bishop, i know you are a hybrid fe believer / troll. and to maintain that for months, surely requires some degree of intelligence. which is why i once thought you had some intelligence, and where worthy of debate. but seriously, genuinely, i have slowly come full circle and now feel sorry for you. i actually feel bad for having made so much fun of you and threatening to kick your ass. you really are just a simpleton idiot, unable *and* unwilling to get your brain out of it's deep single-track groove it has worn for itself.
you have repeatedly made the most egregious errors in just the most basic of principles of logic, have repeatedly and directly contradicted yourself again and again, so badly so, it seems on purpose. you actually set your own traps. and you are completely oblivious of the most thinly disguised logic traps sprung from external sources. you just stumble blindly into them, all puffery and false bravado and making grand assertions made in absolute terms. (anyone even modestly aware of the principles of debate knows you never, ever use impossible terms of absolute, because reality is never absolute and you will be called on it.)
you make assertions that, due to your ignorance of the subjects on which you feign expertise, cry out without your own awareness: that you are a compulsive liar and make up any story to suit your point. and you (quite clearly) purposely twist the meaning of third and second-party arguments. you make assertions that betray profound ignorance of the very thing you are trying to sound so assured about (such as optics). we constantly spank you with your own words. don't you see how unfulfilling this is for us? there is scarcely any reason to do anything ourselves, other than just point out the bishop v bishop debates.
another way you debase these debates, is that you do not read the arguments and evidence provided. clearly, you read a few words, and auto-spew the same old shit. how do i know this? because you repeatedly make assertions that have already been addressed in a way that makes your "profound observations" profoundly irrelevant, sometimes in your own camp's favor. it is not honest debate. it is not even moral debate. it is a fucking time-waster for everyone.
debate is not supposed to be about performing simple keyword queries on the poster's [your] previous comments. it is supposed to be about building some basic level of mutual trust, goodwill however token, and even grudging respect so that we can debate the topics, not the demonstrated compulsive liars making the preposterous, unsupported, and irrelevant assertions. it is a grave disservice to the people here, and to the fe cause. you are a liability to all of us.
to top it all that off, you have somehow talked yourself into believing this is about you. it *is not about you* i do not care about you, bishop. i don't care about your sad, incessant drivel. most of us (even some fe'ers) care about reasoned, honest debate; about evidence. not preposterous thought experiments that defy observation and experiment. not about sketches in "the literature". not about impossible and laughable misunderstandings and redefinitions of "perspective" and refraction (which you always love to sound fancy with by referring to it as "snell's law").
i could give two shits about what a fucking moron talked himself into seeing through a crappy, dim, distorted, blurry 19th century era telescope. the guy had his friends write glowing reviews about himself, for christ's sake. he was a joke then bishop, just as he is a joke now. sketches from an idiot are not evidence. direct, first-hand photographic evidence of verifiable provenance, using documented and repeateable methodology, is. and before you assert otherwise because it's convenient, pause for a moment and remember i will spank you with your own words if you even try.
my evidence is vastly more robust than rowbotham's "experiment" and sketches, which have been debunked for quite some time with superior methodology and technology. my optics are superior to 19th-century optics - using the exact same principles of lenses and recfraction as refractor telescopes - with comparable or superior zoom (google for yourself), more light-gathering capability, and with a larger objective lens and far more precisely ground optics and mechanisms. i have repeatedly stated that i do not care about what your, or your great great grandpa consider as "requirements". a shitty spotting scope and sketches are really poor requirements. are we *clear*? *are we fucking clear!?* good. it is incumbent upon you to provide better evidence. repeatedly referring to "the literature" (a pamphlet of sketches) is not evidence.
if you don't like that, then piss off. in this thread, we use the scientific method. not bishop fantasy sketch method. no one here will mind when you leave.
again i must insist: put up or shut up. where is your first-hand, verifiable, repeatable, documented, rigorous evidence to back up your flimsly assertions? quit your tiresome wining and do something.
so...with that out of the way: