1. The greenhouse gases that are causing global warming are caused by human use of greenhouse gases (cars, factories and the such emitting carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas). This is what's causing global warming. Because these greenhouse gases are man-made they have nothing to do with the amount of ultra-violet light reflected back to the sun. Part 1 of your proof is not correct, therefore the proof doesn't stand (you can take this further to disprove part 6; the source of heat from beneath the atmosphere is rising because of these same man-made causes, not because the temperature below the surface is rising).
2. To say "a small piece of land can be perfectly flat" does not mean "every small piece of land is perfectly flat"; in fact, it's not true on any part of the planet. There are bumps and curves that would get in the way of our observations of the flatness of the earth anyway. There's really no such thing as a perfectly flat piece of land. Therefore, proof # 2 is completely invalid.
3. As you say, "the atmosphere is not motionless". In fact, it's constantly moving, independent of the surface of the earth, as proven very easily by the movement of clouds above. What force could possibly be acting on the atmosphere to be causing it to move? Maybe the rotation of the earth? Since the atmosphere (as stated in your proof) is not attached to the earth, the atmosphere is not moving at the same speed as the earth, but we still see the rotation of the earth causing the atmosphere to move. It's how wind is generated.
Wow, 3 proofs that are all demonstrably faulty. Maybe I was wrong, narcberry, and you can't do any better.