Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends

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Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« on: May 28, 2008, 06:07:11 PM »
RE Urban Legends
The Horizon proves a round earth

The horizon of the earth is a common misconception of RE'ers. As things grow further and further distant, they fade away to a line we call the horizon. It in no way is evidence that the earth is round. RE'ers often claim that Mount Everest or the Eiffel Tower should be visible. They are not for 4 major reasons. (1) Objects appear smaller with distance, and these objects would be too small to distinguish with the human eye. (2) The horizon is a vanishing point for both the ground and the air, so these objects vanish into the line, not onto it. (3) Atmospheric distortion prevents us from viewing objects too distant. (4) As the earth accelerates upwards, light emitted at distant places on a vector parallel to earth will collide with earth. This means that very distant objects cannot be observed from the surface of earth.
Toilets prove a round earth

"Toilets flush in different directions on each side of the equator." We've all heard it, but it is actually a lie. Toilets flush based on their design, not because of a very slight rotationary period of the UA.

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  • a particle with weight 0, how are they a particle?
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« Last Edit: May 28, 2008, 07:46:06 PM by narcberry »

Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2008, 07:09:14 PM »
"Toilets flush in different directions on each side of the equator." We've all heard it, but it is actually a lie. Toilets flush based on their design, not because of a very slight rotationary period of the UA.


Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2008, 07:15:19 PM »
Yeah toilets dont, but water will still drain in opposite directions in opposite hemispheres consistently under stable conditions. This has been discussed in another thread, so it doesnt need to be repeated again.
But a sure-fire method would be to land on the top side of the sun.

Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2008, 08:03:34 PM »
NIce Narc. People often claim it would take infinte energy to countinue to accelerate the Earth upward but fail to realize that a gravaton paticle must have infinete energy to hold everything together.



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2008, 09:12:53 AM »
Yeah toilets dont, but water will still drain in opposite directions in opposite hemispheres consistently under stable conditions. This has been discussed in another thread, so it doesnt need to be repeated again.


A drain?  Use a storm if you want evidence.  Storms move opposite directions in the northern and southern hemisphere.



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2008, 02:09:29 PM »
Yeah toilets dont, but water will still drain in opposite directions in opposite hemispheres consistently under stable conditions. This has been discussed in another thread, so it doesnt need to be repeated again.


A drain?  Use a storm if you want evidence.  Storms move opposite directions in the northern and southern hemisphere.

Or, better yet, ocean currents.  As I recall, they were never properly explained in FE.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2008, 02:15:35 PM »
I was watching the travel channel once, there was this one country that had insanely stupid tourist attractions. They had a sink and some buckets of water at a location on the equator. They would bring the sink north of the equator and dump in a bucket of water, it one drain spinning one way. Then they would bring it to the equator and it would not spin at all, then they would bring it south of the equator ond it would spin the opposite direction that it did when north of the equator.

Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2008, 02:17:15 PM »
I'm sure I read that the graviton is theorised to travel at c, not faster.



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2008, 05:30:53 PM »
A graviton traveling at c would be consistent in one way (faster than light information transfer) and inconsistent in another (perpetual motion).



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2008, 05:39:17 PM »
I was watching the travel channel once, there was this one country that had insanely stupid tourist attractions. They had a sink and some buckets of water at a location on the equator. They would bring the sink north of the equator and dump in a bucket of water, it one drain spinning one way. Then they would bring it to the equator and it would not spin at all, then they would bring it south of the equator ond it would spin the opposite direction that it did when north of the equator.

Explain this!!



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2008, 05:53:25 PM »
You want me to explain a gimmick done to attract attention (and thereby dollars), when you yourself call it an "insanely stupid tourist attraction"?

Want me to explain how Criss Angel can't fly too?



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2008, 06:09:18 PM »
No, just this. I believe the earth is flat, but I don't want one of the arguements in favor of FE to be that something that clearly happens does not happen.

Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2008, 06:09:44 PM »
The tourist attraction is crap, it hardly works at all near the equator the force is too small (as i already explained, sigh read boy, read). But there is still no FE explanation for it draining a large container (once is full and the water is steady), or the tides/storms according to the two above me.
But a sure-fire method would be to land on the top side of the sun.



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2008, 06:11:28 PM »
No, just this.

Okay, it's an insanely stupid tourist attraction. Consider yourself the insanely stupid tourist.



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2008, 06:12:57 PM »
It's insanely stupid that they are able to get people to go see it, but it still happens. Answer the question.



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2008, 06:17:27 PM »
Seriously, you've got to be pretty dense.
1) "It's insanely stupid that they are able to get people to go see it" yeah only an idiot would watch it, and a bigger idiot to post it on some forums as canonical evidence of a spinning earth...
2) How does moving a few feet from the equator give enough force to cause water to spin in any noticeable way before it drains away?
3) I have no idea wtf you are talking about with regards to: who did this, what methods they used, how long it took, what distance from the equator, how much water, et cetera. How am I supposed to reproduce their results when the only source of the experiment at all (you) call it an "insanely stupid tourist attraction"... WTF!?
4) Go RE, it's more fitting of you.



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2008, 06:19:34 PM »
Go RE, it's more fitting of you.

Not if I believe the earth is flat.

"It's insanely stupid that they are able to get people to go see it" yeah only an idiot would watch it, and a bigger idiot to post it on some forums as canonical evidence of a spinning earth...

Never said that.



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2008, 06:22:34 PM »
Don't care, I dismiss you and your super-awesome evidence.

Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2008, 06:27:37 PM »
Well try answer an actual question then. Not one about a shit tourist attraction that doesnt work that close 2 the equator. Experiments have been done showing consistent opposite draining of stable water out of a container in different hemispheres, it works best far away from the equator obviously, the effect is greatly enhanced, but the force is still small. Also no attempted explanation for cyclones/hurricane etc (depending on your part of the world) spinning different ways in different hemispheres consistently.
But a sure-fire method would be to land on the top side of the sun.



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2008, 06:31:29 PM »
I'm skeptical. The RE earth rotates once in 24 hours. How does a 24 hour period of rotation get water to spin in any noticeable way? Why doesn't this experiment work with standing water, why does the water have to be draining?

In order to take it seriously, what were the exact instruments and procedures used and has anyone tried to replicate the experiment?

This is a topic that RE'ers have already debunked, I remain unconvinced this endeavor is worth pursuing.

Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2008, 06:33:27 PM »
A big container full of water, a drain hole at the bottom. Opened the bottom, watch it drain.
But a sure-fire method would be to land on the top side of the sun.



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2008, 07:06:53 PM »
The specifics are blinding me! Science is not lost on you RE'ers... ::)



Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2008, 07:36:06 PM »
So Narc doesn't believe the earth is spinning? Then why are professional snipers trained to take into account the earths rotation when shooting a target over 1 mile in distance? Why is it that in WW1, the Germans realized that shooting cannons in a southernly direction needed to be aimed slightly to the left of the target because the cannons would drift to the right! And no, not because of wind. Because the earth is rotating! Woopy!



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2008, 08:15:28 PM »
Why are professional snipers trained to take into account the earths rotation when shooting a target over 1 mile in distance?

Wow, I have to get your source for that. You are a hoot!



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2008, 09:06:00 PM »
Ninja removal the second I posted this post:
I'd sure like to see your source for the toilet myth


    Michel, Roger and Beth Teitell.   "Toilet Flush Goes with Flow the World Over."
        The Boston Herald.   28 April 1996   (Features; p. 78).

    Lutgens, Frederick K. and Edward J. Tarbuck.   The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology   (Tenth Edition).
        Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.   ISBN 0-13-187462-4   (p. 181).

    Plait, Philip.   Bad Astronomy.
        New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.   ISBN 0-471-40976-6   (pp. 21-27).

    Ropeik, David.   "How and Why"
        The Boston Globe.   22 November 1999   (p. C2).
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 09:16:16 PM by narcberry »

Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2008, 05:56:32 PM »
The whole spinning water equator thing does work, and I've seen it work and in fact, should anyone be that interested, I actually have a video of it. It's not just an 'insanely stupid' tourist attraction, it's a fascinating experiment, and works irrefutably. 

I was in Kenya, and the Equator passes through that country. It was a simple enough experiment a tupperware box with a hole in the bottom, only the guide floated a matchstick on the surface.

He did the experiment in three ways, he started above the equator line, filled the box, placed the matchstick and it clearly spun in one direction. We went to the other side of the equator line (Marked by a sign like this (, and he filled it and placed the matchstick, and this time, sure enough, it spun the other way. Then, as a final point he went and stood under the sign, filled the box once again, and placed the matchstick, and this time the match didn't spin, it just drifted on the surface while the box drained out.

Don't give me any rubbish about the sign being in the wrong position or anything like that, because this experiment worked. There were no tricks, he used a normal matchstick, a normal, unremarkable box with a rough hole punched in the bottom, and tap water. We went probably around 20 feet either side of the equator, and for the final time, the experiment worked beautifully.

Explain it. This site has fascinated me because I didn't think there were people on this planet who still thought of Earth in this way, despite the fact that thinking in such a way would make basically all known geological and astronomical proven facts absolutely false.

After seeing a few posts, where advocates of the FET responded to people who said things like "yes the earth may look flat on the horizon" by saying "there you've said it, the eath is flat!" it just makes me think that the people on this site don't want to explain themselves or give any real evidence, just bluff and waffle.

I've not seen anything convincing yet, so someone, please, explain this phenomenon (the spinning matchstick), and how it works in relation to the FET. As I've said, if people want to see the video, I'll put it up on Youtube and post the link.

The video is being uploaded as I type this, and I will post a link in a subsequent post once it has been done.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 03:09:58 PM by Shoka »



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2008, 09:32:21 PM »
I would be very interested in that video.

Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2008, 03:14:02 PM »
Obviously, I could be lying, but I don't see why I should be, but in any case, this video was taken with my own camera, and there were no tricks. There are no cuts between moving either side of the equator so you can see it has been done. The number of videos there are on the Internet already makes it almost pointless for me to post this, but I will, once it uploads. It just beggars belief that whoever wrote that FAQ can be audacious enough to simply scrub off the personal experiences of so many people by saying "you're mistaken." when I'd imagine whoever wrote that has probably never been to the equator.

Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #28 on: June 01, 2008, 04:08:31 PM »
I will post the video tomorrow as it is still post processing on Youtube and I want to get to bed.



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Re: Narc's FE Guide: RE Urban Legends
« Reply #29 on: June 01, 2008, 05:12:26 PM »
I was in Kenya, and the Equator passes through that country. It was a simple enough experiment a tupperware box with a hole in the bottom, only the guide floated a matchstick on the surface.
I'm glad someone was able to cash in on the "stupid tourist" market.

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