"Those are not the correct maps"
Throwing that out there before tom shows up.
That sounds pretty much like what Tom would say. These 2 maps are it for flat earth maps proposed so far though, so unless he has a new map we can play with, he's going to have to accept that these are the best FE has to offer.
Very nice, but it looks like someone has way too much time on their hands. 
That I do...

The worst part was setting the date/time on earth viewer, saving the 5 sets of 24 source images for the displays, and running all 120 images one at a time through G.projector twice to get azimuth and conic maps. After that it was easier. I just had to set up 15 animated gifs in gimp and convert to avi so I could use them in max. I used the equirectangular map projected on a sphere for the Spheric, so that saved me some work. I went through about 15 versions in max till it looked about right, and then 10 versions in gimp for the detail overlay. Here's how it looked straight out of max, and then with the overlay. Also a peek at my work files folder.

I started on this last Wednesday, but really didn't work on it much Thanksgiving or the day after.

I'd say I put maybe 7 hours into it total, and all in all it was pretty fun to do. Making graphics is my bread and butter. The raw data processing sucked, but that's all part of doing a project like this. I have all that raw data already processed for future use as well...
Edit: Reposted for the new page.