


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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2008, 02:57:06 PM »
Tom Bishop: Used by NASA to discredit the entire FET.
Like the sun, the stars are also expanding and contracting their diameter as they spin around the hub every six months.

Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2008, 03:58:57 PM »
Would this be an acceptable means of measuring distance for FEers?
Everyday household experimentation.


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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2008, 04:19:45 PM »
Would this be an acceptable means of measuring distance for FEers?
Not if it disproves that the earth is flat.
Like the sun, the stars are also expanding and contracting their diameter as they spin around the hub every six months.

Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2008, 05:41:06 PM »
People that have brains. That's a good one.



  • 2240
Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2008, 03:34:36 AM »
Every navigator, who navigates over water, land or air is in it. Even those who navigate under water. They are all lying to conceal the truth. And their equipment, including sextants, astrolabes and watches. They are all magically set to show the sky one degree further South for every 60 nautical miles you travel North, something that is impossible in a flat Earth.

And Google maps and Google Earth: they are made to show distances as if we were in a round Earth, and to infuriate Flat Earthers. They must have a magical way to hide the distortions required to show a round Earth, when it is flat, but nobody can find the distortions.

By the way every result of modern cartography except the one who did the UN flag must be done by the same conspirators that did Google Earth.

Oh, and the physicists that must know how to do "bendy light" work, but choose to spread the faith.

And since so many here cannot read well, I will tell you: yes, all of this is sarcasm.

Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2008, 09:30:41 AM »
you missed out the sun and moon


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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2008, 03:20:05 PM »
Penguins: Used by the conspiracy to trick people into thinking that the Arctic Circle is Antarctica.
Like the sun, the stars are also expanding and contracting their diameter as they spin around the hub every six months.



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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2008, 03:47:09 PM »
1. ISS - International Space Station (Part of NASA's conspiracy. Does not exist.)
2. GPS - Global Positioning Satellite (Not really satellites. Real tall radio towers)
3. Satellites - XM, Civil, etc., (Not really satellites. Real tall radio towers)

Can be explained by stratellites.

4. Navigation System on Planes (Gives incorrect heading to simulate that the earth is round)

An accurate FE map has not yet been created.

5. FM Radios (Need Explanation)

Why?  What's wrong with them?

6. Cameras (Designed to show curvature of the earth when taken in panoramic)

No.  In order to see curvature in RE, you need to be way up high.

7. Modern Education (Everything is a conspiracy. Education is void.)

Just because people are wrong doesn't mean they're part of a conspiracy.

8. Computers (Stores information on Round Earth Models. Used to formulate incorrect formulas to support RET)

Wait, what?  Computers displaying correct answers to calculations in a conspiracy?!

9. Cell Phones (Need Explanation)

How so?

10. Television (Well I wouldn't use this to support RET neither. Used for Propoganda)

Just because people are wrong doesn't mean they're part of a conspiracy.

11. Anything that measures speed (Make you seem to go twice as fast in the northern hemisphere and twice as slow in the southern hemisphere)

An accurate FE map has not yet been created.

12. Telescopes (Any telescopes that do not restore ships on the horizon and aren't Rowbotham-certified)

Rowbotham was an idiot.  Ships disappear due to bendy light.

13. Watches (Speed up and slow down based on your movements and location)

An accurate FE map has not yet been created.

14. Airplane windows (Screens that show curvature)

You cannot see RE curvature from an airplane.

15. Boats (Designed to sink on the horizonl)
16. Toronto (Designed to sink on the horizon)

Now you're just being silly.

17. Compass (Designed to show 4 cardinal signs that don't exist)

Yeah, they do.

18. Laser Range Finders (Need Explanation)

How so?  Again,
An accurate FE map has not yet been created.

19. Trajectory Calculator Software for Shooters (Takes into account of Coriolis Effect or Rotation of earth)

An accurate FE map has not yet been created.

