Proof that I read the FAQ: The sun, according to the flat earth theory, is a radiant ball which flies above the Earth at a height of approximately 3000 miles and produces "hot light". It is 32 miles in diameter and its composition is not specified in the FAQ.
In the round earth theory the sun is 1.7 X 10^5 times larger than the FE sun and is composed of almost 3/4 hydrogen. The RE sun produces a whole spectrum of electromagnetic radiation through fussion of hydrogen atoms in its core. This fusion is (at least for next 4.5 billion years) perpetual and results from the enormous forces of gravity on such a massive astronomical object.
Because gravity does not exist in the FE theory (and because the FE sun is too small to sustain such fusion anyway) I am wondering how the FE sun goes about producing this "hot light". An answer would be greatly appreciated.