recent study, see above, was conducted to gather data about shoe forms.
Since the earth's curve is the sum of its lesser parts, I made a proof that demonstrated that the earth is flat. Some were unconvinced since the earth is flat where we all live, but must be curved where no one lives, thus yeilding a round earth. Aside from the obvious complications of this assumed crumpled, not round, earth there is the emperical evidence that shows us otherwise.
Our shoes are pressed against the earth daily. They form an inverted mold that will take an average shape of our daily earth. If we collected the samples of all our shoe molds, we could infer something about the shape of the earth. This was done. Shoes were molded into several categories, flat, concave and convex. Jagged was an option, but is dismissed since that shape tells us nothing.
The earth is as concave in some places as it is convex in others. But in most places it is flat. This evidence shows that the earth, the sum of its parts, is indeed, flat.