20. Seismograph (Designed to simulate the effect of detection of earthquakes on RET model)

There are earthquakes on FE.

21. Images (Digital or Film has been photoshopped even before computers were invented)

Yeah, I forgot about Apollo 0.3 that went to the moon in a horse and buggy.

22. Magazines (Contains images. See above. Connection to conspiracy.)

NASA images are not copyrighted.  Magazines can use them.

23. Books (Except Earth Not a Globe, all books are part of the conspiracy)

Just because people are wrong doesn't mean they're part of a conspiracy.

24. Light Bulbs (Designed to trick people on the behavior of light)


25. Maps (Designed to trick people into thinking the earth is round)
26. Globes (Self explanatory)
27. Cartography (Without credible measuring devices, cartography is inacurrate.)

Just because people are wrong doesn't mean they're part of a conspiracy.

28. Physics (Does not corroborate with Biblical Text of The Earth Not a Globe)

My pencil fell when I pushed it off the desk.  Guess physics works.

29. Modern Science (Does not corroborate with Biblical Text of The Earth Not a Globe)

Just because people are wrong doesn't mean they're part of a conspiracy.

1. Brain (Interpreting the eye incorrectly)
2. Eyes (Tricking us into seeing evidence of a round earth, even when used with a telescope or camera)
3. Arms (Used to operate Technology listed above)

How can you show me with my eyes that the world is round?

1. Me (Will be working for USAF in two months)
2. Astronauts (Military or NASA or foreign, works for NASA)
3. Amateur Astronomers (Specifically one who writes a book on RE Theory)

Just because people are wrong doesn't mean they're part of a conspiracy.

Countries Involved
All of them

Only a few people are involved in the conspiracy.


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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2008, 08:30:39 AM »
1. ISS - International Space Station (Part of NASA's conspiracy. Does not exist.)
2. GPS - Global Positioning Satellite (Not really satellites. Real tall radio towers)
3. Satellites - XM, Civil, etc., (Not really satellites. Real tall radio towers)

Can be explained by stratellites.
What invisible method of propulsion allows the ISS to circle the Earth in 90 minutes?

4. Navigation System on Planes (Gives incorrect heading to simulate that the earth is round)

An accurate FE map has not yet been created.
And since the RE map IS accurate, one never will be.

12. Telescopes (Any telescopes that do not restore ships on the horizon and aren't Rowbotham-certified)

Rowbotham was an idiot.  Ships disappear due to bendy light.
Where's your evidence of this?

14. Airplane windows (Screens that show curvature)

You cannot see RE curvature from an airplane.
You obviously haven't ridden the Concorde.

20. Seismograph (Designed to simulate the effect of detection of earthquakes on RET model)

There are earthquakes on FE.
Detection methods using p-waves and s-waves cannot be explained on a FE.

28. Physics (Does not corroborate with Biblical Text of The Earth Not a Globe)

My pencil fell when I pushed it off the desk.  Guess physics works.
Physics does not allow bendy light.

1. Brain (Interpreting the eye incorrectly)
2. Eyes (Tricking us into seeing evidence of a round earth, even when used with a telescope or camera)
3. Arms (Used to operate Technology listed above)

How can you show me with my eyes that the world is round?
Ride the Concorde.

1. Me (Will be working for USAF in two months)
2. Astronauts (Military or NASA or foreign, works for NASA)
3. Amateur Astronomers (Specifically one who writes a book on RE Theory)

Just because people are wrong doesn't mean they're part of a conspiracy.
So astronauts are just wrong when they think they are at the ISS or doing space walks.
Like the sun, the stars are also expanding and contracting their diameter as they spin around the hub every six months.



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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2008, 11:36:45 AM »
14. Airplane windows (Screens that show curvature)

You cannot see RE curvature from an airplane.
You obviously haven't ridden the Concorde.

Have you?

1. Brain (Interpreting the eye incorrectly)
2. Eyes (Tricking us into seeing evidence of a round earth, even when used with a telescope or camera)
3. Arms (Used to operate Technology listed above)

How can you show me with my eyes that the world is round?
Ride the Concorde.

