When ever people bring up questions or evidence, the most common reply is "Go read the FAQ" Well having read through the FAQ, I have to say it doesn't answer several questions I (and I'm sure others) still have.
1. What exactly is the motive for this conspiracy? The FAQ says that the motive is unknown, but probably money. Money is a great motivator, but I can't figure this part out. Firstly, how does a lying about the earth being round make money, when a flat one wouldn't? Assuming that the motivator is money, where is this money coming from? And where is it going? Would taxes not exist if the earth was flat? If the motivator is money, they sure are spending a lot of it on phony space programs, covering up lies, creating lies, paying people off, etc.
2. Next, how were pictures from the 60's and 70's faked sufficiently enough to stand up to today's technology? I've seen books published in the 60's and 70's showing the Earth, moon, sun, etc. Even photos taken today and photo shopped have very clear, tell tale signs of altering that people would find. They always do. Look at all the instances in which newspapers have faked insignificant pictures only to be caught. If people are checking insignificant pictures, its safe to assume someone is checking significant ones as well.
3. Comets are not really explained. Comets circle the sun on very predictable time tables. If the earth is accelerating upwards, how is it that comets return? Are comets not only moving upwards like earth up also in an orbiting pattern? And if it is, what is causing it to orbit like it is since gravity doesn't exist. Another problem I have is why we see a comet for several days, but we don't seem them 24/7 while they are in view. So if the earth was flat this would mean that comets come to Earth, fall into an orbiting pattern like the sun and moon, circles several times and then shoots off?
4. The circling of the sun and moon makes no sense. According to the FAQ the Sun and Moon are both 32 miles in diameter and circle the earth at a height of 3000 feet. What isn't explained in the least is how the Sun and Moon manage to stay in "orbit" above FE. It defies all logic and laws of nature.
Well Ill leave it at that and see what kind of answers I get.