Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?

  • 115 Replies

Franc T., Planar

  • 1051
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Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« on: March 15, 2007, 12:18:07 AM »
How come half of the Round Earth fanatics on this board can't spell at a high school level, but virtually all Flat Earthers can write just fine? It doesn't seem like Round Earthism is correlated with basic intelligence or education...

Why are Round Earthers filled with hatred and vitriol, but most Flat Earthers stay very calm? It seems like the Round Earth fanatics have something to prove.
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.



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Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2007, 12:30:26 AM »
Can you please direct me to my bad grammar and spelling so that I may become aware of it?
Haha Tom is so funny. He can't be serious, no one is that stubborn or dumb.


Franc T., Planar

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Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2007, 12:41:03 AM »
You forgot a comma before "so."
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.



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Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2007, 01:34:01 AM »
The comma isn't necessary. And also, some people, like myself, are from countries where english isn't a mother language. Being a jackass doesn't prove your BS theory.
Here's an explanation for ya. Lurk moar. Every single point you brought up has been posted, reposted, debated and debunked. There is a search function on this forum, and it is very easy to use.

Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2007, 02:36:59 AM »
i grew up learning how to type form aim, this has nothing to do with my intelligence, simply that i take shortcuts in my writing to type faster .. it's really nothing but slang, how the fuck does this prove anything ?
With no south pole, there is no electromagnetism, giving us no protection from the sun's harmful radiation--we'd all be dead right now.
The ice wall, supposedly made up of antartica lies around the edge of the earth, why no one has recorded it, who knows

Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2007, 02:37:33 AM »
How come half of the Round Earth fanatics on this board can't spell at a high school level, but virtually all Flat Earthers can write just fine? It doesn't seem like Round Earthism is correlated with basic intelligence or education...

Why are Round Earthers filled with hatred and vitriol, but most Flat Earthers stay very calm? It seems like the Round Earth fanatics have something to prove.

Correlation to you believing you're superior because you take the time to make your posts mostly grammatically correct?  Earther isn't a word, by the way.

Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2007, 02:41:29 AM »
How come half of the Round Earth fanatics on this board can't spell at a high school level, but virtually all Flat Earthers can write just fine? It doesn't seem like Round Earthism is correlated with basic intelligence or education...

Why are Round Earthers filled with hatred and vitriol, but most Flat Earthers stay very calm? It seems like the Round Earth fanatics have something to prove.



Franc T., Planar

  • 1051
  • Leader of the Planar Army, Republic of Canada
Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2007, 03:04:53 AM »
The comma isn't necessary. And also, some people, like myself, are from countries where english isn't a mother language. Being a jackass doesn't prove your BS theory.

Um... English is not MY first language, and yet I take the modicrum of time necessary to write well enough. What's YOUR excuse?
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.

Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2007, 03:09:32 AM »
The comma isn't necessary. And also, some people, like myself, are from countries where english isn't a mother language. Being a jackass doesn't prove your BS theory.

Um... English is not MY first language, and yet I take the modicrum of time necessary to write well enough. What's YOUR excuse?

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation have nothing to do with intelligence.

You used that ellipsis incorrectly, by the way.


Franc T., Planar

  • 1051
  • Leader of the Planar Army, Republic of Canada
Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2007, 03:12:24 AM »
The comma isn't necessary. And also, some people, like myself, are from countries where english isn't a mother language. Being a jackass doesn't prove your BS theory.

Um... English is not MY first language, and yet I take the modicrum of time necessary to write well enough. What's YOUR excuse?

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation have nothing to do with intelligence.

You used that ellipsis incorrectly, by the way.
An ellipsis is sometimes used to indicate a pause in speech, an unfinished thought or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence (aposiopesis).

As usual, REers lose at life.
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.

Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2007, 03:12:48 AM »
i already gave you my "excuse" but you completely ignored it ..
With no south pole, there is no electromagnetism, giving us no protection from the sun's harmful radiation--we'd all be dead right now.
The ice wall, supposedly made up of antartica lies around the edge of the earth, why no one has recorded it, who knows

Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2007, 03:13:22 AM »
The comma isn't necessary. And also, some people, like myself, are from countries where english isn't a mother language. Being a jackass doesn't prove your BS theory.

Um... English is not MY first language, and yet I take the modicrum of time necessary to write well enough. What's YOUR excuse?

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation have nothing to do with intelligence.

You used that ellipsis incorrectly, by the way.
An ellipsis is sometimes used to indicate a pause in speech, an unfinished thought or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence (aposiopesis).

