but back to the topic. bishop's wining can be dismissed as that of a complete "optics idiot". furthermore, i've already exposed his direct contradiction that he found images taken from a canon digital rebel + 400mm lens to be perfectly acceptable evidence allegedly supporting rowbotham's idiocy. (but not acceptable for disproving it.)
here are some clips from the flikr album:
here is the partially "sunken" farallon islands, taken from an elevation of 300ft, at three levels of zoom. normalized to 35mm equivalent they are: 328mm, 432mm, and 624mm. (there are wider shots posted in the same sequence but i want to be more brief here).

whaddaya know, the islands are no more or less sunken with more or less zoom. (there are more dramatic levels of "sunken-ness" without restoration in the flikr album, but these examples represent a wider range of zoom (including even wider in the flikr set). see the last shot below to see the most "un-sunken" view of the islands, which are clearly less sunken than the veiw from 300 ft above.)
now just for giggles, let us look at the same islands with the same 624mm of effective zoom, but at three different
elevations (sampled from the more complete flikr set): 42ft, 80ft, and 700ft. these were taken under exceptionally clear bay area conditions.

wow, the islands un-sink themselves just by viewing from higher elevations. (these weren't all three taken on the same days, but on flikr you can see ones that were. they look the same. the dates are clearly noted in the filenames and available in the exif info.) no doubt bishop has a magical yet preposterous explanation involving hallucinogenic perspective lines and nonsensical narratives that he thinks make sense.
(just say "rowbotham", bishop, and save everyone from the mouse-wheel cramps. better yet, say nothing - this isn't about you. if you haven't noticed, i don't give a shit about rowbotham. he's was an idiot and laughing stock then, and he's a dead idiot and laughing stock now. as are you. i could care less what the "protocol" in his "literature" was, how presumptuous and ignorant of you. i care about making controlled, easily repeatable, photographed experiments with rigorous documented evidence - not the rowbotham process of making shit up and then drawing sketches of it, while enlisting his friends to write quotes about how smart he is. nor do i feel compelled to pull a fancy name out of my ass to call my "process" by but not actually follow, either, like rowbotham did.)
but don't believe me. these experiments have been exhaustively documented including the precise locations in lat/long, the precise date/times, and all of the precise camera details are available in the exif tags. especially you, bishop: rather than inanely dismissing the arguments while betraying a profound ignorance of optics,
get off your fat lazy ass and repeat them. and post the evidence. prove me wrong. or better yet, prove yourself right to everyone else who thinks you are a joke.design an experiment.
like i did. expend effort in collecting the evidence over many days if necessary.
like i did. very carefully document the precise times and locations.
like i did. drive hundreds of miles if necessary.
like i did. hike several miles if necessary.
like i did. document the conditions and observations.
like i did. repeat the experiments on different days and conditions, and with different instruments.
like i did.
or repeat rowbotham's experiments, or your pervert beach experiment. i don't really care. prove me wrong with your
own goddamned actual evidence. or again, prove yourself right to everyone else. and more importantly,
post the frickin' evidence, because your words are completely meaningless. you are just a squeaky, impotent, sad little man sitting on a chair typing his sad little endlessly copy/pasted rowbotham arguments, never venturing out into the world to actually test how it works. you are also a proven compulsive liar, and a serial self-contradictor.
you say you've duplicated every goddamn one of rowbotham's experiments, yet haven't a frickin' shred of evidence to show for it. (man if i went to all that effort, i would video tape it!) you just talk, and talk, and talk more shit without every saying a thing. quit talking and
do something.
but again, like i said. this isn't about you. i sure as hell did not bust my ass on this for
your pathetic ass. you couldn't change your mind if it was blown out of your skull. i did this for everyone else that has a brain and can weigh evidence on it's own merits, rather than a sad devotion to a dead jackass.