Time of day ~10am Western Australia Time (GMT+8)?
Temp ~ 19celcius
Ground height ~ 1.5 metres including the beach and scope.
Elevation ~ I guess around 4m maybe 6
edit: Target is Rottnest Island from Scarborough Beach. Closest point ~18000m
Ships are unknown
Equipment setup

Showing the elevated roadway

Tanker at ground

Tanker at elevation

Lighthouse at ground

Lighthouse at elevation

Wind generator at ground

Wind generator at elevation


Comms tower at ground

Comms tower at elevation

Ship 2 at ground

Ship 2 at elevation

Please discuss. I'd be interested in people's opinions.
Ski, I'd like to hear from you in particular.
I have some more shots of the same things as well. I took enough images to make a stitched mosaic of the island as well i think.
Oh and all the images are available in 3008x2000 pixel RAW format as well if you want them. I don't know where I can upload them though.
cropped image of ships taken with the D70s at 70mm. I didn't have my 300mm lens so it was this then up to the telescope

cropped image of the island