As usual, REers lose at life.

how exciting is your life if you worry about grammar 24/7 ?
With no south pole, there is no electromagnetism, giving us no protection from the sun's harmful radiation--we'd all be dead right now.
The ice wall, supposedly made up of antartica lies around the edge of the earth, why no one has recorded it, who knows


Franc T., Planar

  • 1051
  • Leader of the Planar Army, Republic of Canada
Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2007, 03:13:49 AM »
What do you have to prove?
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.

Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2007, 03:15:24 AM »
The comma isn't necessary. And also, some people, like myself, are from countries where english isn't a mother language. Being a jackass doesn't prove your BS theory.

Um... English is not MY first language, and yet I take the modicrum of time necessary to write well enough. What's YOUR excuse?

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation have nothing to do with intelligence.

You used that ellipsis incorrectly, by the way.
An ellipsis is sometimes used to indicate a pause in speech, an unfinished thought or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence (aposiopesis).

As usual, REers lose at life.

Ellipsis in English

The Chicago Manual of Style suggests the use of an ellipsis for any omitted word, phrase, line or paragraph from within a quoted passage. There are two commonly used methods of using ellipses: one uses three dots for any omission, while the second makes a distinction between omissions within a sentence (using three dots: ...) and omissions between sentences (using a period and a space followed by three dots: . . . .). An ellipsis at the end of a sentence with no sentence following should be followed by a period (for a total of four dots). However, there is no such thing as a "four-dot ellipsis." A period followed by an ellipsis may look like four dots, but they are technically considered two separate entities.

According to Robert Bringhurst's Elements of Typographic Style, the details of typesetting ellipses depend on the character and size of the font being set and the typographer's preference. Bringhurst writes that a full space between each dot is "another Victorian eccentricity. In most contexts, the Chicago ellipsis is much too wide" — he recommends using flush dots, or thin-spaced dots (up to one-fifth of an em), or the prefabricated ellipsis character (Unicode U+2026, Latin entity …). Bringhurst suggests that normally an ellipsis should be spaced fore-and-aft to separate it from the text, but when it combines with other punctuation, the leading space disappears and the other punctuation follows. He provides the following examples:
i ... j    k....    l..., l    l, ... l    m...?    n...!

In legal writing in the United States, Rule 5.3 in the Bluebook citation guide governs the use of ellipses and requires a space before the first dot and between the two subsequent dots. If an ellipsis ends the sentence, then there are three dots, each separated by a space, followed by the final punctuation.

No where in using an ellipsis in English, Frenchy, does it mention using it as an indicator of a pause.  That was quoted from your wikipedia page, try finding a grammar rules page that isn't a wiki and maybe you would actually learn something.

Also, modicrum isn't a word.  Once again, you fail.



  • 18492
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Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2007, 03:20:49 AM »
The comma isn't necessary. And also, some people, like myself, are from countries where english isn't a mother language. Being a jackass doesn't prove your BS theory.

Um... English is not MY first language, and yet I take the modicrum of time necessary to write well enough. What's YOUR excuse?

I don't need one. If I write incorrectly, it's a mistake, not because of ignorance. As stated before:

1.) You don't need to be such an asshole. It doesn't prove any more that the earth is flat than that your mom dropped you when you were a child.
2.) spelling and grammar is not a sign of intelligence, other than linguistic intelligence, which in this matter is irrelevant.

For snappy comebacks on this post, I refer to my avatar.
Here's an explanation for ya. Lurk moar. Every single point you brought up has been posted, reposted, debated and debunked. There is a search function on this forum, and it is very easy to use.


Franc T., Planar

  • 1051
  • Leader of the Planar Army, Republic of Canada
Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2007, 03:21:19 AM »
You are not answering my initial question. How come half of the Round Earth fanatics on this board can't spell at a high school level, but virtually all Flat Earthers can write just fine?
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.

Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2007, 03:23:25 AM »
look dumbass, i've taken 2 years of creative writing and am in advanced english, i can produce essays in minutes, all grammatically correct, but what is the point wasting the time in a forum ? i'm here for quick respsonses and answers, not an english lesson
With no south pole, there is no electromagnetism, giving us no protection from the sun's harmful radiation--we'd all be dead right now.
The ice wall, supposedly made up of antartica lies around the edge of the earth, why no one has recorded it, who knows



  • 18492
  • I laugh cus you fake
Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2007, 03:23:49 AM »
I'm not going to answer such stupid questions. Could a mod please move this thread into the angry ranting category? seriously...
Here's an explanation for ya. Lurk moar. Every single point you brought up has been posted, reposted, debated and debunked. There is a search function on this forum, and it is very easy to use.


Franc T., Planar

  • 1051
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Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2007, 03:24:42 AM »
I'm not going to answer such stupid questions.

Then get off my thread, troll.
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.

Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2007, 03:25:41 AM »
You are not answering my initial question. How come half of the Round Earth fanatics on this board can't spell at a high school level, but virtually all Flat Earthers can write just fine?


Guess what.  That's not a word.

Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2007, 03:26:27 AM »
this is, technically, a rant, and it seems pretty angry, poor guy, grammar bothers him SOoOoOooOOO much .. why hasn't a mod moved this ne way ?
With no south pole, there is no electromagnetism, giving us no protection from the sun's harmful radiation--we'd all be dead right now.
The ice wall, supposedly made up of antartica lies around the edge of the earth, why no one has recorded it, who knows



  • 18492
  • I laugh cus you fake
Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2007, 03:28:04 AM »
Ok, fine. The reason: A human often times finds it hard, or nigh-impossible to stay focused when angry or irritated. People who defy all logic and then throw the truth in my face like a wet trout irritate me. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Here's an explanation for ya. Lurk moar. Every single point you brought up has been posted, reposted, debated and debunked. There is a search function on this forum, and it is very easy to use.


Franc T., Planar

  • 1051
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Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2007, 03:28:57 AM »
Ok, fine. The reason: A human often times finds it hard, or nigh-impossible to stay focused when angry or irritated. People who defy all logic and then throw the truth in my face like a wet trout irritate me. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

So what do Round Earthers have to prove? What is there to get so angry about? If your belief system is true, then why do you get so angry putting it to the test?
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.



  • 18492
  • I laugh cus you fake
Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2007, 03:31:38 AM »
I don't. I get irritated when people think that logic is irrelevant and everything is a conspiracy. What's wrong with you, kid?
Here's an explanation for ya. Lurk moar. Every single point you brought up has been posted, reposted, debated and debunked. There is a search function on this forum, and it is very easy to use.

Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2007, 03:32:05 AM »
Ok, fine. The reason: A human often times finds it hard, or nigh-impossible to stay focused when angry or irritated. People who defy all logic and then throw the truth in my face like a wet trout irritate me. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

So what do Round Earthers have to prove? What is there to get so angry about? If your belief system is true, then why do you get so angry putting it to the test?

Stop generalizing.  Earther isn't a word, just because you made it up.


Franc T., Planar

  • 1051
  • Leader of the Planar Army, Republic of Canada
Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2007, 03:32:44 AM »
Ok, fine. The reason: A human often times finds it hard, or nigh-impossible to stay focused when angry or irritated. People who defy all logic and then throw the truth in my face like a wet trout irritate me. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

So what do Round Earthers have to prove? What is there to get so angry about? If your belief system is true, then why do you get so angry putting it to the test?

Stop generalizing.  Earther isn't a word, just because you made it up.

Nice way to evade my questions...
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.



  • 18492
  • I laugh cus you fake
Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2007, 03:33:37 AM »
Ok, fine. The reason: A human often times finds it hard, or nigh-impossible to stay focused when angry or irritated. People who defy all logic and then throw the truth in my face like a wet trout irritate me. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

So what do Round Earthers have to prove? What is there to get so angry about? If your belief system is true, then why do you get so angry putting it to the test?

Stop generalizing.  Earther isn't a word, just because you made it up.

Nice way to evade my questions...

Nice way to evade my answer...
Here's an explanation for ya. Lurk moar. Every single point you brought up has been posted, reposted, debated and debunked. There is a search function on this forum, and it is very easy to use.


Franc T., Planar

  • 1051
  • Leader of the Planar Army, Republic of Canada
Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2007, 03:34:04 AM »
Ok, fine. The reason: A human often times finds it hard, or nigh-impossible to stay focused when angry or irritated. People who defy all logic and then throw the truth in my face like a wet trout irritate me. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

So what do Round Earthers have to prove? What is there to get so angry about? If your belief system is true, then why do you get so angry putting it to the test?

Stop generalizing.  Earther isn't a word, just because you made it up.

Nice way to evade my questions...

Nice way to evade my answer...

Nice way to evade your evasion of my questions...
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.

Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2007, 03:34:42 AM »
it literally pisses me off, as i've stated before, that people with IQs and resources such as the internet they use to post in this forum, can seriously and honestly believe in a theory that died out a long, long time ago .. and nasa is just conviently there to boost the conspiracy
With no south pole, there is no electromagnetism, giving us no protection from the sun's harmful radiation--we'd all be dead right now.
The ice wall, supposedly made up of antartica lies around the edge of the earth, why no one has recorded it, who knows



  • 18492
  • I laugh cus you fake
Re: Correlation between Round Earthism and bad grammar?
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2007, 03:35:15 AM »
Now he's not making any sense...
Here's an explanation for ya. Lurk moar. Every single point you brought up has been posted, reposted, debated and debunked. There is a search function on this forum, and it is very easy to use.