Sadly, this is no longer an option.  You may not have heard this, but the Concorde is no longer in service.
Quote from:
As a result of the type's only crash (on 25 July 2000), world economic effects arising from the 9/11 attacks, and other factors, operations ceased on 24 October 2003. The last "retirement" flight occurred on 26 November 2003.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.


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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2008, 11:44:19 AM »
14. Airplane windows (Screens that show curvature)

You cannot see RE curvature from an airplane.
You obviously haven't ridden the Concorde.

Have you?
Possibly. I have also seen many pictures from blogs and camera phones that do not suggest conspiracy or editing.

1. Brain (Interpreting the eye incorrectly)
2. Eyes (Tricking us into seeing evidence of a round earth, even when used with a telescope or camera)
3. Arms (Used to operate Technology listed above)

How can you show me with my eyes that the world is round?
Ride the Concorde.

Sadly, this is no longer an option.  You may not have heard this, but the Concorde is no longer in service.
Quote from:
As a result of the type's only crash (on 25 July 2000), world economic effects arising from the 9/11 attacks, and other factors, operations ceased on 24 October 2003. The last "retirement" flight occurred on 26 November 2003.
I knew that. Ride anything that flies above 50,000 feet. If you know anybody in the Air Force, give them a camera and have them take pictures.
Like the sun, the stars are also expanding and contracting their diameter as they spin around the hub every six months.


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2008, 02:40:41 PM »
I knew that. Ride anything that flies above 50,000 feet. If you know anybody in the Air Force, give them a camera and have them take pictures.

how can you guarantee that the curvature seen from 60,000 feet comes from the curvature of a globe earth and not from looking at the edges of the circular spotlight of the sun?


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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2008, 05:07:39 PM »
I knew that. Ride anything that flies above 50,000 feet. If you know anybody in the Air Force, give them a camera and have them take pictures.

how can you guarantee that the curvature seen from 60,000 feet comes from the curvature of a globe earth and not from looking at the edges of the circular spotlight of the sun?
Simple. Your distance to the curved horizon would change. Also, the sun cannot cast a circular spotlight, according to any FE maps you have produced, and unless you were directly under the sun, the outer edges of this 'spotlight' on the horizon would form a skewed shape. Or just fly at a time other than noon at the location of the aircraft, and look for the above.
Like the sun, the stars are also expanding and contracting their diameter as they spin around the hub every six months.



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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2008, 06:54:43 PM »
I knew that. Ride anything that flies above 50,000 feet. If you know anybody in the Air Force, give them a camera and have them take pictures.

how can you guarantee that the curvature seen from 60,000 feet comes from the curvature of a globe earth and not from looking at the edges of the circular spotlight of the sun?

Because the curvature of a globe earth looks different than the edge of a circular spotlight of the sun.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2008, 07:08:46 PM »
I knew that. Ride anything that flies above 50,000 feet. If you know anybody in the Air Force, give them a camera and have them take pictures.

how can you guarantee that the curvature seen from 60,000 feet comes from the curvature of a globe earth and not from looking at the edges of the circular spotlight of the sun?
Well on a RE as an object disappears over the Horizon, it will experience a Rotation. If we use the coordinate system of Y being vertical, Z being in the direction that you are looking and X being horizontal perpendicular to the Z axis, then the rotation would occur along the X axis. This can be (and has been) measured.

However, under FET as an object approaches the horizon, it will not appear to rotate, just get smaller. As this has not been observed (the rotation has), we can conclude that the object is really disappearing over a curvature.

You can see this with the shape of the continents. The distortions due to the rotation is very different from the distortions caused by perspective. You can see this using your eyes, if you know what the differences are, or you can do a lot of complicated maths to prove it (what makes it complicated is that there is also the shrinkage of perspective, but when you o the maths, you can show that the shrinkage due to perspective is not enough to account for all the distortion).

