Lets just assume that dinosaurs were intelligent enough to build boats and that plants spontaneously migrated thousands of miles, how do you explain chemically and structurally identical rocks in Greenland and Scotland, seperated by thousands of miles of rock bearing no resemblance to each. There is only one answer, they were in the same place at some point in the past, end of story. If the continents arn't moving how do you explain earthquakes, or mountain ranges or the mid atlantic ridge, or the fossil links or the vast changes in climate across the various areas of the earth. We know that during the Permian era the UK was a hot arid land North america on the other hand at exactly the same period in time was experiencing an extended period of glacial movement and going through one of the most dramatic ice ages known, yet both of these now enjoy similar climates i.e North north america and UK. If the continents don't move then it means your light has moved off its route massivly and also now changed to an irregular movement.