2) That when you take pictures of a "sunken" cargo ship from eye level and then move to an elevation of 150ft, you can restore a "sunken" cargo ship. (Regardless of whether or not cpt_bthimes used the hubble telescope or a cheap disposable Walgreen camera, the magnification doesnt matter)
When you move up in altitude you are pushing the vanishing point back. The vanishing point is what causes the bodies to appear to intersect with the surface of the earth.
Once a receding ship's hull meets the the horizon line it will intersect with the vanishing point and become lost to human perception as the sun's increasingly shallow path creates a tangent beyond the resolution of the human eye (or of a camera). The vanishing point is created when the perspective are angled less than one minute of a degree. Hence, this effectively places the vanishing point a finite distance away from the observer.
The vanishing point of a receding body is defined by the altitude receding body. Every receding body has a different vanishing point depending on its altitude above the surface of the earth. A ship, for example, will reach its vanishing point sooner than a flock of birds overhead.
The vanishing point is also defined by the altitude of the observer. When the observer increases his altitude he is increasing the distance to the vanishing point for all bodies on or near the earth. This is why when you ascend into the air in an airplane far and distant lands can be seen, which could not be seen from the ground. This is also why a half sunken ship can be restored by walking to the top of a three story building. By increasing his altitude, the observer is increasing the distance to his vanishing point.
n ant has a horizon located a few inches away.
A mouse has a horizon located about six feet away.
A human has a horizon located about thirty miles away.
An eagle has a horizon located over a hundred miles away.
Holy crap, you even proved my point further! WOW!
How do his images prove anything? The shot he claims to be an optically magnified image of the ship links to the exact same address as the shot which he claims to be an unzoomed picture of the ship at an altitude of 12 feet.
Not to mention that he didn't use a sophisticated telescope like Dr. Rowbotham says is required.