Narc's FE Guide: The Flat Earth ModelHistory
BigbangAt the time of the bigbang, a singularity exploded. More accurately, is still exploding. The violent eruption of our universe caused the creation of a large amount matter. A second blast created a very large amount of dark matter. This dark matter causes another type of matter, referred to as dark influx since it consumes dark energy, to accelerate.
Earth formsThe earth formed of matter from the first blast and had contained in it, large amounts of dark influx. As the explosion of dark matter reached matter, it started to accelerate the dark influx in matter. This caused the earth to accelerate. Before the expansion of matter and dark matter had reached a state of equilibrium in acceleration, there were violent disruptions in the acceleration of earth. The first of these were so violent, it forced a large amount of dark flux free from earth. This freeing act created several bodies which were richer in dark influx than earth. It also flattened much of the earth.
The sun and moon formThe bodies rich in dark influx formed into the sun and moon. The sun, which is not as dense as the moon, was flattened from the violent flux of acceleration and high temperatures caused by the extreme forces. Its lower body concaved forming a very dense and smooth reflective surface. The moon flattened some, but is hardly visible.
The earth takes shapeEventually things found equilibrium and the earth accelerated at a steady rate, and slowly began to flatten more. The earth, which does not contain as much dark influx, and none in the top parts, found equilibrium within the UA below the sun and moon. The constant force, compounded by the enormous size of the earth, causes a large amount of heat to radiate from the lower areas of earth. This heat keeps the bottom most layers of earth in a hot, liquid state.
The elements of earth on the surface slowly cooled. The waters of earth, which were mostly steam, cooled down and began to form oceans. The water near the edge of the earth began to freeze in the lower pressures near space. The atmosphere also cooled near the edges and would condense, then freeze onto the what is now the ice wall. This process kept the oceans and atmosphere from escaping.
Possible other moonsIt is possible that moons with even less density of dark influx exist beneath the earth. If they exist, they would be much too hot to inhabit.
Universal Accelerator
OverviewUniversal Accelerator is a misnomer since it is not universal. It refers to a field of acceleration that, as far as we know, only affects a material called dark influx. The UA is also not universal in that the field is not regular at all points. It has a 24 hour period of rotation. This causes the lower parts of earth, which consists of liquid iron and dark influx, to spin, the earth to wobble, and the sun to rotate at a period of 24 hours.
Fuel SupplyThe UA is supplied by a finite amount of dark energy. We have do not know how much has been consumed, or how much is left. All we know is that when we run out, the earth will stop accelerating.
So how fast are we traveling?That depends on your frame of reference. From the surface of earth, we are traveling at 0 m/s. From the point of the big bang, which would be impossible to locate, we are traveling somewhere below c.
Field IrregularitiesThe UA is composed of two overlapping fields, the Southern UA and Northern UA. They both have a period of rotation of 24 hours, but in opposite directions. This is why stars above the northern hemidisk rotate in one direction and stars above the southern hemidisk rotate in the other. The field is strongest at the equator. The interaction with dark influx is measurably stronger due to the extra heat found throughout this area. The irregularities in both fields compounded against the irregularities in earths land mass, creates a wobbling effect to the earth.
Statistical InformationAge | | 4.5x109 years |
Circumference | | 78.2x103 miles |
Diameter | | 24.9x103 miles |
GravityThe dark matter accelerates the earth at a constant velocity of 9.8 m/s/s by interacting with the dark influx found at the lower levels of the earth. Universal acceleration, or the universal accelerator, are misnomers since they are not universal. The UA only interacts with dark influx. Something our bodies are entirely devoid of, or we would find ourselves "floating" above the earths surface.
Source of HeatThe earth gets its heat from the lower hotter areas as they interact with the UA. This heat radiates outward. It warms all of the earth, but less at the surface where it is more distant. This radiation is also reflected back from the sun, but it all comes from the same source, the deep earth.
Ice WallThe Ice Wall is approximately 200 feet tall. It is formed by fluid particles freezing as they reach the near 0 pressures of space. They freeze and join the Ice Wall. The Ice Wall also is melting at a constant rate. This exchange of particles in and out creates a very stable balance that keeps the Ice Wall at a non-variant size and location. It also keeps the oceans and atmosphere from escaping earth.
Magnetic FieldThe free flowing iron in the lower levels of earth create a magnetic field. The field pertruding vertical out of the earths north pole and wrapping in all directions over the earth and over the ice wall. At the ice wall, the field is fairly perpendicular to the surface of earth. So a compass would point north as down on the north pole, and outwards as south on the southern rim.
TidesThe period of rotation of the Universal Accelerator causes a slight wobble to earth since earth does not have an exact distribution of mass. This wobble creates regular tidal effects that seem to be in sync with the sun and moon, when actually the sun, moon, and tides are in sync with the universal accelerators rotation.
The BottomThe molten iron is not the bottom of earth, although in early formation, it was. Since it was a liquid, there was no structure to support it, and the dark influx, which is not a liquid, accelerated through it and much of the molten iron was lost to space or possibly the lower moons. As much of the molten iron was basically filtered through the dark influx, a thick hard layer of dark influx formed. This solid layer of dark influx keeps the rest of the molten iron from escaping earth.
Shape, location and movementThe sun is 32 miles wide. It is less dense than the moon, but contains approximately the same ratio of matter to dark influx as the moon. This ratio is much richer in dark influx than the earth, which is why the sun has found equilibrium of acceleration at a higher point than the earth. It has a regular 24 hour period of movement in the sky, which is in full equilibrium with the 24 hour rotationary period of the UA.
SunlightDuring the formation of the sun, its lower surface was concaved and melted into a highly reflective surface. This surface reflects the light and heat radiated from earth to a conic on the earths surface. This is why sunlight is both bright and hot. The rest of the sun is quite cool and posses a possible landing ground for future space missions, but rocket technology has many advances to make first.
Period of RotationMost objects in the sky have a 24 hour period of rotation, matching the UA. The moon is affected by the UA's 24 hour rotationary period, however the moon has not fully found equilibrium so it is not within a 24 hour rotationary period yet. This is likely due to a series of comet collisions with the moon which have left it scarred.
MoonlightThe moon reflects the earth's light, but is much denser than the sun. For this reason, the moon absorbs much more of the energy radiated from the earth, and is much dimmer in the sky. The heat felt by the moon is also substantially smaller.