Rowbotham was an idiot.  Ships disappear due to bendy light.
Actually, I can disprove Bendy light altogether.

If bendy light is the cause of the Horizon, and when the Sun circles above the Earth it changes the radius of the circle to account for the seasons (it is closer to the North Pole in the Northern Summer and further away ion the Southern Summer), then this means that the Sun is further away from you in the Winter as compared to the Summer.

But, if the light is being curved, then the further way you are, the more the light has curved, so you should see a smaller amount of it. Now, this would neatly account for shorter days in winter, but it would also mean that the Horizon would be closer to you in the Winter than in the Summer. In other words, if you measure the horizon to be X miles away in Summer, in Winter it will be <X miles away. There will be a noticeable difference in the distance to the Horizon in Winter than in Summer. But guess what, the distance to the Horizon (note this is not the same as the limit of vision distance that fog and dust would create) is the Same regardless of the season.

Zetetic philosophy, which FET is based on, says that you have to look at all the evidence and come to a logical conclusion form that. This means that the conclusion can not contradict the evidence. As the conclusion of bendy light is that we should see a variable horizon based on the Season, and the evidence is that we don't have a variable horizon based on the season, the conclusion of Bendy light contradicts the evidence and so can not, therefore, be correct.

Therefore: Light does not bend.

If light does not bend, then the statement that the effect of ships disappearing over the horizon is due to bendy light must also be incorrect.
Everyday household experimentation.



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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2008, 09:57:16 PM »
edtharan everything you post is tl;dr

its too stupid and too long


The One True Rat

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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2008, 10:22:17 PM »
edtharan everything you post is tl;dr

its too stupid and too long
i would rather read an obese post laced with knowledge than a anorexic post laced with ignorance and laziness.

and, Ed just knows a whole lot about geometry and geography so he feels obliged to tell us, who know little.

Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2008, 12:06:05 AM »
edtharan everything you post is tl;dr

its too stupid and too long
Yes, I do tend to make long posts, but the posts are filled with actual knowledge. If you were to bother actually trying to understand what I post, rather than just dismissing it because it disagrees with what you think you know, you might actually learn something.
Everyday household experimentation.


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2008, 12:19:45 AM »
Because the curvature of a globe earth looks different than the edge of a circular spotlight of the sun.

You're right. It's a good thing that the curvature from the edge of space is elliptical as predicted by FE rather than an arc of a circle as predicted by RE.

A cutting proof that the earth is not a globe.


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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2008, 12:22:41 AM »
Because the curvature of a globe earth looks different than the edge of a circular spotlight of the sun.

You're right. It's a good thing that the curvature from the edge of space is elliptical as predicted by FE rather than an arc of a circle as predicted by RE.

A cutting proof that the earth is not a globe.
What are you talking about? She/he composed a panorama at the end of that page that shows a circle.
Like the sun, the stars are also expanding and contracting their diameter as they spin around the hub every six months.


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025
Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2008, 12:26:02 AM »
What are you talking about? She/he composed a panorama at the end of that page that shows a circle.

The panoramas at the end are manipulated by photo editing software and forced into different shapes. There's also a panorama where the artist forces the images to depict a perfectly flat horizon.

But there's no denying that the original source imagery depicts an ellipse, a tell-tale sign of a Flat Earth.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 12:30:58 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: List of Modern Technology used in the Anti-FET Conspiracy
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2008, 12:47:43 AM »
What are you talking about? She/he composed a panorama at the end of that page that shows a circle.

The panoramas at the end are manipulated by photo editing software and forced into different shapes. There's also a panorama where the artist forces the images to depict a perfectly flat horizon.

But there's no denying that the original source imagery depicts an ellipse, a tell-tale sign of a Flat Earth.
They do not, in any way, depict an ellipse.
Like the sun, the stars are also expanding and contracting their diameter as they spin around the hub every six months.